Unick forex é confiavel 2

Forex Fury é Confiável? |�� Leia aqui antes de investir.

O Forex Fury realmente é o melhor robô de Forex Trading? Fizemos uma resenha completa falando a verdade sobre esse robô. Queremos avaliar a performance do robô em contas reais através da plataforma Myfxbook. Por isso, não compre o Forex Fury antes de ler tudo o que pesquisamos! Na nossa resenha, colocamos provas e avaliações de clientes que compraram esse robô, assim você terá uma percepção da eficiência do robô. Continue lendo.

Forex Fury o que é?

O Forex Fury é um robô de scalping que opera no Metatrader desde 2022. Mas, existem registros anteriores do robô em 2022, que é a data de criação do robô. O robô é conhecido no mercado de sinais forex por ter 93% de assertividade, ganhos acumulados de 466%, mais de 5 anos de desenvolvimento, 60 atualizações e perfil de trading agressivo. Em tese, o robô é descrito como um dos melhores robôs dos últimos 10 anos. Existem backtestings comprovando a valorização em contas reais. O Forex Fury realiza negociações 100% automáticas em qualquer par de moeda, mas não performa bem em todas. Todos os resultados desse robô estão no site Myfxbook. Esse site reúne informações reais e estatísticas sobre as operações de trading dos robôs. Por isso, antes de confiar nos resultados do Forex Fury, fizemos uma breve avaliação no Myfxbook. Ao longo desse artigo separamos informações que comprovaram o desempenho real.

Forex Fury funciona?

Abrir mais de 7 ordens, sendo no máximo 7 por vez Não mantém negociações por longo período, faz apenas scalping É rápido para abrir ordens e fechá-las no M15 100% automático no Forex.

Um detalhe importante sobre o funcionamento, você deve comprar no site oficial o software do Forex Fury. Pois, existem mais de 60 atualizações e versões piratas não são atualizadas. Sabemos que infelizmente existem versões desatualizadas do robô, isso prejudicará a sua capacidade de investimento. Além de não contar com:

Suporte da instalação Atualizações para versões novas Ajuda na configuração da estratégia Segurança.

Como funciona o Forex Fury v4?

A versão nova Forex Fury v4 acompanha o filtro de alcance, responsável por automatizar o processo de negociação e determinar possíveis variações do mercado no curto prazo. Ou seja, mesmo que você não opere visualizará no gráfico as possíveis movimentações.

O filtro de alcance é uma forma de você prever a tendência atual e sua taxa de sucesso na operação.

O novo robô também possui filtro range, por exemplo, experimente abrir 2 contas de negociações com o mesmo robô. Porém, os relatos que encontramos sobre essa funcionalidade mostraram uma pequena taxa de sucesso.

Os investidores fizeram o teste com filtro range tiveram um desempenho inferior na segunda conta. Ou seja, não compensa abrir duas contas. Esse é um risco adicional que você não deve correr com a versão Forex Fury v4.

Forex Fury faz martingale?

Sim, a nova versão faz martingale, essa é uma estratégia nova para recuperar rapidamente seu investimento. No entanto, o investidor pode desabilitar caso ache arriscado! Sabemos que tem uma alta probabilidade de vitória com o martingale, mas não é indicado para bancas baixas. Você não quer trabalhar com um robô fazendo progressão negativa, pois existe 50% de probabilidade de não recuperar o que foi perdido.

Por isso, é interessante usar o martingale ajustando o fator de recuperação, exemplo, escolha recuperar o capital perdido em 1 ordem martingale, não mais que isso! Apenas, recupere o que foi perdido anteriormente, não objetive o lucro.

Forex Fury é confiável?

Pelo o que podemos avaliar na nossa pesquisa, sim, esse robô é descrito como um dos melhores dos últimos 10 anos, existem backtesting comprovando a valorização em contas reais. Vimos as porcentagens de Gain no myfxbook em contas reais no modo automático, foram de até 85,22%.

Mas, na conta demo a valorização máxima chegou até 737% . Muito provável os investidores ajustaram o Forex Fury na conta demo para ser mais agressivo, por isso essa diferença significativa entre os valores. Não observamos nenhum desempenho negativo , todas as contas reais e demo se valorizaram.

Mas atenção, é preciso considerar que o mercado financeiro tem riscos, nenhuma operação garantida mesmo com a prova da eficiência. Consideramos também o valor do drawdown abaixo de 10% como bom. De forma as contas com porcentagem acima de 10% não são boas!

Quanto mais alto o drawdown do robô mais rebaixada sua banca. Ou seja, maior a chance de quebrar, comprar um robô com D.D alto é um erro, pois oferece mais risco para sua conta. Porém, a porcentagem varia conforme as configurações do robô .

Por exemplo, no teste o robô tem desempenho melhor de drawdown no par USD/JPY. O Drawdown máximo foi 11.73% para 199% de valorização. Mas, no par EUR/USD o drawdown do Forex Fury chegou em 54% para 149% de valorização, esse não é um bom equilíbrio.

O risco é maior conforme a configuração do robô, horário e pares de moedas. Por isso, a importância de fazer o backtesting completo para decidir se o robô é confiável para seu estilo de operação!

Como fazer login em Forex Fury?

Primeiro é preciso instalar o robô Forex Fury. Para isso, basta seguir o nosso passo a passo abaixo:

Passo 1: Baixe o robô: o nome do arquivo baixado é forex fury.zip.

Passo 2: Extraía o arquivo no seu computador.

Passo 3: Depois abra sua plataforma MT4 > Data Folder > Dois cliques em MQL4 > Abrir Forex Fury.ex4 em Experts Folder > barra lateral em “Biblioteca” clique no Forex Fury.

Passo 4: Feche o MT4 e abra de novo!

Passo 5: Pronto! Feito isso, seu robô está instalado, basta ir até “área de membros” e fazer o login.

Após o login e autenticação da conta, lembre-se de configurar o robô para o período de 15 minutos. Dessa forma, as ordens ocorreram de maneira eficiente como os desenvolvedores pedem.

Forex Fury download.

O Forex Fury é um software com licença livre para testes, no site oficial baixe a versão teste antes de comprar. Dessa forma, você consegue testar o desempenho na conta demo e real. Lembre-se que a versão mais baixada é o Forex Fury v4 free download.

Feito download, instale seu robô no MT4 e teste a performance no mercado forex. Em alguns depoimentos na internet os investidores relatam que é possível baixar a versão pirata. Mas cuidado, não confie em sites inseguros e sem credibilidade. Não sabemos o tipo de informação e sujeira que pode vir em um arquivo gratuito da internet. Desconfie sempre! Sua conta, informações pessoais e financeiras serão comprometidas em robôs piratas! Além de ser um risco para seu computador.

Vale a pena comprar Forex Fury?

Esse robô está no mercado desde 2022, porém possui resultados e abordagens diferentes de acordo com os pares de moedas e as configurações do investidor. Existem muitos casos de sucesso que confirmam que vale a pena comprar.

Mas, não é possível afirmar 100% que o fury será consistente na sua conta, pois depende da condição do mercado, configuração e pares de moeda. Por outro lado, os resultados da técnica avançada de negociação comparada com outros robôs impressiona os investidores.

O Forex Fury funciona como scalping, por isso é preciso que o mercado esteja volátil para conseguir aproveitar de maneira rápida e eficiente das oscilações nos seus trading.

A maioria dos investidores gosta da estratégia de scalping, cerca de 71% das avaliações no TrustPilot comprovam a satisfação dos clientes.

Apesar das boas avaliações, não existem certezas de ganhos com Robôs Forex, eles podem perder. Não tem nenhuma ferramenta no mercado financeiro que seja 100%.

Avaliações do Forex Fury.

São mais de 100 avaliações reais na TrustPilot, digamos que esse é um software extremamente elogiado no mercado forex. Para termos certeza que as avaliações são 100% reais, usamos a auditoria do TrustPilot, um site confiável na internet para avaliar produtos e serviços.

Achamos avaliações positivas e negativas, sendo que a média de estrelas com 4.2, considerada boa na plataforma.

Esses dois são relatos dão perspectivas diferentes de pessoas que tiveram sucesso utilizando robô e pessoas que tiveram derrotas.

Avaliação positiva:

Avaliação negativa:

Analisando as operações do Forex do investidor que não teve sucesso com o robô. Observamos que o tempo gráfico não era de 15 minutos como sugerido pelo desenvolvedor e o spread da corretora era alto. Esses dois fatores contribuíram para o prejuízo financeiro do cliente nas operações de scalping.

Considerações finais.

A melhor versão do Forex Fury é a versão 4 atualizada, lembre-se de não comprar o robô desatualizado provavelmente não atenderá as suas necessidades. A versão forex fury v4 está disponível para testes para você entender as funcionalidades do robô. Principalmente em quais moedas opera melhor, ajuste seu stop loss, instale e configure conforme seu estilo de operação.

É importante falar que o robô Forex Fury não é 100%, existiram perdas, mas é considerado uma ótima ferramenta na sua versão atualizada!

No Portal Criptoecnomia você vai encontrar dados sobre o mercado de criptoativos, notícias e ferramentas.

Disclamer: negociar criptomoedas é arriscado. O Portal Criptoeconomia não garante a precisão dos dados apresentados e nem é responsável por nenhuma decisão de investimento.

Unick forex é confiavel 1

Como Operar Forex? Quais as Melhores Corretoras Forex?

Operar Forex ( For eign Ex change) é um fenômeno de popularidade!

O mercado cambial, como é conhecido em português, é o ponto de encontro de milhões de investidores de todo o mundo que procuram negociar pares de moedas dos mais diversos países.

O Forex é um mercado verdadeiramente global, que junta investidores de todas as classes – grandes e pequenos, particulares e institucionais – para comprar , vender e trocar moedas .

Mas quais são as melhores corretoras para operar Forex? E como escolher a melhor corretora para Forex?

Neste artigo explicamos quais são as melhores corretoras no nosso país e o que deve considerar antes de começar a operar Forex no Brasil .

Plataformas Para Operar Forex.

Métodos de Depósito Variados.

Olymp Trade.

Negociar a Partir de R$ 20.

Sem Depósito Mínimo.

1. Por Que Operar Forex?

Mercado Mais Líquido do Mundo Variedade de Operadores Ganhar Exposição a Moedas Internacionais Funcionamento 24/5 Influenciado Por Informação Acessível.


Curva de Aprendizagem Requer Disponibilidade.

O Forex é um mercado que funciona 24 horas por dia, 5 dias por semana, juntando países de todo o mundo. Isso significa que a liquidez no mercado é assegurada a todo o momento, à medida que cada país vai acordando .

Por isso é conhecido como o mercado mais líquido do mundo . Existem sempre cotações de compra e venda fornecidas pelos mais variados investidores. Você pode até ser um pequeno investidor e, nesse mercado, vai negociar lado a lado com:

Bancos centrais Bancos comerciais Brokers Gestores de fundos Investidores particulares.

Para ter uma noção, esse mercado passou de movimentar em média US$ 1,2 trilhões por dia em 1995 para US$ 6,6 trilhões em 2022 , sendo que esse valor está subindo, de acordo com o Bank for International Settlements .

É muito dinheiro movimentado diariamente!

No mercado cambial você vai encontrar todos os tipos de moedas, desde as mais comuns, como USD (Dólar americano) ou EUR (Euro) , a outras mais exóticas, como o RUB (Rublo russo) ou a INR (Rupia indiana) .

Comece a Operar Forex.

2. Operar Forex Dá Lucros?

Uma ideia central que deve ter é que o Forex lhe abre as portas à possibilidade de ganhar dinheiro com base nos seus conhecimentos sobre as políticas econômicas de cada país.

Afinal por que você compraria uma moeda menos popular?

O crescente interesse por matérias-primas colocou os países mais ricos nesses recursos debaixo do radar dos investidores. Moedas mais exóticas e com menor expressão passaram a fazer parte de muitos portfólios.

E, se antes o Forex era um mercado restrito e disponível essencialmente para grandes Bancos e fundos de investimento, a internet teve o mérito de o democratizar , abrindo-o para qualquer pessoa que quisesse investir no mercado cambial.

É também por isso que, como vimos, o volume diário de operações continua crescendo passados vários anos , sendo possível prever que continue a subir à medida que a internet se torna mais acessível a um número crescente de países até agora tendencialmente mais pobres.

O Forex tem muitas oportunidades de ganhos, pois cada moeda tem sempre uma relação de força ou fraqueza face a outra moeda qualquer.

Por isso sim, é possível lucrar com Forex !

No quadro abaixo você pode acompanhar em tempo real a relação de força de alguns dos principais pares de moedas. Isso pode ajudar a identificar oportunidades de negócio nesse mercado.

Mapa de Calor Forex por TradingView.

3. Melhores Corretoras Forex.

Uma das primeiras dúvidas que terá ao entrar nesse mercado será a escolha da melhor corretora.

Embora existam muitas opções nesse mercado, apresentamos-lhe corretoras sobre as quais pode encontrar muita informação disponível, começando pelos nossos artigos.

Unick forex é confiavel


A maioria das consultas e reclamações direcionadas à CVM demonstra que muitos investidores no mercado FOREX ( forex market ) não têm conhecimento do seu funcionamento.

Como se trata de um mercado internacional, as pessoas e instituições que vêm oferecendo aplicações ilegalmente de FOREX no Brasil têm atuado como uma espécie de agente local de corretoras estrangeiras, captando clientes e recursos para viabilizar aplicações no exterior. ISSO É ILEGAL.

O verdadeiro investidor no FOREX é o que tem acesso direto ao mercado (o “trader”), quem de fato coloca ordens de compra e de venda de pares de moedas junto a corretoras (“brokers”) registradas nos reguladores estrangeiros.

No Brasil, esse “trader” procura atrair clientes locais para recolher recursos e aplicar em FOREX, normalmente, com o auxílio de pessoas que se apresentam como seus representantes ou agentes (“introducing brokers”), algumas vezes organizados em “empresas” de consultoria ou de administração de recursos. Embora se auto-denominem “empresas”, em muitos casos não são realmente pessoas jurídicas e operam à margem da lei.

Como funciona o esquema ilegal.

O “trader”, para aumentar sua capacidade de captar dinheiro, pode operar com várias “empresas”. Os estudos realizados pela CVM mostram que, normalmente, essas “empresas” só têm o registro de um site forex na internet, no exterior, sem nenhuma formalização pelas leis brasileiras. Elas atuam como corretoras, mas na completa informalidade. Muitas vezes, são pessoas que nada entendem do mercado FOREX, fazendo apenas a captação de investidores locais com disposição para aplicar dinheiro, atraindoos com a promessa de uma rentabilidade maior, de “ lucro fácil ”, de “ ganho certo ”.

Nessa atividade de propaganda, utilizam todos os meios disponíveis, mas priorizam a divulgação pela internet, com páginas especializadas, fóruns de discussão, chats, e-mails de marketing, entre outros.

Fóruns e seção de depoimentos fictícios.

Para dar uma impressão de solidez, alguns sites aparentam representar instituições do mercado financeiro, em um cenário de “Wall Street”. Os fóruns ressaltam os lucros obtidos. Há sempre uma seção de depoimentos, com relatos de indivíduos que ganharam dinheiro no mercado FOREX, sobre os quais não se sabe se são reais ou fictícios. Também podem ser postadas mensagens com perguntas de investidores, reais ou fictícios, com dúvidas sobre a lisura das operações, as quais são sempre respondidas com mensagens tranquilizadoras.

Em um dos casos identificados pela CVM, a “empresa”, cujo site dava a impressão de ser uma corretora de Nova York, era, na verdade, uma pessoa operando de um notebook a partir de uma residência em uma cidade do interior fluminense.

Os sites exibem o máximo de informação possível para tranqüilizar o investidor e estimulá-lo a entrar no esquema (só não será possível encontrar um alerta para consultar a CVM em caso de dúvidas). E por que todo esse interesse? Essas pessoas ou empresas informais recebem do “trader” (aquele que realmente opera FOREX) uma remuneração pelas operações dos clientes. Quanto maior a clientela, maior o ganho.

O verdadeiro elo com a corretora estrangeira (“broker”) é o “trader”, pois é ele quem dá as ordens e traça as estratégias.

Casos identificados pela CVM.

Nos casos identificados pela CVM até o momento, o investidor, na verdade, não faz aplicações no FOREX, como muitos acreditam, mas um investimento junto ao “introducing broker” (a “empresa” informal), mediante uma promessa de rentabilidade. O retorno de sua aplicação, portanto depende totalmente do que lhe foi prometido pelo “introducing broker”, podendo não ter relação com o real retorno das operações efetivamente realizadas pelo “trader”.

Muitas vezes, o “trader” não aplica o recurso do investidor em nome dos reais aplicadores, dos donos do dinheiro, em contas individualizadas nas corretoras estrangeiras. Ao contrário, o faz em próprio nome, em um montante único, não individualizado, agregando mais um risco de perda para o aplicador.

Nesse caso, o “trader” apenas utiliza o valor investido pelos clientes para aumentar as suas aplicações e poder ter acesso a maiores retornos financeiros.

Assine (é grátis)

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Broker for US Traders (OspreyFX Review)

OspreyFX is a new offshore brokerage accepting US (United States) clients. This brokerage is recommended by many large Forex YouTube channels, and is becoming a top option for new traders, thanks to their low deposit requirement of just $10.

The benefit of being with an offshore broker is simple, you don’t have to adhere to FIFO rules and regulations. You can use leverages up to 1:500, and trade low spreads, giving you the advantages that traders outside of the US generally benefit from exclusively.

The drawback is that the broker doesn’t adhere to strict rules or regulations. Some traders feel that this makes for unnecessary risk. Though, personally, I don’t take major issue with this, and I’m confident in the services that I’ve received thus far. I have not had any issues with them raising the spread or swaps, and the overall experience is positive.

1 OspreyFX Review (US Broker) 1.1 Signing Up (The Process) 1.2 OspreyFX Platform (MetaTrader 4) 1.3 Withdrawals and Deposits 1.4 Forex Education 1.5 OspreyFX Trading Competitions 1.6 Conclusion OspreyFX Overall.

OspreyFX Review (US Broker)

Trying to find a Forex broker is always more difficult in the US, due to the tighter guidelines on trading. There is no arguing that the the FIFO regulations, setting a leverage cap and having high spreads puts traders in the United States at a disadvantage. It certainly doesn’t mean that traders will fail, but its the main reason why traders are often seeking alternatives like OspreyFX .

Traders that sign up with OspreyFX get access to 1:500 leverage, 0.01 minimum lot sizes, a $10 minimum deposit, 30+ crypto pairs, 55+ currencies and over 100 stocks to trade. In addition, the broker offers very low, and competitive spreads.

These main stats are why I’m drawn to the service, and why I just recently signed up.

Signing Up (The Process)

It is a quick and easy process to sign up and have an account activated with OspreyFX. I think this is one of the main positives features. The user interface is very user-friendly and you can register an account without depositing funds just to see what the back-end is like.

I sent in my proof of address, proof of identity and a selfie. It took less than an hour to receive my approval.

If a process is slow or convoluted, I get frustrated quickly and often lost interest. This certainly isn’t that. It’s easy to navigate the signup process, which gives me more confidence with the broker.

OspreyFX Platform (MetaTrader 4)

The OspreyFX brokerage uses the most popular Forex trading platform available, MetaTrader 4. I use both MT4 & MT5, but the majority of my trading accounts are on the MT4 platform.

The Metatrader platform offers instant execution, direct chart trading, stop orders, trailing stop, and full trading history. It also provides traders with mobile access, so they can trade on the go directly from any IOS or Android compatible phone.

I do all my trading on the PC, but I see the value of being able to monitor ongoing trades if you have to go grab groceries or step away from your computer for any reason.

Withdrawals and Deposits.

Withdrawing and depositing with OspreyFX is an easy process. You simply go to the members area, select a deposit type and then pick the method you most prefer. For both withdrawals and deposits they offer the following methods:

Credit or debit cards Bitcoin Wire transfer VLoad.

I haven’t completed my first withdrawal yet, but I will likely do my first within the next month or so. When I do, I will update the review to let you know how fast the process is.

In my research, I’ve found no issues with withdrawal requests or completions. This is key, because being able to access your earnings is really the only thing that matters.

Forex Education.

Unlike most other brokers, OspreyFX actually provides a unique Forex Education program. In order to access the program, just click education in the members area, and sign up to the “ForexSquad.”

There is no additional fee to get access to the Forex Squad, and once registered, traders get access to a new website filled with educational material.

Traders can expect to learn, and gain additional knowledge on the following topics:

Basics of Forex trading Advanced Forex trading Forex Strategy Tools & Indicators Pro trader tips Trader psychology Fundamental analysis Technical analysis.

All of this education is free, and it does not require a deposit to access, so if you’re just starting out and you want a free education, go for it.

OspreyFX Trading Competitions.

If you’re the competitive type, OspreyFX provides frequent trading competitions, where they award the top traders prizes. In one of their most recent competitions, they gave away $80,000, where the top trader came away with a $50,000 first prize.

Even if you don’t have the skill level to win one of these competitions, they do help make trading fun. I like the additional push for a reward, even when the win is generally reward enough.


OspreyFX isn’t going to be the best Forex broker for every US trader, but it’s a great alternative for trader’s looking to trade with higher leverages. While the majority of US traders are happy with Forex.com, IG, or Nadex, these brokers have very strict rules and guidelines, which can hurt returns.

Ultimately, it’s your decision as a trader to determine the level of risk you are willing to take. The same goes for the broker that you choose to sign up with.

Right now, I’m happy with OspreyFX, and recommend them to traders looking for a new platform to trade with.



Unick forex youtube 3

The Growth and Future of the Forex Market.

The forex market has grown steadily ever since exchange rates began to float in the 1970s, from a value of $5 billion in 1977 to $5.5trillion in 2022. But can this trend continue?

Looking at the value of the market over the past 40 years it is clear that it has continued to increase in value at a fairly steady rate.

Even during periods where other financial markets were in a state of flux, such as the 2008 financial crisis, the forex markets continued to grow undaunted.

So, what drives the forex market towards this bullish growth year on year?

Variables for Forex Market Growth.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the stable Forex market growth we can see since the 1970s.

These factors include:

Communication- The introduction of the internet has made an industry that was once the domain of businesses that specialized in forex trading, accessible to individuals by making all the live information needed to trade freely available.

Volatility- Foreign exchange rates fluctuate regularly, and this volatility means more opportunities for investment and trading.

Technological Advancements- Through computer advancements, trading has become infinitely easier. Trading systems can now be automated and traders can have easy and immediate access to live market updates on all their devices. Furthermore, with the extent of information on the internet, learning the key skills for forex trading is widely available.

Globalization- As the volume of cross-border trade has increased, so has the amount of foreign currency exchange transactions. The diversity and volume of this trade have benefited forex markets which have had to grow exponentially to accommodate the increased demand.

International Investments- Increased global trade has also brought global connections and international investment. With investors always looking to diversify and take advantage of investment opportunities, the forex market has posed a potentially lucrative way to get involved and potentially benefit from the increased growth.

Risk Management- Companies around the globe have increasingly become aware of the effects that foreign exchange moves can have on their bottom line. This has increased the demand to limit potential losses brought about by negative currency movements by hedging foreign exchange rates at fixed amounts. A whole ecosystem of forex futures, forwards, and other derivatives has grown up around this.

The Forex Market in 2021.

In 2021 the forex market is valued at $2.049 quadrillion, with the daily market turnover at around $6.6 trillion . In terms of currency pairs and which currencies are most traded in 2021, USD comes out on top with it being one-half of all trade in 88% of all forex trades, a 29% increase since 2022.

The top seven currency pairs in 2021 are:

In terms of which countries hold the largest share of global OTC forex turnover, the rankings are:

What Can We Expect for the Future?

The IMARC Group predicts the global forex market will grow by 7.5% CAGR between 2021-2026, so the 40-year growth trajectory that the forex market has been on is unlikely to stop any time soon. In fact, the rate of growth could even increase as new factors, such as 24/7 trading, high transactional transparency and huge trading volumes begin to show an effect.

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Learn forex trading.

28 July 2021, 10:00.

Many are fascinated by the success of professional traders, attracted and excited by the imagination of hundreds of instructive stories of the dizzying ups and downs of real financial tycoons, which sometimes influence the course of Mother History herself.

Andrey Kozak 2021.07.27.

Forex trading for beginners 2021.

27 July 2021, 22:33.

Before successfully starting to trade in Forex, a beginner needs to study well the field of trading and know the basic concepts of Forex. Forex trading for beginners To get started, we advise you to take any good paid or free Forex trading courses.

Andrey Kozak Published product 2021.07.23.

Forex strength meter is a useful indicator with which novice traders and professionals can analyze the market and see when and where to open a deal. Forex strength meter is an analytical complex for Metatrader4 which, in the form of lines on the chart, shows the trader the direction of the trend and its reversals. The interpretation of the indicator is very simple. When the indicator draws a red line above the blue line on the chart, it means that the trend is now going down. At this point, it.

Andrey Kozak 2021.07.14.

Xm broker. How to run a Forexoome robot on xm broker accounts?

14 July 2021, 12:41.

Hi friends! I am often asked a question about the Xm broker. Traders often ask how to launch a Forexoome robot at Xm broker? Whether it is necessary to change the default settings to other settings? In this blog I will try to answer these questions.

Andrey Kozak Published product 2021.07.07.

Jump Stoch Bot is a fully automatic trading robot. Jump Stoch Bot works on a market analysis strategy using standard indicators. He does not use Martingale, arbitrage and other risky techniques in his strategy. Exclusively market analysis using the iStochastic, iSAR, iMFI indicators. The robot uses these three standard indicators to analyze the market and make decisions about opening and closing deals. Also, each trade is accompanied by StopLos and TakeProfit. Therefore, the risks for each.

Andrey Kozak Published product 2021.06.28.

Globex 360 Scalping is a unique scalping indicator that shows price reversal points. With the help of this indicator, you will see on the chart when the price is reversing, and at this moment you can open deals in the direction of the signal. This is an indispensable assistant for both novice traders and professionals. This indicator shows the trader important and valuable information for effective trading. Globex 360 Scalping - Applies smooth scanning technology for market analysis. The.

Andrey Kozak Published product 2021.05.18.

Chinetti pip collector XL is a complete turnkey trading system. If a trader does not yet have his own trading system, he can apply Chinetti pip collector XL to trading. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Even a beginner in Forex can handle it. Trading rules: wait for the indicator to start drawing a blue line. This means that the price trend is starting now. Now we are waiting for the indicator to analyze the market and draw an up arrow on the chart. At this point, we open a buy order.

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Andrey Kozak Published product 2021.05.12.

Price Action Trading is an indicator built for the "Price Action" trading strategy. The indicator shows the points of the change in the direction of price movement, the direction of the trend, the dynamics of the trend, the distance traveled in points from the beginning of the change in the trend. This information is enough to trade and get good results in Forex. The Price Action Trading indicator has proven itself very well on GBPUSD, XAUUSD, EURUSD and other major currency pairs. You can.

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Andrey Kozak Published product 2022.06.09.

Scalping Line is an advanced average that we created for use in our trading strategy. The essence of our trading strategy is to open a buy deal when the line is blue and the price drops below the line. Or open a sell deal when the price rises above the line, and the color of the line is red. Thus, we open deals when the price for a short distance goes in the opposite direction from the general trend. We close the deal when we get the minimum profit. We trade on the timeframe M30 or H1. Better to.

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600+ Best Forex Traders Names Ideas that Are Unique.

The forex market, or foreign exchange market, is one of the largest financial markets in the world. It’s comprised of a network of banks, financial institutions, investment management firms, hedge funds, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and other market participants.

The forex market facilitates the exchange of money and currencies between buyers and sellers across the globe. While trading in foreign currencies used to be exclusive to financial institutions and central banks in the past, the field has become increasingly decentralized and open to retail investors in recent years.

Given its vast size, diversity, and interconnectedness, the forex market can be quite complex. Still, research conducted in the field has yielded some powerful trading strategies that can be applied to both novice and experienced traders. Additional strategies can also be developed by traders who follow their own methods.

Hence, if you want to succeed in the forex market, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of the factors that affect exchange rates.

One of the most important factors that determine exchange rates is inflation. High inflation typically pushes down the value of a currency, while low inflation typically helps push the value of a currency upward.

On the other hand, exchange rates are strongly influenced by various economic and political events around the world. These include interest rate changes, trade imbalances, and government policies.

Let’s see these names’ ideas.

Contents Show.

Forex Traders Names.

Amerin Traders Apex Group Argon Group Mitsubishi Deutsche Eurex Renko Arctos Investments Asian Capital Alpha Group Liffe Army Traders Andalador Investors Gold Invest Argent Partners Bank of America Admiral Traders American Market Amsterdam Investments Inter Matrix Saxo Millenium AMF Group American Market Traders Astar Investments Oanda American Trend Traders Bull Inc. Highland Natural Market Traders Amherst Trading American Capital Asset Management Armstrong Traders American Investors Arizona Investors New York Albany International Group Amber Investments Argento Investors Alterra Investments Hantec Green ECN Active Traders Asia Assets.

Trading Names.

Advance Ideas Affinity Group Alex Forex Group Alison Assets All Asset Trading Alpine Trade American Forex Specialists Assets Legacy AZ Trading Bargain Greenland Bear Trade Best Days Work Bloom Trading Blueberry Trading Bright Future Bright Trust Brown Brothers Capital Gains Capital Link Captain Express Opus Fund Services Subsonic Trading Wanda Trading Oceanic Trading Miracle Trading York Trading Inc NY Gold Silver Trading Inc Watch Trading Company Hudson River Trading Big Bright Trading Crystals Trading Inc Ramallah Trading Co SK Global Trading Inc Chicago Trading Co Gulf Trading Inc Apparel Trading International Inc Lita Trading Corporation New Empire Trading Ny Inc Again Trading World Trading Wholesale Inc Millennium Trading Co Hop Chong Trading Co Edible Oil Trading Co Precious Metals Trading Corp Gem Trading Corporation Broadway Sun Ben Trading Inc QB Trading Inc Lofty Trading Glory Gem Trading Inc Matisse Trading Inc Bora Trading Corporation Essex Global Trading 88 Trading Corporation Ngala Trading Ideal Trading Co Division JOSEPHINE TRADING Afghan American Trading Co Inc Full Hing Trading Crossroads Trading Electric Trading Company Syndicate Trading Company Ana Trading Corporation USA Run Feng Trading Forex Trading Ideas.

The perfect trader’s name reflects your knowledge, skillet, and dedication. Just like these investment companies’ names in the US, we are going to suggest to entrepreneurs some cool ideas.

Trading Company Names.

Vanguard Industries Castle Harlan Catch the Fish Coast of Guinea Comma Alert Complex Coordinate Comprehensive Sales Constant Mitchell Core Vision Group Cosmos Investments Cross Water Diamond Group Dream Deal Dutch Magnates Earth Market East London Fast Investment Company Finance Master The Finance Nuts First Analysis 47 Division St Trading Leader Trading S K H Trading Co K Y Trading Corporation Du Monde Trading Inc Fa Da Cheng Trading Inc Montana Accessories 99 Jewelry Trading Inc Frankl Trading Corporation Grand Power Trading Celebration Trading Inc SK Trading Ny Inc Argaman Trading Co Original Madras Trading Corp Panda International Trading of NY, Quinto Trading Corporation Empire Handbag BHB DISTRIBUTORS Crown Wholesale Trading Inc Aleks Paul-Essex Global Trading AAA Trading Inc Global Trade Bridge Corp Perfect Choice Trading Inc Ideal Trading USA Inc – Toy Wholesale Everbright Trading Inc Super City Trading Success Trading Inc Jo International Trading River Trading International 4 G’s Trading Corporation Concord Global Trading Inc Woodland Trading Inc Rich Long Trading Inc KT TRADING & JEWELRY Kimmel Brokerage Trading Co.

Best Trading Company Names.

Maspeth Trading Inc Bluefin Trading Daiei Trading EBS Trading Corporation Ball Trading Corporation Best Choice Trading Corporation Diamond Trust Trading Corporation First Lenox Trading Inc Genesis Global Trading ION Trading UK Limited Bronx Trading Co De Paola Trading Inc Hats Wholesale – BJ Bao Trading Elbaz Trading Corporation Empress Designs Corporation Fam Trading Porto Rico Importing New Siam Trading Black Stallion Trading Young Shing Trading , Eagle Trading Company Penguin Trading Trade Supply Group Alta Trading Inc Grand Prix Trading Systems Trading Corporation Greenpoint Trading Sunshine 88 handbags KSW Trading Corp. 99 Jewelry Trading Citadel Trading Corporation Evergreen Trading GKM Restaurant Supplies Sakai Trading New York Inc The Topps Company, 7 Color Import And Wholesale Double Dragon Trading USA Matrix Trading Timpson Trading Corporation Mississippi Plastics Inc New Tong Shen Trading Inc Haselson International Trading TMI Trading.

Let’s see Infographic:

Stock Trading Company Names.

First Northwest Galaxy Ventures George Lucas Global Ventures Golden Golden Scope Grand Associates Gravity Ventures Great Chinese Growth Affirm Growth Edge Happy Bear Group Helping Hand Horizon Investments Idea Infinity Lennox Investments Link Enterprise Magna Wealth Marvelous Points Mastermind Ventures General Trading Co Dynamex Trading Kravet Greenhill Trading Corporate Counsel Landor & Fitch Duluth Trading Company McKinsey & Company Longview Trading Inc DiPietro Trading Co Saffron Trading Company Millennium Management Twin Marquis Virtu Financial Paragon Coffee Trading Co Trans America Trading Pepsi-Cola Co Twin Marquis Colony Trading Peak Trading Corporation Roast Coffee & Tea Trading Company Kravet Inc HDS Trading Fort Schuyler Trading Company Jordan Trading Inc Hudson River Trading The Schenectady Trading.

Trading Company Names Ideas.

Merchants Views Mission Investment Money Haven Moon Deals Moon Ventures Morningstar Motion Ventures New Land Ventures Northwest Dealers Orion Ventures Pacific Oak Wealth Product Palace Real Capital Real source Forex Rocks Table Royal Investment Ruby Investments Sales Guru Omega trading Company The Phoenix Trading Chicago Trading Company Tri A Trading Company General Trading Company The Mahoe Trading Company Eccentric Trading Majestic Trading United Trading Company Channel Trading Amber Trading UK General Trading S F Trading Co Red Hill Textile Trading BTC Group Holdings VIA Trading London Metal Trading Company The Cocktail Trading Brick Lane LANDMARKS TRADING Crescent Trading True Value Trading Acorn Trading Crucial Trading [London] Commodities Trading ASKV trading . Piranha Trading Koch Supply & Trading Trading Technologies.

“Rule number one: Don’t lose money. Rule number two: Don’t forget rule number one.” — Warren Buffett.

We have tried our best to come up with cool ideas that would help you choose a memorable and creative name.

The forex market is an extraordinary platform that offers a range of opportunities for stockbrokers. The world of forex trading is buoyed by a host of unique names of people and brands that are popular in the financial world. Here are some names that are correlated with successful forex trading.

Catchy Forex Company Ideas.

Sam and Jan Seal The Deal Secret Trust Secure Prime Simon Management Soren’s Signature Southern Star Spark Bridge Sprout Group Tech Ventures The Capex Group The Next Force The Oasis Enterprise The Platinum Company The Queen Wealth The Wisdom Company Tycoons in Trade Valley Investment Wins Begin Object Trading Splendid Trading Amin Traders Otto Trading Walton Street Trading The Furniture Cave Krishna Trading Corporation Atlantic Trading M/S SELTEN UK LIMITED LONDON GLIDER TRADING J K Traders BLUEVIEW TRADING LIMITED Petronas Energy Trading Omnicom Trading LLP Longulf Trading (UK) Lion Energy Trading L&B Diamond Paradise Tower Trading Group Pulp Mill Trading Travis Perkins Tottenham The London Academy of Trading Travis Perkins Woolwich Trading & Consulting International, FERN TRADING Peregrine Trading . Biz Trading Amplify Trading The Trading House Pound Worth Trading Nichiei Trading Gift Centre London Sound2Hire trading as Sack The DJ Mercuria Group – London Audacity Capital Travis Perkins Vauxhall The Media Trader R A Trading Travis Perkins Paddington Alpha Trading Floor BB Energy Trading Samrat Trading Limited Q & T Trading Trading 212.

Open Trading Company Names.

Indian Ocean Open The Actives Team Limited All Season Trading Travis Perkins Queens Park WALHAM CORPORATION LLP Borough Cheese Co Flint Hire & Supply The Brotherhood Games Saxo Markets The Pure Gold Company Direct Seafoods London Caplin Systems Lagoon Group Trading Company Jane Street Europe ION Group Mako Europe Trafigura Plumb Center Admiral Markets UK Prestige Buyers London Metals Islington Plumbase Bitcoin Exchange The Luxury Hut Pawnbrokers London Morplan London Capital Office Scott’s Travel Management Metropolitan Police Trading Service Travis Perkins Battersea Lombard Road Daniels Silver & Marcasite Gerald Group Empire Textiles James Smith & Sons PL Trading London – Gates & Railings Haines of Sloane Square Millennium Capital Partners Zeppelin Trading Co Sumitomo Corporation Europe Sister Ray J McCarthy Park Cameras London Bright House Axia Futures.

Brokerage Company Names.

Cohen Arnold Redmayne Bentley Shell Bank Street Parks Candles London Financial Times Westcon Communications Blackstone London Intercontinental Exchange Samuel & Co Trading Virtu Financial Olam International UK . The Immigration Advisory Service Citadel Investment Group Accountants for Traders Nomura International Plc The Worshipful Company of World Traders Pioneer Trading Company Essex British Gas Spurway Foods Kerry Foods Aerogon Trading Assurant Shares & Market City Index Trade Fine Curves Shares & Market Fino Good Front Lender Nero Lend Broking North Way Trading Signix Broking Star More Broking True Quest Shares & Market Clifford Trading Daily Trading Direct Trading Empire Trading Honest Trading Open Trading Company Regional Trading The Electronic Trading Company The Forward Trading Company The Income Trading The Peaceful Trading Company Trading Coastal Trading Enterprises Trading Extensive Trading Fleet.

How To Choose A Forex Company Name?

The best way to choose a company name is to think about what you want your business to be known for, and then find the right combination of words that will make it easy for people to remember. If you are looking for a name that has a lot of potential in terms of brand recognition, you may want to consider choosing a name with a long-standing history or one that sounds like something that already exists.

Many forex traders start trading online without having a firm idea of what they want to call their company. Some choose names based on the currency pair they trade (e.g., EUR/USD), while others opt for something more generic.

In this section, we’ll show you how to come up with a name for your forex company that will stick in the minds of potential customers.

Start By Thinking About What Matters Most.

When thinking about a company name, you should first decide what matters most to you. Do you care about being able to easily recall the name when someone asks you who you work for? Or do you prefer a name that makes you sound professional and trustworthy?

If you have an existing business, you might also want to take into account whether your current name is working well for you. Are you getting enough traffic from search engines?

When naming your company, think about what matters most to you. Do you want to convey professionalism? Or would you rather focus on your passion for trading?

If you want to convey professionalism, then consider choosing a name that conveys authority and expertise. For example, FXProTrader has a strong professional tone, while FXTradeClub focuses on fun and social aspects.

Know The Most Famous Forex Traders Ever.

You can also use famous forex traders as inspiration when coming up with a name for a forex company. Many successful traders have used their names as part of their company names.

For example, John Bollinger created Bollinger Bands, which was later renamed Bollinger Band Indicator. Similarly, Gerald Appel came up with the term “Appel Pitch” to describe his strategy.

These two examples illustrate how using a famous trader’s name can help you create a memorable brand. However, keep in mind that there are many other factors to consider before deciding on a forex company name.

Consider Using Keywords Related To Your Business.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a name for your forex company is related keywords. You can use Google AdWords to see which keywords are popular for your chosen keyword phrases.

Once you know what keywords are most popular, you can use them to build a list of possible names for your company. This will allow you to narrow down your choices quickly.

Another way to ensure that your company name sticks in people’s heads are to include relevant keywords in your domain name. This helps search engines find your site faster.

For example, if you are interested in trading currencies, you might consider using the keyword “currencies” as part of your domain name.

Use Words That Are Easy To Type And Spell.

One of the biggest challenges of creating a catchy company name is making sure it is easy to type and spell. If you don’t make it easy for people to remember your company name, they won’t be likely to visit your website or follow your tweets.

Make sure that your domain name is easy to type and spell. You don’t want to spend time typing out long URLs every time someone wants to visit your website.

Avoid Using Too Many Characters.

It is tempting to choose a very long company name because it sounds impressive. However, this could cause problems when trying to fit your company name onto a web page.

The best practice is to avoid using more than three characters per word. This allows you to fit all of your text onto one line without having to scroll horizontally.

You should avoid using too many characters in your company name. The longer your URL is, the harder it is to remember.

Register A Domain Name.

Before you start thinking about a company name, you need to register a domain name. Registering a domain name gives you an opportunity to add your own personal touch to your business name.

This is especially useful if you plan to sell products online. It makes sense to give customers something extra to identify your company by.

A domain name is another way to help people remember your company. You can register a domain name for as little as $10 per year.

You can also buy a .com domain name from GoDaddy for around $12.50 per year. This option gives you access to all the tools and features provided by GoDaddy.

For example, you could create a website for your company using GoDaddy’s free web hosting service. Then, once your site is live, you can add a custom domain name for just $10 per year. The domain name will point directly to your website so people know where to go when they search for you online.

Create A Website.

If you have decided on a company name, now is the time to start building a website. Your website is the first thing potential clients will see when they look up your company name.

Your website needs to reflect your brand identity. Make sure that everything on your site is consistent with your company name. For example, if you decide to call your company “Trading Currency Experts,” then use the same logo throughout your website.

Your website should also contain information about your services and products. Include links to any other websites that offer similar services.

When visitors come across your website, they should immediately understand what your company does. They should also feel confident that they can trust you.

Now that you have registered your domain name, you can create a website for your new company.

Add Social Media Links.

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are great ways to promote your company. These sites allow you to build relationships with current and prospective customers.

Once you have created a social media account for your company, you should link them together. Add links to your website and blog posts to your social media profiles.

Add links to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn page, and other social media profiles. These pages give you a chance to connect with current and prospective clients.

Make Sure It Is Memorable.

The last step in creating a memorable company name is to make sure that it is easy to say and spell. If you are struggling to find a good company name, ask friends or family members for suggestions.

You may even want to consider hiring someone to help you brainstorm ideas. Once you have a few options, pick the one that sounds the most professional.

Finally, make sure that your company name is memorable. If people cannot remember your company name, then they won’t know how to find you when they are looking for your services.

Test Different Variations Of Your Company Name.

After you have chosen a company name, test out different variations of your name. Try saying your company name aloud, and repeat it several times. Does it sound right?

Also, try writing down your company name and seeing how well it flows. Do you think it would be easier to read if it was written in lowercase letters?

Once you have settled on a name, test different variations of your company name to see which one works best. Ask friends and family members to provide feedback on your company name. They may be able to suggest some alternatives that you hadn’t thought of.

Keep In Mind Other Factors.

While choosing a company name is an important part of starting a business, there are many other factors to keep in mind as well.

For example, do not choose a company name that contains too much text. This could cause problems when trying to display your company name on your website. Also, avoid using names that are already being used by another company.

Keep in mind that your company name must fit into the overall branding strategy of your company. Also, keep in mind that your company’s name needs to be short, simple, cool, and catchy.

Get Feedback From Potential Customers.

Before you start promoting your company, you need to get feedback from potential customers. You can use surveys to collect information about their opinions of your company.

Ask customers to rate your company on various aspects such as professionalism, customer service, price, and quality of products.

Ask potential customers to tell you their thoughts about your company name. They may be able to offer some suggestions that you hadn’t considered.

Keep an eye open for companies with similar names. If you notice that there are multiple companies named “FXProTrader,” then you might want to choose something else.

In Conclusion:

We hope you have found your desired trading business name from the above ideas list. Being an expert, what are your thoughts on this? Let’s know in the comments section so that other people could get benefited!

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Currency Trading Business Name Generator.

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How to Name a Currency Trading Business.

Ready to find a currency trading business name for your new venture? Naming a business is one of the most important steps for an entrepreneur — the business name should clearly identify what your currency trading business offers. You can begin by using our free business name generator above to discover an array of currency trading business name ideas, or continue reading our quick guide to learn how to name your currency trading business. If you’re ready to start your business, we also recommend reading our comprehensive guide on how to start a currency trading business.

TRUiC is a privacy-focused company. TRUiC's business name generator protects your personal information so that your searches remain private.

Step #1: Determine goals for your business idea.

How do you want your currency trading business to be perceived by the public? A business name should be memorable and catchy, relatable to your clients/customers, and set clear expectations relating to products, services, or a general sense of your business.

Make sure that you are aware of your desired target market, how you want to appeal to your customers, and the specific emotions you want your brand name to evoke.

Step #2: Begin brainstorming.

There are a variety of ways you can brainstorm a business name for your currency trading business; in fact, this part of the naming process can be a lot of fun. We’ve shared some brainstorming techniques that you can use to get your creative juices flowing and inspire you to find the best brand name for your new business.

Jot down a list of specific keywords for your currency trading business name. Visualize the type of business you are trying to create and everything that comes along with a currency trading business to bring life to this business idea. Think of adjectives that would describe your currency trading business and the types of products offered to derive inspiration. Experiment with other branding and brainstorming techniques.

The above ideas are just a few general brainstorming techniques. Continue reading to learn more creative strategies to generate business name ideas and various approaches when naming a business.

Recommended: Once you have your business name, create a logo with our free Logo Generator. To learn about other small business ideas, read our guide.

Currency Trading Business Name Ideas.

We’ve used the general brainstorming techniques mentioned above to share several creative and catchy business name ideas for a currency trading business. We hope these brand names will inspire you to come up with a few of your own. Check out what we came up with below:

The Currency Station Wanderlust Wallets The Money Swap Global Currency Collective Forex Trading Squad Top Choice Currency.

The Currency Cache Exchanging Bills The Currency Counters Dollars Delivered All Places Currency Cents Swap.

Money Mediating Flourishing Forex Global Value Services International Affluence Ace Currency Alliance Trade Forex Solutions.

Breakdown of Creative Approaches to Naming a Business.

The ideas for naming a new business are endless once you put on your thinking cap. The goal is to come up with the best strategy that works for you and your business name. The following are helpful tips to help you find an unique business name that is relevant to you and/or your industry:

Capitalize on Your Business Location.

The name of your city is one great way to brand your business and let your community know that you are open for business. You can also think of nicknames that define what your city or state is well known for or use slogans or historical accounts that define your location. You can use these to your advantage when coming up with business names.

Cali Currency Elizabethtown Exchange Trenton Trade The Online Exchange Capitol Currency.

Connecting Through Emotion.

We all know that psychology plays a big role in connecting with people and people who feel connected to your business become loyal customers. This is why words that evoke a certain emotion, reminders of personal experiences, and travel memories may be good for business and branding. Incorporating these experiences in a brand name can be a sure way to earn repeat customers for your currency trading business.


Calculating Currency Peace of Mind Trades Trusted Traders Group Earnest Exchange Mad Money Exchange.

Personal Experiences.

The Euro Stop That Pound Place Quik Trade Currency Currency Around the Clock Franc Exchange.


The Currency Cruise Cross Borders Currency The Dollar Destination Choice Country Currency Airport Euros.

Pun Fun, Word Combination, and Alliteration.

Coming up with business name ideas doesn’t have to be stressful or boring. You can make brainstorming fun by creating puns, combining two relevant words and/or concepts, or by using same letter and sound repetition. It’s a c reative way to c onstruct a c atchy c ompany brand name. See what we did there?

Pun Fun.

Your Currency Balance Priceless Trading Just Makes Cents Exchange Your Two Cents Trade A Centsible Exchange.

Word Combination.


The Currency Capital Execute Exchange The Trusty Trades Bill Borrower Continental Currencies.

Short and Sweet.

Oftentimes, simply using one word for a business name can be more powerful and engaging for clients/customers. Carefully consider your brand and brainstorm adjectives and synonyms that describe your business idea. For instance, if you own a currency trading business, ask yourself how you would describe what you’re offering (e.g., currency trading, specific currencies, fast service, etc.). Consider how you want your customers to feel (pleased, convenienced, relaxed, etc.), and so on.

Name Game.

Naming your business can be as easy as just using your own name; however, there are different directions you can take. Take for example, celebrity names, public figures, or honoring someone you look up to or are close to such as a mentor, friend, or family member.

Traded by Tony Cayla's Currency Tracy's Trade Station Ethan's Forex Currency By Curtis.

Remember to stay on track by selecting the business names on your list that best define your specific future brand. If you have narrowed it down to a few ideas and are finding it difficult to decide on one, don’t forget to ask others for an honest opinion. Since your new business name will be on your products, make sure that it is a positive brand name that you and your customers will be proud of displaying.

Step #3: Use our business name generator.

Discover the perfect brand name for your classy currency trading business by using our free business name generator tool. Simply follow the 3 steps: Search, select, and get the perfect domain name!

Our online business name generator even allows you to further filter your results by location , industry , and domain name to produce more customized, creative, and unique brand names for your currency trading.

Step #4: Register your business name.

Visit our business name search page to see if your desired brandable currency trading business name is available in your state. You can also choose the state in which you would like to conduct business, and read our in-depth business name registration guide.

Steps After Naming Your Currency Trading Business.

Once you’ve chosen your creative, classy, and brandable currency trading business name, make sure you secure a domain name, especially if you want to establish an online business presence. Then, there are a few steps you can take to successfully establish your brand recognition, credibility, and loyalty:

Choose a business structure for your currency trading business . Formally structuring a business (e.g., LLC, corporation, etc.) will help reduce liability. We recommend checking out the Top 5 LLC Formation Services. Design a logo for your currency trading business . Creating a logo for your business is vital for increasing brand awareness, and there are several logo maker tools available to help you design a unique logo. Knowing which logo maker will work best for you is a tough choice, so we've reviewed the Top 5 Best Logo Makers of 2021 to help you find the best tool that will work for your small business. Make a website for your currency trading business. Simple drag-and-drop builders like GoDaddy and Wix make the process simple and quick. Check out our Best Website Builder article. Our QR Code Generator offers several QR code options to fit your business's needs. You can create virtual business cards (vCards), market your business, share your new website with customers and more.

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Eastern Bank Limited: Passionate about Performance.

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Effective corporate governance in accordance with high international standards is of paramount importance to EBL. Our system of corporate governance provides the basis for the responsible management, transparency of processes and compliance to regulatory bodies with a focus on sustainable value creation. EBL has got recognition for last five consecutive years at the ICSB National Award for Corporate Governance Excellence award.

Our relentless effort to upgrade and update on every account of standardization is reflected in our Operations department's recent ISO 9001: 2022 certification.

In retail banking EBL is now considered as a leader in the market. The Singapore-based Asian Banker Awards for Excellence in Retail Banking found our performance as a retail bank at par with the best in banking industry in the world. We have been awarded with the Best Retail Bank in Bangladesh accolade for the last six consecutive years.

EBL from 2022 to 2022 for last three consecutive years has won Euromoney Best Bank in Bangladesh for its professionalism, prudence, and growth. EBL also won the Best Corporate and Investment Bank accolade from Asiamoney three times and the Best Bank in Bangladesh in 2022 and Best Investment Bank of Bangladesh in 2022 by FinanceAsia. Local credit rating CRISL has been upgraded from AA to AA+.

In September 2022, EBL has been adjudged as the 'Superbrand' of Bangladesh for the year 2022-2022 by the Superbrands Bangladesh for being one of the most valuable and trusted financial brands in Bangladesh. This is the second time EBL has won the award.

EBL is passionate about performance and is always hungry to better its ratios consistently and sustainably.

EBL logo: A Promise of Service Excellence.

Introduced in 2003, the tri-colour mnemonic of EBL signifies vibrant colors of the sun, the sky and the earth. The logo radiates a sense of youthfulness. The concept of putting the vibrant shade of yellow on extreme right represents the sun as the source of all energy to our life and existence. The design of the tri-color flow is supported by a well-defined brand personality highlighting unique characteristics of EBL, its passionate, precise, confident and agile mind. The final element in the logo design is the brand promise, 'Simple Math' which declares the promise of service excellence and hassle-free world-class banking.

Adapting to Changes.

The world of business is changing fast and in fundamental ways. Every day we experience rapidly evolving customer needs, faster leveling of competitive advantage, greater regulations, and ever-changing nature of technology and risk.

In this constantly changing business environment, we pursue efficient cost management and promote consistent productivity gains through seamless coordination between business functions to deliver sustained growth. As a good corporate citizen we believe that our paramount responsibility to society and to our stakeholders is to be there in good times and bad times. For us making changes is a way of life.

With increasingly fierce competition in the market place, attracting, retaining and nurturing the best talent has never been more important to EBL. In an environment of rapid change, our aim is to be an attractive employer by boosting the innovative potential of our staff through 'people engagement' initiatives.

While we are embedding our values and beliefs in recruiting and onboarding processes as well as in development activities, we are also focusing on scouting latent talent in our employees through creative engagement programs.

We have a well-defined Human Resource policy of 'The right talent at the right place', which encompasses cultural transformation, diversity and inclusion to foster leadership and talent management. Our aim is to recruit and retain the best, highly talented employees to secure our future and contribute to the human capital development of the banking industry.

For us our employee is the most valuable asset of the company. Employee engagement is, therefore, at the top of all our agenda. Nurturing future leaders, scouting talents, encouraging creative pursuits among the employees has made EBL an exciting place to work with zest and passion.

For us making changes is a way of life.

Living the brand: Engagement of People.

At EBL, we adhere to open communication policy: we invite, provide and respect challenging views. In 2022, we gave this culture of open communication policy a formal platform to channel free flow of new ideas. To involve every one of the organization within the process of innovative thinking, we established a capacity enhancement center for EBL called Nest. The cozy and unconventional setting of the center is designed to inspire to think out-of-the-box. Apart from regular brainstorming meetings, the center hosts lectures by luminaries of the society to talk about management, leadership, and innovation. Former Governor of central bank of Bangladesh Dr. Atiur Rahman, current Governor Fazle Kabir, Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Chairman of ACI Limited M Anis Ud Dowla among others, visited the center in connection with the lecture program and shared with the senior management of EBL their stories of life how those impacted their lives and shape their careers.

We firmly believe that every human being is endowed with immense potential and to foster the potential in our employees we have initiated annual employee photography contest in 2012 and music talent hunt in 2014. Our annual calendar gets its contents from the best twelve photographs taken by our colleagues and juried by renowned photographers of the country. Music talent hunt called 'Esho Mili Surey Surey' created great excitements among our employees. A panel of independent jury picks up the best five singers for the finale through several audition rounds. At EBL, we are for pursuing lasting performance by developing, nurturing and investing in the best talent, and encouraging them to express themselves.

Corporate governance deep rooted in our culture.

At EBL we give utmost importance to key parameters of corporate governance such as board system and its independence, function of board sub-committees, fair financial reporting, disclosure and compliance, and consistency of shareholders value enhancement. All our banking activities center on these key principles of good governance.

As a strong believer of sustainable growth, principles of good corporate governance are embedded in the core values of EBL. Winning ICSB National Award for Corporate Governance Excellence for three years on the trot is recognition of our continuous effort to adopt and adapt to international best practices in corporate governance. This reflects on our consistency in value creation. An organization that sticks to high standard of corporate governance is most likely to withstand calamitous events of the market. We have navigated well through the rough waters of low investment and slow growth of the past couple of years because of our flexibility to adapt to changes. We drew our strength from our culture of sound corporate governance.

We create value through product innovation.

When it comes to innovating products or offering bespoke services, EBL always has its nose in front.

In a few areas our leadership is undisputed: aviation financing is one such area. With innovative and tailor-made financial solutions, EBL has curved a niche for itself in banking industry Bangladesh. Over the past one decade excellent track record, special products, and the ability to innovate and keep pace with the fast changing world have made EBL the undisputable market leader in aircraft financing in the country. From financing Boeing purchase for national flag carrier to financing private sector airlines to helicopter import, EBL has made its mark in almost all areas of aviation industry.

For merchants we have just introduced the most reliable and robust payment gateway of the country called EBL Skypay. This gateway is being backed by MasterCard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS) providing multi-channel global payment processing services and advanced fraud prevention and risk management solutions to merchants and banks. Advanced technology from MPGS enables customers to accept and process payments in over 177 currencies, from over 45 brands across e-commerce, m-commerce channels and cardholder present channels - with the security and confidence of tools tailored to meet exacting and expanding business needs.

We believe that EBL is not just about meeting customers banking needs, it is a way of life. We would like to impact our customers' lives by adding zest and spice. The Farzana Shakil Makeover Saloon at Gulshan North Branch priority center is a testimony how we care about our women customers. We want them to glam up while we take care of their banking requirements.

A Cut Above the Rest.

In corporate banking, EBL is regarded as a leader in Bangladesh. With innovative and customized solutions and services, our corporate division emerged as a single point solution provider for customers including project financing, working capital, trade, supply chain, cash management solutions, payroll, syndication, merger, acquisition, and advisory service.

EBL is a pioneer among the local banks to develop Offshore Banking Unit and product offerings including Bill Discounting/Financing, bilateral and syndicated term loan, and other products for export processing zone customers and local manufacturers.

EBL has been closely working with multilaterals such as IFC, DEG, ADB, FMO, Proparco, CDC, Norfund to develop products and build up the largest OBU Asset book among the local banks.

EBL trade service department and service delivery department are regarded among the best in the market for our commitment to quality delivery and trade service operation. Our ISO 9001:2008 certifications for trade service and service delivery departments are a testimony to the international best practices that we follow at EBL.

EBL creates value through innovation. Our innovative solutions for working capital finance to importers and counter party exporters including offshore bill financing has won us IFC global award for Best Partner for Working Capital Systemic Solutions.

Unick forex wikipedia 1

OCTAFX Review 2023.

Listings that appear on this page and/or on this website are of products / companies / services from which this website may receive compensation. This may impact how, where and which products / companies / services we review and write about. This page may not include all available products, all companies or all services.

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.

Table of Contents.

While we adhere to strict editorial integrity, this page may refer to our partners' products. Here's how we make money. Learn how we make money and our review methodology.

Please Note: In our review of OctaFX, we focused on the services provided by Octa Markets Inc. (OctaFX.com), registered with the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Services Authority (FSA). We conducted our tests using the MetaTrader 4 platform. Some features and services may vary depending on where you reside.

The Big Picture.

Founded in 2011, OctaFX is a multi-asset CFD broker headquartered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. According to the company website, over 10 million trading accounts have been opened with OctaFX across more than 150 countries.

Clients can trade CFDs on forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies via MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and the OctaFX Trading app. Two main account types, Habitual Trader and Smart Trader, cater to different trader profiles. OctaFX has two corporate entities. Octa Markets Inc. is registered offshore with the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Services Authority (FSA). Octa Markets Cyprus Ltd. is regulated by the top-tier Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). According to their website, client funds are segregated from company funds, and that clients accounts have a negative balance protection.

Key Takeaways in 2022.

We evaluated OctaFX across nine categories (Trust/Stability, Fees, Tradable Instruments, Account Types, Deposit/Withdrawal, Research, Customer Support, Education, Platform/Tools). OctaFX excelled in research with high-quality, frequently updated analysis, and a selection of valuable tools. We found room for improvement in the range of tradable instruments. OctaFX offers 80 tradable instruments across CFDs on forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies but lacks CFDs on shares. In addition, the trust score was brought down substantially due to the fact that Octa Markets Inc. is registered offshore. Beginners can benefit from demo accounts, trading in micro-lots, and regularly scheduled educational webinars. Advanced traders can take advantage of high leverage levels and advanced analysis using the AutoChartist MetaTrader plugin.

What Sets OctaFX Apart from Other Brokers?

OctaFX has competitive spreads in some instruments such as EUR/USD and impressive research written by in-house analysts. Account Monitoring is a unique tool that allows clients to track the performance, charts, profits, orders, and history of successful traders. Third-party tools such as AutoChartist are also available. OctaFX is a crypto-friendly broker. Traders can choose from a wide range of CFDs on cryptocurrencies, and can also make deposits and withdrawals in crypto.

What types of traders are a good fit for OctaFX?

With demo accounts, the ability to trade in micro-lots, and copy trading capability, we rate OctaFX as a suitable broker for beginners. Experienced traders can trade algorithmically in MetaTrader and have the option to become a Master Trader, providing the opportunity to earn money from other clients copying their trades.

OctaFX Pros and Cons.

Tight forex spreads. Good research materials. No inactivity fees. No swap fees. Free deposits and withdrawals. Broad range of CFDs on cryptocurrencies. The offshore entity is unregulated. No phone support. Doesn’t offer CFDs on shares.

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.

About the Author.

Starting his career in finance on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Dan later gained insight into the forex industry during his time as a Series 3 licenced futures and forex broker. Dan also traded at a couple of different prop trading firms in Chicago.

How Do We Rate?

When trading forex and CFDs, it is crucial to know a broker's strengths and weaknesses. That is why FX Empire developed its proprietary rating system. We put the knowledge and expertise of our reviewers to work to bring you the most suitable brokers. A total of 200 variables have been analyzed to help you choose your broker wisely. This chart describes all the categories we evaluated and rated.

Visit our methodology page to learn more about our review and rating process.

OCTAFX Main Features.


CySEC (Cyprus), SVGFSA (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)

Supported Languages.

English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Urdu, Thai, Vietnamese.

Products (CFD)

Currencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, Crypto.

Min Deposit.

Max Leverage.

1:30 (CySEC), 1:500 (SVGFSA)

Trading Desk Type.

OCTAFX accepts clients from your country:

Choose your country:

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.

OCTAFX Full Review.


How Do We Test A Broker's Trust?

When choosing a broker, trustworthiness is one of the most important things to keep in mind. Always check the broker's regulations, know how financially secure the firm is, and find out whether the broker is transparent and reliable. These factors, calculated into our score, will help you understand if your money is safe.

The European entity of OctaFX (Octa Markets Cyprus Ltd) is regulated by the top-tier Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). The offshore entity of OctaFX (Octa Markets Inc.) is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. According to the website, clients have negative balance protection, and client funds are segregated from the company’s operating funds. The trust score came in low, largely due to the fact that the Octa Markets Inc. entity is unregulated.

St. Vincent & the Grenadines Financial Services Authority.

This section will cover how the different entities of OctaFX are registered/regulated and how this impacts you as a trader. We rate regulators on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 reflecting the highest level of trust.

Octa Markets Inc. is registered with the St. Vincent & the Grenadines Financial Services Authority (FSA), registration number: 19776 IBC 2011. We rate registration with the FSA as equivalent to being unregulated. Octa Markets Cyprus Ltd. is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with license number 372/18. We rate CySEC as a Tier-1 regulator.

Why is it important to know where your broker subsidiary (entity) is regulated?

Different regulators provide different levels of protection. For example, clients with a broker regulated by CySEC can benefit from a compensation fund in the event of broker insolvency. Offshore brokers usually offer higher leverage levels, but few account protections are typically guaranteed.

The table below breaks down the protections and benefits by entity, regulator, and region.

Entity Octa Markets Inc. Octa Markets Cyprus Ltd Country/Region Global European Union Regulation/Registration St. Vincent and the Grenadines FSA Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission Segregated Funds Yes Yes Negative Balance Protection Yes Yes Compensation Scheme No Yes (ICF Up to €20,000) Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:30.

Regulatory requirements are subject to change. We gathered the data listed above in July 2022.

Stability and Transparency.

In our tests for the Trust category, we also cover factors relating to stability and transparency. Here, we focus on how long the broker has been in business, the size of the company, and how transparent they are in terms of readily available information.

Launched in 2011, OctaFX has a substantial operating history of over a decade. According to the company’s LinkedIn page, the Saint Vincent and Grenadines-based broker has over 51-200 employees, reflecting a medium-sized brokerage firm.

The EU entity of OctaFX clearly states its regulatory status in the website’s footer. The offshore entity also references its registration number with the St. Vincent & the Grenadines authorities at the bottom of each page.

Trading costs such as spreads are clearly explained on the Spreads and Conditions page. Traders can find the Client Agreement in the footer of the website. The About Us page does a good job of sharing the company’s mission and history through a series of milestones over the years. Overall, we rate OctaFX as having a fair level of transparency.


How Do We Test A Broker's Fees?

Broker fees can be difficult to understand. We test the broker's platforms and examine commissions, spreads, and overnight fees to ensure that you can determine if trading with this broker is worth your time and money.

OctaFX performs well in the category of fees, with tight spreads in CFDs on forex and commodities, no swap fees, no inactivity fees, and no deposit or withdrawal fees. We rated fees as better than average for the CFD industry.

OctaFX Spreads.

Trading Fees.

We tested the spreads at OctaFX across different asset classes using a standard account and the MetaTrader 4 platform. The test was done at 8 AM GMT and 4 PM GMT on June 30th, 2022. We made our tests at two different times to allow greater perspective. 8 AM GMT is the London open when there is high liquidity in the forex market and tighter spreads in currency pairs. 3 PM GMT is during the New York trading session.

Instrument Spread AM Spread PM EUR/USD 1.1 Pips 0.8 Pips GBP/JPY 3.9 Pips 1.7 Pips Gold 20 Pips 16 Pips Light Crude Oil 9 Pips 8 Pips Dow 30 6.3 Pips 5.3 Pips Dax 40 2.5 Pips 2 Pips.

Swap Fees.

OctaFX does not currently charge swap fees (the charge for holding leveraged positions overnight).

Non-Trading Fees.

OctaFX does not charge an inactivity or account maintenance fee.

Are Fees at OctaFX Competitive?

We experienced competitive spreads in forex and some commodities such as gold. Spreads were closer to average in CFDs on indices. OctaFX helps keep costs low with no swap fees and no inactivity fees. Overall we rate the fees at OctaFX as competitive.

Platforms and Tools.

How Do We Test A Broker's Platforms and Tools?

Platforms are where you trade, so they must be secure, fast, and accessible while offering you the tools you need to succeed. Each broker's desktop, web, and mobile platforms are evaluated according to the order types, speed of execution, ease of use, and other 'need to know' features.

OctaFX offers the popular MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms across desktop, web, and mobile. The proprietary OctaFX Trading App is also available, which allows clients to make fast deposits and withdrawals, trade, and read real-time market analysis while on the go.

MetaTrader 4 for Desktop.

MetaTrader 4 Desktop.

OctaFX offers MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 for desktop, which includes advanced functions such as copy trading and automated trading.

MetaTrader 4 is available in 39 languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese. The platform provides popular features such as:

Alerts. This feature allows traders to be updated when an instrument reaches a specific price level. Alerts can be delivered via audio, email, or push notification to a mobile device. Watchlists. Traders can set up a list of their favorite instruments and follow live quotes in a market watch panel. One-click trading. This feature allows traders to execute orders with a single click and no secondary confirmation. Placing a trade with a single click saves time and is especially useful for short-term traders. Trading from the chart. MT4 also allows users the convenience of trading directly from the chart.

MetaTrader also delivers when it comes to the range of available order types. The platform offers the following order types:

Market Order. This is an order to buy or sell an instrument at the current best available price. Limit Order. This is an order to buy or sell an instrument at a specified price or better. Stop Loss Order. This is an order to buy or sell an instrument that is triggered when the market price reaches a specified level. Trailing Stop Order. This is a stop-loss order that can be set at a defined percentage or dollar amount away from an instrument’s current market price. It is used to secure profits when you are in a winning trade while not having to exit the position.

Charting features are robust. MetaTrader 4 offers:

30 technical indicators. These include classic trend indicators, volume indicators, and oscillators. 23 analytical objects. These include lines, channels, Gann, and Fibonacci tools. 9 time frames Each instrument can be displayed in nine time frames, from one minute to one month. 3 chart types. Traders can choose between Bar Charts, Japanese Candlestick Charts, and Line Charts.

MetaTrader is also popular due to its copy trading and automated trading features.

Trading Signals. Signals in MetaTrader 4 allow users to copy the activity of other traders in real-time automatically. Automated trading. MetaTrader 4 allows users to develop, test, and apply Expert Advisors (EAs). EAs are programs that monitor and trade markets using algorithms. They find opportunities according to set parameters and then either create a notification or automatically open a trade.

The MetaTrader 4 desktop platform is one of the world’s most feature-rich and popular trading platforms. It does not have the most beautiful interface and requires some time and effort to learn, but that is typical of advanced platforms.

MetaTrader 4 Web.

MetaTrader 4 Webtrader.

The MetaTrader Web Platform (Web Trader) is a slightly stripped-down version of the desktop platform. It allows you to trade without additional software; only an internet connection is required. The Web Platform enables users to trade directly from any browser and operating system.

Popular features include:

One-click trading. Trading from the chart. Watchlists with real-time quotes. Trade History. Advanced charting with 30 indicators for technical analysis.

Copy-trading and automated trading are also only available on the MT4 desktop platform.

MetaTrader 4 Mobile App and OctaFX Trader App.

MetaTrader 4 Mobile App.

For mobile trading, OctaFX offers the MetaTrader 4/5 mobile apps and the OctaFX Trading app via Android and iOS. The OctaFX Trading app has a modern, user-friendly interface and offers 1-click trading. The app allows users to manage their OctaFX personal profile, make fast deposits, and access real and demo accounts.

The MetaTrader 4 app offers popular features such as alerts, 1-click trading, and trading from the chart. A broad range of order types, including pending and stop-orders, are available via the MT4 app. However, trailing stop-loss orders are only available from the desktop. To change the language of the MT4 app, you must change the language for your entire phone. As with desktop and web, the interface is not the most intuitive, but the MT4 app offers an above-average range of features.

Order Execution.

OctaFX is an ECN (electronic communications network) broker. ECN brokers give clients direct access to other participants and use prices from different liquidity providers.

Tradable Instruments.

How Do We Test A Broker's Tradable Instruments?

In this section, we check the broker’s market offering and how varied the instruments and asset classes are. It will allow you to check if they offer what you're looking for and what you can trade.

OctaFX offers a variety of trading instruments, including CFDs on forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. While CFDs on shares are not available, OctaFX has a strong variety of CFDs on cryptocurrencies, numbering 30 in total.

OctaFX Tradable Instruments.

CFDs (Contract for Differences) are financial derivative products that allow traders to speculate in various markets without owning the underlying assets. Tradable instruments at OctaFX include the following assets:

38 CFDs on currency pairs. A currency pair combines two different currencies, with the value of one currency quoted against the other. For example, EUR/USD, which reflects the value of the euro measured in dollars. 10 index CFDs. An index is a basket of trading instruments used to gauge a market sector, stocks within an exchange, or a country’s economy. 5 CFDs on commodities. Commodities are raw products, such as gold, oil, and metals. 30 CFDs on cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are digital currencies secured by cryptography.

In the tables below, you can see a selection highlighting the variety of instruments available at OctaFX:

CFDs on Forex Majors CFDs Forex Minors EUR/USD | GBP/USD | USD/JPY GBP/JPY | AUD/NZD | EUR/GBP CFDs on Energy CFDs on Metals WTI Crude Oil | Natural Gas | Brent Crude Oil Silver | Gold CFDs on Indices CFDs on Cryptocurrencies AUS200 | GER40 | NAS100 Polkadot | Dogecoin | Ethereum.

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.

Customer Support.

How Do We Test A Broker's Customer Support?

Traders tend to underestimate customer support, but it might be a crucial feature in moments of crisis. In our rating, we check the contact methods available, how accessible a live agent is and how helpful the responses are. This information will allow you to know if a broker can provide full support when you need it.

OctaFX performs well in this category. It provides 24/7 customer support via live chat and email. Phone support is not currently available. In our tests, we received rapid responses, and the agents were helpful and attentive. Despite the lack of phone support, we had a good experience overall.

OctaFX Chat Support.

We tested customer support with various questions, ranging from swaps to how orders are executed. Responses were swift, with emails typically answered within one business day and live chat responding in less than one minute. The quality of responses was generally good, with agents delivering satisfactory answers.

Deposits & Withdrawals.

How Do We Test A Broker's Deposit and Withdrawal?

The deposit or withdrawal process can be a tricky one. You may discover that there are hidden fees, or that withdrawal times are longer than you anticipated. We check these factors and others so you know what to expect when trading with this broker.

OctaFX clients can make deposits and withdrawals via bank wire, credit card, digital wallet, and cryptocurrency. Available methods vary depending on where you reside. No fees are charged for deposits or withdrawals. Processing times are fast, within 30 minutes for deposits and 4 hours for withdrawals, which is better than average for the industry.

Deposits and Withdrawals.

In the tables below, we break down the fees and processing times for each deposit and withdrawal method.


Deposit Method Minimum Deposit Fees Processing Time Virtual Account 400000.00 IDR 0% 3-30 minutes FasaPay 400000.00 IDR 0% Instant Bitcoin 0.00037 BTC 0% 3-30 minutes Skrill 50 USD 0% Instant Neteller 50 EUR 0% Instant UPI 20 USD 0% 1-5 minutes India Netbanking 20 USD 0% 1-5 minutes Ethereum 0.02 ETH 0% 3-30 minutes Mastercard 50 EUR 0% Instant Visa 25.00 USD 0% 1-5 minutes Tether TRC-20 50 USDTT 0% 3-30 minutes Tether ERC-20 50 USDTE 0% 3-30 minutes Dogecoin 230 DOGE 0% 3-30 minutes Litecoin 0.3 LTC 0% 3-30 minutes GrisPay 400000.00 IDR 0% Instant.


Withdrawal Method Minimum Withdrawal Fees Processing Time Indonesia Local Banks 70000.00 IDR 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 1 hour to transfer the funds. FasaPay 70000.00 IDR 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 5 minutes to transfer the funds. Visa 20.00 USD 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 1 hour to transfer the funds. Bitcoin 0.00009 BTC 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Skrill 5 USD 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 5 minutes to transfer the funds. Neteller 5 USD 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 5 minutes to transfer the funds. Ethereum 0.005 ETH 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Tether TRC-20 20 USDTT 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Tether ERC-20 20 USDTE 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Dogecoin 75 DOGE 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Litecoin 0.11 LTC 0% 1-3 hours to approve the withdrawal and up to 30 minutes to transfer the funds. Internet banking 400000.00 IDR 0% 1-5 minutes.

Note: available deposit and withdrawal methods vary based on where you reside. For example, Visa and FasaPay are available for deposit/withdrawals in Indonesia but not India.

Account Types and Terms.

How Do We Test A Broker's Account Types and Terms?

In order to achieve your trading goals, you need to choose the right account. We evaluate each broker's account types, how easy it is to open an account with them, and the steps involved, so you can decide if it is worth your time to open an account.

The account opening process at OctaFX is fully digital and can be completed via the company website within minutes. OctaFX offers two main account types; Habitual Trader and Smart Trader. In addition, demo accounts and swap-free accounts are available to clients. The range of account types helps to accommodate a variety of different trader profiles.

OctaFX Account Application.

Account Application.

To open an individual account at the Octa Markets Inc, prospective clients must answer the following questions.

Country. City. Street Address. Phone Number. Birthday. Whether you have traded forex before. Platform (OctaFX MT4 or MT5). Account type (real or demo). Currency (USD or EUR). Leverage (1:1 to 1:500). Fixed rate. (On or off. Fixed rate is a feature that allows you to transfer your local currency into your trading USD-account and from it under a fixed rate without conversion expenses.)

Feature Smart Trader Habitual Trader Platform OctaFX MT4 OctaFX MT5 Spread Floating, starting at 0.6 pips Floating, starting at 0.6 pips Commission, Spread Markup No сommission, Markup No сommission, Markup Recommended Deposit 100 USD 100 USD Instruments 35 currency pairs + gold and silver + 3 energies + 10 indices + 30 cryptocurrencies 35 currency pairs + gold and silver + 3 energies + 4 indices + 30 cryptocurrencies Leverage 1:500 for currencies (1:100 for ZARJPY) 1:200 for metals 1:100 for energies 1:50 for indices 1:25 for cryptocurrencies 1:500 for currencies (1:100 for ZARJPY) 1:200 for metals 1:100 for energies 1:50 for indices 1:25 for cryptocurrencies Minimum Volume 0.01 lot (1 Micro Lot) 0.01 lot (1 Micro Lot) Maximum Volume 500 lots 200 lots Deposit Currencies USD or EUR USD or EUR.

Demo Accounts.

OctaFX offers demo accounts for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. Demo accounts are especially important for beginners as they allow them to practice their strategies and get comfortable with the trading platform without risking real money.

The demo account features live quotes and simulates live market conditions in assets such as forex and CFDs on commodities, indices, and stocks. Once users are up to speed on a demo account, they can easily switch over to a live account.

Islamic Accounts.

OctaFX offers a swap-free Islamic account that adheres to the principles of Sharia law.


One of the reasons that traders are attracted to the forex and CFD markets is the high degree of available leverage. Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to increase the size of your trading positions beyond what would be possible using only the cash in your account.

Octa Markets Inc. offers clients leverage of up to 1:500. This means that with an account of $1,000, you can control up to $500,000 worth of positions in the market. Leverage is often described as a ‘double-edged sword’ as it can hurt you as much as it helps you. Traders must remember that it can amplify both their profits and their losses.

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.


How Do We Test A Broker's Research?

Research options provided by brokers may not be seen as the most important feature for some traders, but they can give you an edge over the competition. Staying on top of important market news announcements and being aware of big themes can be very helpful. The rating system provides a clear picture of how well your broker fulfills this service.

OctaFX excels in research, offering regularly updated commentary written by in-house analysts, webinars, and trading ideas. In addition, clients can utilize various tools such as account monitoring, an economic calendar, and research from third-party provider AutoChartist. We rate OctaFX as better than the industry average in research.

OctaFX Research.

Daily and weekly forecasts in the Market Insights section preview the key economic data ahead and highlight the major market movers. The reports cover significant support and resistance levels and technical signals from indicators such as MACD and Parabolic SAR. The research section also includes specific trading ideas, target prices, and key price levels to watch.

An account monitoring tool allows users to select a live account and view its performance, charts, profits, orders, and history, with the idea that you can learn from successful traders. Clients can also add their own accounts to monitoring so that others can follow their trading.

The OctaFX website features a robust economic calendar, including the time, date, country, actual figure, forecast figure, previous figure, and anticipated market impact of a given economic release.

The AutoChartist plugin for MetaTrader is available to clients with $1,000 or more in their accounts. The service provides automated trading signals and a volatility analysis tool for optimizing the placement of stop-loss orders. AutoChartist can also identify emerging and completed chart patterns.


How Do We Test A Broker's Education?

Educating yourself on how to trade the financial markets can make the difference between success and failure. We check the educational content provided by the broker, its quality and suitability for beginners and advanced traders.

OctaFX provides a solid range of educational materials, including articles, videos, webinars, and a video course. Content is updated frequently and is accessible to all levels of traders. A broad range of topics from technical analysis to trading strategies and platform tutorials are covered. We rate the industry’s educational offerings at OctaFX as better than average.

OctaFX Education Section.

The education section on the OctaFX website is well thought out, clearly presented, and made for beginners, intermediate and experienced traders. Webinars play an important role and take place daily. Material includes live trading sessions, workshops, and trading strategy-themed presentations.

In article format, OctaFX provides dozens of detailed guides on subjects ranging from how to use moving averages to setting up the Autochartist Metatrader plugin. An 11-lesson course on forex basics is available in video format and makes a good primer for new traders. OctaFX also provides platform tutorials videos, which cover getting started with MetaTrader, using your personal account area, and how to copy trade.

The Bottom Line.

OctaFX has over a decade of experience and has built a substantial global presence. They performed well in multiple categories, including fees, deposit/withdrawals, research, and education.

Traders can benefit from low trading costs, with tight spreads in fx, no inactivity fees, no swap fees, and no deposit/withdrawal fees. OctaFX provides tailored account types for beginners and experienced traders and has above-average original research and educational offerings.

The offshore entity of OctaFX is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines but is unregulated, and the EU entity is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). At both entities client funds are segregated, and OctaFX provides negative balance protection. Overall, we rate OctaFX as an innovative broker with a client-centric focus.


Where is OctaFX based?

The headquarters of OctaFX is situated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Is OctaFX safe?

OctaFX provides negative balance protection and keeps client funds segregated from company funds. The offshore entity of OctaFX is registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Top-tier CySEC regulates the EU entity.

How does OctaFX make money?

OctaFX makes money from the bid/offer spread.

How do I deposit funds in an OctaFX account?

Traders can deposit funds via Virtual Account, FasaPay, Visa, Bitcoin, Skrill, Neteller, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Tether ERC-20, Tether TRC-20, Mastercard, Ethereum, Internet Banking, and GrisPay.

What is the minimum deposit for OctaFX?

The recommended minimum deposit for both Habitual Trader and Smart trader accounts is $100.

How do I withdraw money from OctaFX?

Funds can be withdrawn via FasaPay, Visa, Bitcoin, Skrill, Neteller, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Tether ERC-20, Tether TRC-20 and Ethereum.

How long does it take to withdraw money from an account at OctaFX?

It takes 1-3 hours for withdrawals to be approved and up to 30 minutes for funds to be transferred.

How much is the maximum leverage at OctaFX?

The maximum leverage is 1:500 at the Octa Markets Inc. entity.

How can I open an account with OctaFX?

You can open an account by visiting the OctaFX website.

What platforms does OctaFX offer?

MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 and the OctaFX Trading App.

What are the withdrawal fees at OctaFX?

There are no fees for withdrawals.

Is OctaFX good for beginners?

OctaFX has strong educational materials and free demo accounts, making it a suitable broker for new traders.

Does OctaFX offer a demo account.

Yes, OctaFX offers demo accounts via MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 and the OctaFX Trading app.

Forex margin trading involves substantial risks.

See OCTAFX Full Information.

Broker General Information.

Trading Features.

Other Details.

Headquarters Country.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Foundation Year.


CySEC (Cyprus), SVGFSA (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)

Publicly Traded.

Number Of Employees.

Trading Desk Type.

Trading platforms.

Restricted Countries.

United States, Russian Federation, Cuba, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Niger, Iran, Iraq, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Syria, Ukraine, Virgin Islands, British, Libya, Myanmar, Samoa, Sudan, Belarus.

Supported Languages.

English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Urdu, Thai, Vietnamese.

Min Deposit.

Max Leverage.

1:30 (CySEC), 1:500 (SVGFSA)

Deposit Options.

Wire Transfer, Credit Card, Cryptocurrencies, Skrill, Neteller, FasaPay, Ngan Luong.

Withdrawal Options.

Wire Transfer, Credit Card, Cryptocurrencies, Skrill, Neteller, FasaPay, China UnionPay.

Time to Open an Account.


Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum.

Products (CFD)

Currencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, Crypto.

Demo Account.

Islamic Account.

Segregated Account.

Managed Account.

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