Tradingview forex 4

How to colour the TradingView background of forex market sessions?

In TradingView we can colour the chart’s background, and with that feature we can colour the background conditionally and combine coloured backgrounds. But how do we use a coloured background to highlight certain time periods, like the forex market sessions?


# Colouring the background of forex sessions in TradingView.

The basic TradingView colours as well as the hexadecimal colour values can be used with several TradingView functions, including bgcolor() . That function colours a bar’s full background from top to bottom ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.) in the area where the script displays (so a subchart or the main price chart). We take a closer look at this function in colouring the background of a TradingView chart.

We can use bgcolor() once or several times in the same script. When used repeatedly, the coloured backgrounds are placed on top of each other and the bgcolor() function that’s executed last will create the uppermost coloured background. With this feature we can, for example, colour the background based on the general trend condition and then colour price bars again when the actual buy and sell signals happen.

Another use of bgcolor() is to colour the background of trading sessions, and that also creates overlaid backgrounds when sessions overlap. To see how that works in TradingView, in this article we’re coding an indicator that colours the background of the following forex trading sessions (, n.d.):

Forex market session Time (UTC-5) New York 8:00 - 17:00 London 3:00 - 12:00 Tokyo 18:00 - 3:00 Sydney 16:00 - 1:00.

Before we can programmatically colour the background of these sessions, we first need to figure out if a bar falls inside the New York, London, Tokyo, or Sydney session. We can do that with the time() function that accepts two arguments: the bar’s resolution and the trading session (TradingView, n.d.). This function then returns the bar’s time (when the bar falls inside the session) or NaN when the bar is outside the session ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.). This way we determine if a bar is inside a session, and then conditionally colour the bar’s background when that’s the case.

Sessions in TradingView are always defined in the exchange time zone (Admin, 2022). That’s why the above table is already adjusted to UTC-5 (the time zone of the FXCM ‘exchange’ in TradingView). Besides this, the chart’s time zone also needs to be set to ‘Exchange’ to have the example indicator that’s discussed below work properly. To set a chart to that time zone, right-click on the chart and select ‘Properties’. Then move to the ‘Timezone/Sessions’ tab.

Now, let’s discuss how to colour the background of the forex trading sessions.

# Programmatically colouring the background of forex sessions in TradingView Pine.

Our example indicator colours the background of up to four forex sessions. Since the London session overlaps with New York and Tokyo trades at the same time as Sydney, we’ll have have partially overlapping background colours.

After we review the code we’ll look at how the indicator and its input options look. But first the code:

nySession nyColour lonColour tokColour sydColour InSession(sess) We begin with the study() function to specify the indicator’s name. With its overlay argument set to true the script displays in the main chart area and not in a separate subchart (TradingView, n.d.).

Then we create several input options:

nySession These manual inputs are made with input() , a function that creates an input option in the script’s settings and that also returns the input’s current value (TradingView, n.d.). We store those values in variables here with the assignment operator ( = ). This way we can refer to the input’s current value later on in the code.

We make two kind of inputs options here. The first are time range inputs. These define the New York, London, Tokyo, and Sydney sessions and are made by setting the input() function’s type argument to session ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.). A descriptive name (like “New York session”) is placed before each input with the title argument.

To set the default value for a session input, we set the defval argument to a string with the session in 24-hour format. And so the “New York session” input has its standard value set to "0800-1700" while the Tokyo time range is specified as "1800-0300" . The current values of these manual session inputs are stored in the nySession , lonSession , tokSession , and sydSession variables.

The other input options are all Boolean true/false inputs. These checkboxes are made by setting the input() function’s type argument to bool ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.), and we store their current values in the showNy , showLon , showTok , and showSyd variables. We’ll use these inputs later on to turn the coloured backgrounds on or off.

Since input() returns the input’s current value, these variables will be true when their checkbox is enabled and false when that option is disabled. All true/false inputs are enabled by default ( defval=true ) and given a descriptive name with the title argument (like “Display New York session?” and “Show Sydney session?").

Then we define several colours:

nyColour lonColour tokColour sydColour.

Each of these variables is assigned a hexadecimal colour value. By putting these colours in a variable it’s easier to reference the correct colour later on, and this is especially helpful in scripts with a lot of code and where the same colour is used repeatedly.

After that we create a custom single-line function:

InSession(sess) A custom function has the benefit that we only need to code it once, and then can use it as many times as needed in our script. That reduces the amount of code (and the potential for errors), and we then only need to change the function to have its behaviour change everywhere in the script.

Creating a single-line line is done by specifying the function’s name, the arguments that it takes between parentheses ( ( and ) ) followed by the function declaration operator ( => ), and then the function’s expression ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.). In our forex sessions script, we create a custom function that’s named InSession and has one argument ( sess ). Inside the function we evaluate whether the na(time(period, sess)) expression equals ( == ) false .

That expression is evaluated from the inside-out and so the time() function is executed first. The two arguments used with this function are sess (which, in turn, is the argument of our custom InSession() function) and period . That built-in variable returns the bar’s resolution (TradingView, n.d.). With these two arguments, time() either returns the bar’s time when it falls inside the specified session or returns a NaN (“not a number”) value otherwise (TradingView, n.d.).

The na() function then deals with a possible NaN value. This function returns 1 (the equivalent of true ) if the value inside its parentheses is NaN (TradingView, n.d.). This means that, when time() returns NaN to signal that the current bar is outside the specified session, then na() returns true . However, we’re not interested in bars that fall outside a session but want to know which bars are inside a session. And so we check if the value returned by na() equals ( == ) false . That condition evaluates to true whenever time() returns the bar’s time (signalling that the bar is inside the session) since na() will return false then.

So what our InSession() function does is to return true when the current bar is inside the specified session and return false when the bar isn’t in that session.

After creating the function, we colour the background of each trading session:

The background colouring is done with bgcolor() , and the color argument of these four bgcolor() statements is set to a value returned by the conditional (ternary) operator ( ?: ). This operator evaluates a condition and, when that condition is true, the operator’s second value is returned. Should the condition be false, then its third value is returned ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.).

The first bgcolor() statement colours the background of the New York session, and its conditional operator checks if InSession(nySession)[1] and showNy are true. Since we combine these expressions with the and logical operator, both need to be true before their combined condition is also true ( Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.).

So we first use the InSession() function with the nySession input variable, which holds the "0800-1700" range by default. As we discussed above, this custom function returns true when the current bar falls inside the specified session. However, the time of TradingView’s bars is the closing time, meaning that the 8:00 bar isn’t the first of that session but instead contains the price action just prior to the New York session open. That’s why we place the history referencing operator ( [] ) with a value of 1 just after InSession() to introduce a lag of one bar. Now, on a 30-minute chart, the 8:30 bar is seen as the first bar of the session while 17:00 concludes the session.

The second expression is simply showNy , our true/false input variable that holds the value of the “Display New York session?”. This input is enabled ( true ) by default and used here to enable or disable the New York session background. That’s done with the conditional operator, which set the color argument of the bgcolor() function either to the nyColour variable (that holds royal blue) or na . That built-in variable represents a “not a number” value (TradingView, n.d.) that, when used with colouring, generates an invisible colour (see Pine Script Language Tutorial , n.d.).

This has the effect of colouring the background conditionally: should the current bar be inside the New York session and the “Display New York session?” input is enabled, then we colour the chart’s background royal blue. If the bar is not inside that session and/or that input is disabled, then the background isn’t coloured.

The two other arguments that we specify in this bgcolor() statement are title and transp . The first sets the name of the background, and this name is displayed in the script’s ‘Style’ window when manually changing the script’s colours. By giving the background a descriptive name we can easily identify it in that settings window. The other argument, transp , sets the background’s transparency ranging from 0 (fully solid) to 100 for fully invisible (TradingView, n.d.). We set this argument to 85 here for a reasonably transparent background.

The next three bgcolor() function calls are nearly identical to the first. In each we check with InSession() if the bar falls inside the specified session (held by the lonSession , tokSession , and sydSession input variables). And when their checkbox is enabled (stored in the showLon , showTok , and showSyd variables), then we colour the background with one of the previously defined colour variables ( lonColour , tokColour , or sydColour ); otherwise, the background is set to na .

When backgrounds overlay on top of each other (as happens here with the overlapping forex sessions), then the bgcolor() function that’s executed last creates the topmost background. This means that changing the order of the bgcolor() statements affects how the chart looks. See combining coloured TradingView backgrounds for more.

# Example: highlighting forex market sessions in TradingView.

When we add the above example indicator to a GBP/USD chart, it looks like:

And our script looks like this when added to a 15-minute EUR/USD chart:

The indicator has the following input options:

If we, for example, disable the London and Tokyo sessions through with these inputs, then the previous EUR/USD chart becomes:

Now changing the Sydney session end time to 3:00 (instead of the default 1:00) and letting the New York session start 2 hours earlier changes the chart to:

A TradingView script’s colours can be configured manually in its ‘Style’ window, and there we also see the descriptive names that we gave our backgrounds:

Other applications of the bgcolor() function are offsetting a coloured background and conditionally colouring a background. We discussed this function and its arguments in colouring a TradingView background. Whereas bgcolor() colours the chart’s full background from top to bottom, it’s also possible to colour a background section with the fill() function. Both functions accept basic TradingView colours and hexadecimal colour values.

# Summary.

The bgcolor() function sets the chart’s background from top to bottom to the colour specified with its color argument. This function either colours the main chart area or the script’s subchart, depending on where the script displays. When we use several bgcolor() statements in our code, then the order of these function calls matters: the first bgcolor() statement colours the main background, while the background coloured by the subsequent bgcolor() function calls is placed on top of the previously made background.


Admin (October 5, 2022). time() only works with exchange time chart? Discussion topic . Retrieved on October 8, 2022, from

TradingView (n.d.). Script Language Reference Manual . Retrieved on December 18, 2022, from

Published February 19, 2022 .

# Related TradingView tutorials.

Colouring the background repeatedly: combining coloured backgrounds In this TradingView coding tutorial we discuss how backgrounds can be programmatically coloured and overlaid on top of each other. Filling background areas around a TradingView area plot In this TradingView programming article and example script we discuss how to colour a part of the chart’s background surrounding an area plot. How to colour the background of TradingView bars inside a range? A coloured background quickly shows which bars fall inside or outside a price range. This article codes that for TradingView indicators and strategies. How to create a TradingView background that’s like a heat map? In this TradingView programming tutorial we look at how to create a heat map effect by colouring the background of a TradingView chart repeatedly. Colouring a TradingView background with different colours or none In this TradingView Pine programming tutorial we discuss how we can have an indicator or trading strategy colour the chart’s background conditionally.

Welcome on! This website aims to help people like you reduce their programming curve. I hope you find the articles helpful with your programming tasks.

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See all TradingView tutorials to learn about a lot of Pine Script features.

Other TradingView articles.

How to backtest a TradingView strategy since a certain date? Limit a strategy’s number of intra-day trades: TradingView’s strategy.risk.max intraday filled orders() function How to see if a TradingView drawing uses bar numbers or time values? Introduction to TradingView’s operators A closer look at TradingView’s syminfo.prefix variable.

Tradingview forex 3

How To Use Tradingview: My HUGE Guide For Beginners.

Choosing the right chart platform to view price and carry out analysis is critical to your success in forex. If you think it’s possible to make millions with a second rate platform offered for free by a no-name broker, in the words of the great Judas Priest… “you’ve got another thing coming”.

It’s THAT simple.

Nowadays’s, trading platforms are everywhere, so knowing which has the right features and which to choose for trading isn’t as easy as it seems.

However, in the past few years, one platform has ascended to the top…

I’m talking about Tradingview – ring a bell?

Combining highly advanced charts with a whole suite of social features, Tradingview has cemented itself as one of the top forex charting platforms. It’s easy to use, packed with amazing features not found on most other platforms, and best of all, completely FREE.

Today I’m going to give you a complete walk-through of how to use Tradingview along with its many features.

I’ve used Tradingview for 3 years now – made the switch from MT4 back in 2022. So I know all the tips, tricks, and little secrets to using it that’ll help you to get started.

Here’s a quick look at what we’ll cover…

How to sign up and create a Tradingview account. How to get your charts ready for trading. Overview of all the tools & how to use them. How to add lines, rectangles, and indicators to the chart. How to connect your broker and trade through Tradingview. How to set your charts up like mine (if you want to).

So, ready to dive in and see what Tradingview’s all about? Lets go…

What Is Tradingview And How Does It Work?

So, unless you’ve been living (or trading, I guess) under a rock for the past few years, you probably already know a little about Tradingview, or at the very least have seen it advertised somewhere.

Tradingview is a charting platform; it shows charts and lets you analyze price, just like MT4.

However, unlike MT4 and most other platforms, Tradingview is web-based. All of its charts and services are hosted via a website, which you visit to look at price and conduct analysis. You don’t download any separate programs onto your PC, or sign up to a broker.

You simply enter the site into your device and then log in to start viewing charts and carrying out analysis.

Now, what makes or breaks a charting platform are its features. And it’s in this area that Tradingview sets itself apart from all the other charting platforms out there.

Simply put, Tradingview has the best features of any charting platform – and yes, that includes MT4.

Charts wise, it has everything you could ever ask for – and more you probably didn’t . A full suite of drawing tools makes finding levels and zones a breeze, a huge collection of chart types and timeframes gives you the complete picture of price, and a massive list of tools and indicators helps you find information that takes ages to find manually.

And if that wasn’t enough…

Tradingview also has a built-in strategy tester and editor. You can create and customize your own indicators, strategies, and Ea’s and then test them to see how they perform… all for free within Tradingview!

Pretty amazing, right?

While Tradingview provides great features for charting and analysis, it also contains many social features.

Publish your analysis, chat with fellow traders, follow and comment on the analysis of other traders… The features are extensive, and being built directly into the platform means you can access them from anywhere, including the chart screen.

Personally, I don’t use these much – I’m more of a lone wolf type of trader – but they are there if you want to use them.

Opening An Account With Tradingview.

Getting setup with Tradingview takes literally a couple of minutes. You don’t need to download any programs or sign up for a broker, as you often do with MT4 or other platforms.

Just visit the site, create an account, and you’re on your way.

Keep in mind, while Tradingview is free to use, you need to open a free account for the full range of features.

With no account, you can only access a select few features. And after a while – around 15 minutes, I think – a pop up will cover the screen telling you to either create a free account or become a pro member to continue viewing charts – ads still show with a free account, but don’t stop you from doing analysis.

So to open an account up, head over to the site…

Click the “Join Now” button in the top right.

And then enter your details.

Once you confirm your account, simply log in to begin looking at charts and analyzing price.

While a free account with Tradingview gives you many cool features, a pro account really takes things up a notch. It provides specialized tools that make trading and analysis so much easier. Many of these – like the strategy tester and market replay tools – cost money to use on other sites, so it’s pretty good value for money when you break it down.

As we go through the guide, I’ll cover some of these in more detail.

For now, here’s a quick overview of the main features you get with each version of Tradingview:

Basic (Free But Email Sign Up Required)

Access to the charts. Ads every 15 (or so) minutes. 1 chart per tab. 3 indicators per chart. 1 saved chart layout. 1 indicator template. Stock/Forex/Crypto Screener. Market Replay Function (only on daily and weekly) Volume Profile Indicator Strategy Tester.


Access to the charts. No ads. 2 charts per tab. 5 indicators per chart. 5 saved chart layouts. Infinite indicator templates. Stock/Forex/Crypto Screener. Market Replay Function Volume Profile Indicator Strategy Tester.

Pro +

Access to the charts. No ads. 4 charts per tab. 10 indicators per chart. 10 saved chart layouts. Infinite indicator templates. Stock/Forex/Crypto Screener. Market Replay Function Volume Profile Indicator Strategy Tester.


Access to the charts. No ads. 8 charts per tab. 25 indicators per chart. Infinite saved chart layouts. Infinite indicator templates. Stock/Forex/Crypto Screener. Market Replay Function Volume Profile Indicator Strategy Tester.

Check this comparison on the Tradingview site for a more detailed breakdown of the features that come with each different account type:

Important Note: Not sure if Tradingview is for you? Get the free trial… Tradingview gives all users a 1 month free trial to test the platform and try out all it’s features. All the pro and pro + features are included, and you have full access to the paid tools I talk about later.

Understanding The Chart Window.

So when you first open Tradingview, either with or without a paid account, you’ll find yourself on the chart window.

Tradingview’s pride and joy here.

The chart window shows the price of a currency/stock/commodity through a chart and contains all the tools, indicators, and options you can use in your analysis.

Suffice to say it’s the place you’ll be spending most of your time.

Now for all you beginners out there, this screen probably looks like a mess of different options and tools. That’s why I thought when I first started using it, and I’m sure that’s what many of you think right now.

But don’t worry… while it looks complicated at first, once you know a few things, the chart window is much simpler than it seems…

The window contains 4 different tabs, each which I’ve marked with an arrow.

These tabs contain all the options for viewing charts and conducting analysis. From here, you can add indicators, switch between different pairs (or other assets), add lines and rectangles – good for supply and demand trading – as well view information on the price of a currency and news around the world.

We’ll dive into the options of each tab later, before that, here’s a quick overview of what each one does…

Top Menu (Red Arrow)

The top menu contains the basic options for changing the chart, like switching between pairs, changing timeframes, selecting different chart types, etc. Head here first to get your chart set up ready for analysis.

Chart Area (Not Marked)

The middle of the chart, where you can see the price of the currency, is called the chart area.

When you add a tool or indicator to the chart, it’ll show somewhere here – some indicators will open in a graph below the chart too. Change the chart settings by right-clicking and selecting “Settings”.

Left Side Menu (Red Arrow)

All your favourite drawing tools like rectangles, lines, and fib retracements are found down the left side menu. As you can see, A LOT of tools feature here, and each one has a drop-down list containing even more within. We’ll go over these in more detail later on, so you can see how they work.

Right Side Menu (Red Arrow)

You probably won’t use the right menu too much. It mostly shows the different social options Tradingview provides, but the top half of the menu does contain a few useful trading tools, like the calendar and alerts box.

Bottom Menu (Red Arrow)

To find most of the specialized tools Tradingview provides, head down to the bottom menu. The strategy tester and editor I mentioned earlier feature here, as do the stock screener and notes tab.

Important Note: Unlike other online charting sites, you don’t need to manually save your analysis every time you use Tradingview. Everything gets saved to the cloud automatically as you carry out your analysis. So whenever you re-open the site and login, your charts remains the same as when you left them.

Setting Up The Chart Area.

Don’t feel overwhelmed by all the options on Tradingview. I know it’s a lot to take in, but you’ll get the hang of it in no time, trust me. In a minute, I’ll run you through everything step-by-step, so you know exactly what each option does and how it works.

Before we get to that, however, let me show you how to set your charts up, ready for trading.

We only need to change a couple of things here, so it shouldn’t take too long.

So first of all, you want to change the chart type to a candlestick.

By default, Tradingview displays a line chart. While this comes in handy in certain situations – like for quickly finding S & R levels – for normal analysis, it doesn’t give us enough information about the price. So switch it over to a candlestick chart to get a better idea of what price is up to.

Change the chart type by clicking the little chart icon and selecting “Candlestick” from the drop-down list.

With that out of the way, it’s time to adjust the chart settings.

To do this, you need to open up the chart menu. So, right-click some blank space in the chart area and then select “Settings” from the list that appears.

The chart menu contains options for changing how and what information the chart displays – like colours, price lines, tabs, etc. Quite a few options here, I know, but we only need to change two or three things, so it won’t get too confusing.

Right off the bat, head over to the Symbol tab and change the colour scheme of the chart.

You can keep this on the default setting if you like, but I like to change my colours to something that pops out a little better, to make it easier to see what price is doing.

Here’s what mine looks like, in case you want to copy.

You don’t have to change this next setting, but I recommend turning it on because of how easy it makes finding where price might reverse.

As many of you know, I’m a HUGE fan big round number levels – prices that end in 500 and 0000. For my money, they create some of the strongest support and resistance levels in the market, with many of the biggest reversals beginning after price touches or comes close to the levels.

Finding the levels doesn’t take long, but marking each one on the right price gets old… fast .

However, by changing the Horz Grid Lines setting in the appearance tab to black – or whatever colour you like – the chart will automatically mark every big round number level for you, removing the need to mark them.

Another great little Tradingview feature provides.

I’ll talk more about this later on, but you can also connect your broker/exchange to Tradingview and trade directly from the chart. In other words, you can place, close, and manage trades directly from the chart window, without going back and forth between Tradingview and your broker. Pretty neat, right?

The Trading tab shows the important options related to this, so check it out once you connect your broker/exchange to see what stuff needs enabling and disabling.

Finally, click “Show Economic Events On Chart” inside the Events tab.

As it says, this shows important economic news on the chart via a small circle with a flag and number. The circles show the time of the announcement, and the number tells you how many events are set to be released – click the circle to get a small description of each event, and its predicted impact.

It doesn’t show every release as forex factory does – so best to still keep that open somewhere – but all the important ones will show on the chart at their respective times.

Getting To Grips With Tradingview.

So time to get into the meat of the guide. Over the next few sections, I’m going to run through all different features and tools on Tradingview and show you how they work. I’ll explain each setting and tool in the 4 menus mentioned earlier, and give you my thoughts on which are useful and what for.

By the end, you should have a pretty good idea of how to set up and use Tradingview for yourself.

Top Menu.

We’ll start with the top bar menu – or main menu as I like to call it. Your first port of call after opening a pair, this menu contains all the important options for changing the chart. Change the time-frame, select a different pair, and switch between chart types all from within this menu.

The top bar menu contains 18 different options, all of which I’ve labelled above.

Don’t worry… you won’t need to change or use all of these when you trade. However, it’s important to understand what each one does, so you know how to use the charts properly.

Before we cover the options, find all your account settings inside the Profile tab (1).

Click this to reveal a drop-down menu with all the settings for your account. Save your current chart layout, sign out, turning sharing on (or off) all from the menu – make sure you keep auto-saving on, to save yourself from losing your analysis by closing the chart by mistake or from your PC crashing.

With that out of the way, let’s look at the options…

So when you first open a chart, head over to the Pair Selector (GBP/USD in the image) to switch to your favoured pair.

Tradingview supports all currency pairs, thousands of international stocks and commodities, and most of the big indexes. It also supports many cryptocurrencies in case you want to trade them too.

Most pairs have multiple broker/exchange pricing as well, so you can see the price of a pair for a specific exchange/broker – just look to the right, and it’ll say Oanda, FXCM, IG, etc next to the pair.

At some point, you’ll probably want to switch to a different timeframe. To do this, click the 1-hour button to the right (3).

All the key short, medium and long term timeframes you need in trading feature here, including many you don’t tend to see on other platforms – it even has 1-second charts, for all you scalpers out there.

If you purchase the pro version, you can even create your custom time-frame if the others aren’t to your liking.

To set this up, scroll down until you see the “Add” button:

Enter the interval period and the timescale and then click “Add” to add the timeframe to the list and switch over to it on the chart.

It might be hard to see, but did you notice the little gold start next to each time-frame?

Take a look again…

These stars aren’t for decoration. Rather, they allow you to set a time-frame as a favourite.

Your favourite timeframe will show to the left of the timeframe button, so you can instantly switch to it without cycling through the menu – super handy if you quickly need to switch back and forth between a high and low timeframe, like when day trading.

Neat little feature, if I say so myself.

Now by default, Tradingview displays a line chart, so you want to switch this over to a candlestick ASAP.

Click the little bar icon to change the chart type, like I showed earlier. Tradingview has few interesting chart types here, like the Renko and Kagi, but the candlestick works best for price action, so stick to that.

You probably won’t use this next tool too often, but it’s still useful in certain situations.

Compare lets you compare the price of two currencies – or any other assets if you like – against one another.

There are a few different ways you can use this, but I mainly use it to quickly see how different pairs and assets correlate to each other.

Normally, you have flick back and fourth between pairs to see how they correlate. With the tool, however, you just place the correlated pair on the chart… its price gets overlayed on top of the other pair, making it easy to see how they move and correlate to each other.

You can also view the price in a graph at the bottom, rather than overlayed on top if you want to keep your chart nice and clean. To set this up, just de-select “Overlay” inside the compare menu.

Indicators contains all the technical indicators Tradingview provides… and it provides A LOT. You won’t be short of indicators here, that’s for sure. All the basic indicators we know and love feature and Tradingview also has an exhaustive collection of custom indicators created by the community.

Open up the tab, and you’ll see 4 mini tabs, each containing a different set of tools and indicators.

Find the most common indicators under “Built In’s” at the top. MACD, Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index, all feature here, along with all your other favourites.

Custom library shows the custom indicators mentioned above.

Important Note: Need to change the settings of an indicator? Right click the line (or graph, depending on indicator) and hit the “Settings” button. A small menu with all the settings will pop open. What you can change depends on the indicator, but all the important stuff is supported. You can also change colours and display settings by clicking the “Display” tab inside the settings menu.

If you fancy creating or editing your own indicator, you can do so by clicking the My Scripts button.

Volume Profile is a pro account only indicator. It gives a much more advanced look at the volume and plots it vertically on the right of the chart, so you can see how much volume is building up around different prices – for those familiar with the market profile, it’s very similar to that.

Not that necessary for us price action traders, but if you can read volume, could be worth taking a look at.

Next up, we have the Financials tab.

Only really useful for stock traders this, so skip down to carry on with the forex stuff.

Financials shows important figures about a stock (earnings, debt, cash flow, etc). It plots the release of each figure in a separate graph below the chart to make it easy to see how it’s changed over time.

If you trade or invest in stocks, you’ll know how important fundamental analysis is, so this tab makes it really easy to see how the fundamental are changing over time.

The menu shows all the important financials, and you can easily switch between them by clicking the tabs to the left.

Hate re-applying your studies (indicators, financials, etc) every time you open a new chart? Hit the Templates button to save your current chart layout as a template. Select this whenever you open a new chart to instantly have all your studies re-applied with your saved settings.

3 default templates with the most popular tools and indicators are also available, but it’s better to create your own in my opinion – more customizable, you know.

Note: You can only save 1 template using the free version of Tradingview, so choose wisely.

Alerts allows you to, yep, you guessed it… set alerts – who would’ve thought!

Tradingview has a HUGE range of options for setting and customizing alerts, some of which you can see above.

Set alerts when support and resistance levels get hit, when news events come out, set them for when indicators cross or hit a certain number… you can even get the alerts sent to your phone or email, so you never miss a beat when out and about!

Note: Sms alerts require a paid account, but for email, it completely free.

Setting an alert is easy, but there are two ways to do it…

The first (and easier) way is to right-click the price, technical indicator, or level you want to set the alert on and click the “Add Alert” button from the menu. Tradingview will set the alert for you at that point. The other way is to open up the Alerts tab and manually enter all the information yourself.

You can view all your open alerts by hitting the alarm clock icon in the right menu.

Before we move on and look at the right side of the menu, we have the Market Replay button.

A Pro account only feature this. Market replay lets you rewind the market and play it back in real-time, just like a video. I often use this to look back at old trades to see what went right (and wrong) and how I could improve.

Note: The Undo and Re-Do buttons (11) let you correct mistakes, just like word – almost forgot about this.

Over to the right side of the main tab now…

You won’t use these 5 options much, but nonetheless, they let you do some cool things worth knowing about.

If you want to change the layout of the chart, for example, to have one currency next to the other or a different timeframe shown alongside another timeframe, click the little square button (12).

Tradingview supports multiple layout types, but you need the paid version to access them all.

To the right of the square, it says Unnamed with a little down arrow next to it. Use this to save your current chart – so all the indicators, lines, drawings, tools, etc. Tradingview saves all your charts to the cloud – hence the icon – so you can quickly switch between them. Simply click the little arrow to save and load up your charts.

Note: Make sure you keep Auto-saving on, otherwise you could lose your analysis by closing the chart.

The small Cog button opens the chart settings menu, which I showed you earlier.

To full screen the chart window hit the 4 expanding arrows icon. If you want to take a screenshot of the chart, maybe to post in a forum or chatroom, click the small camera button to the right.

With Publish, you can upload your analysis to Tradingview for everyone to see. Hit the button to bring up the idea window. Enter your idea or headline for the analysis e.g Eur/Usd Breaking To New Highs, then write a description of what you think is going to happen in the small text box below.

Once approved, Tradingview will publish your analysis on the Ideas page for that pair.

Side Menu.

Onto the sidebar menu now. Probably the part of the chart you’ll be using the most, the side menu shows all the important options for drawing on the chart like lines, rectangles, shapes, Fibonacci studies, etc along with some other cool tools exclusive to Tradingview. Lots of options to go through here, so lets jump right in.

Starting from the top then, we have the cross-hair selector.

As it says, use this change your cross-hair. I keep mine on the default cross, but you can select something else if that’s not to your fancy – you can also select the eraser tool here, in case you want to wipe a shape or line off the chart.

Speaking of lines…

At some point, you’ll no doubt want to put some support or resistance levels or trend-lines on the chart – if you don’t, what the hell are you doing on a price action site? Tradingview has all sorts of lines and channels for your needs. To access them, head over to the line tab below the cross-hair selector.

Pretty much every line type is supported, so rest assured, your favourites will be here. Some aren’t as quite as useful as the others – flat top/bottom, anyone? – but it’s nice to see Tradingview go the extra mile and add ones we probably wouldn’t use or otherwise know about in our trading.

Quick Tip: Hold “Ctrl” while clicking a line or any other drawing on the chart to instantly make a copy – handy if you quickly need to mark a bunch of support and resistances levels or supply and demand zones.

Do you use pitchforks in your trading?

Pitchforks aren’t really my thing – a little too subjective for me. However, if you’re a fan and use them often, head on down to the pitchfork tab to find a bunch of useful tools.

All sorts of pitchfork variations are available, including many I never knew existed – who knew there were so many types? You’ll also find Fibonacci and Gann studies here, including spirals, wedges, and, of course, the ever-popular retracements.

For all you supply and demand traders, this next tab is a must…

Shapes contains all the shape drawing tools Tradingview provides – and yes, that includes rectangles for S & D zones. Circles, curves, triangles, and arcs are all also available. And if those don’t tickle your fancy, select the brush tool to draw a freehand shape. Pretty neat, huh?

The text tab (T) is self-explanatory: use it to add text to the chart using titles and boxes.

I often use this for my daily analysis, but you’ll probably use it to mark support and resistance levels or to leave important little reminders for yourself about price.

Remember: You need a free account with Tradingview for the analysis to stay on the chart. With no account, your analysis vanishes once you close the site or select a different pair.

Only a few more tools to look at now…

Here’s a handy little tool for all you pattern traders out there. The patterns tab beneath text contains a bunch of tools for marking chart patterns. Marking chart patterns gets pretty annoying, especially complex patterns like the Gartley, ABC’s and the like. With these tools, however, you can quickly mark them without much difficulty.

Elliott wave tools can also be found in this tab, so check them out if you love your waves and corrections.

Now this next tool is really important, so pay attention.

At first glance, the Time and Prediction tab seems nothing out of the ordinary… just another tab with some cool tools. However, inside is one of the most useful tools Tradingview provides…

The Short Position And Long Position tool.

If you hate manually calculating risk/reward ratio, profit targets, and the like, you’re going to LOVE this tool.

What it does is take the after-mentioned info and show it on the chart visually via lines. When you move the lines up and down, your risk-to-reward ratio, current profit & loss, profit target, and stop-loss price show above the line, making it easy for you to quickly see what it is and how it’s changing.

So rather than work everything manually, like you normally do, you can just place the tool and move the lines around.

The tool will show all your information automatically without you needing to calculate anything or switch back and fourth with your broker. How cool is that?

Here’s a quick example, so you can see how it works in real-time…

Let’s say I long Eur/Gbp from 0.84000 – we’ll use a big round number to make it easy.

Normally, I’d have to manually work out my risk-to-reward ratio. And I’d have to keep switching between my broker and chart platform to see my open P & L, max risk, and stop-loss price, etc, which takes up precious time, especially in the heat of the moment when the trade is open.

With the tool, though, all I have to do is place it on the chart and then move the lines to their respective positions.

And just like that, I know all the critical information about my trade.

Remember, you need to use the correct tool for the right trade type. Don’t use the long position tool when you have a short trade open, as the levels won’t show in the right place.

Also, you must enter your account balance and trade size into the settings menu for the tool to show the right information.

To do this, simply right click the tool, select “Settings”, then enter the information. Click the “Style” and “Visibility” tabs to change the colours of the tool and what timeframes it shows on.

And last but not least, we have the Icons tab.

As it says, use this to place arrows, stars, and other little decorations on the chart. Lots of different Icons here, so knock yourself out and give your chart some style.

Chart Buttons.

The lower half of the side tab shows the chart buttons. These all allow you to change or manipulate the chart in some way – like zoom in, out, delete or hide drawings…

Only a few different options here, so lets quickly buzz through them.

Use the ruler icon at the top to measure price. Drag this from one point to the next, and it’ll show the pips, days, and weeks it took price to cover that distance. The magnifying glass below (2) lets you zoom in and out of the chart – you can do this with your mouse wheel, so it’s kind of unnecessary.

Note: Hold shift and drag your mouse as a quick shortcut for the measurement tool.

With Magnet (3), you can snap objects (lines, rectangles, etc) to the nearest candlesticks OHLC (open, high, low, close). It sounds useful, but in practice, it tends to make the cursor stick to everything, so best to keep it un-selected.

The next two tools, “Lock All Drawing Tools” and “Stay In Drawing Mode”, don’t do anything important, so just leave these unchecked.

If the chart gets too crowed with lines, zones, retracements, and the like, click the little eye (5) to hide everything – click it again to bring it back. To wipe the chart of all studies, drawings, and indicators, hit the trash can button. Click the arrow to the right to further refine what gets wiped.

The star button opens up the favourites menu, which shows your favourite tools.

The objects tree button, right at the bottom, shows a list of all the drawings and indicators on the chart. You can individually hide, delete, and edit each indicator and drawing from this menu.

Important Note: Click the little star next to a tool to save it as a favourite. Your favourite tools will appear in a separate toolbar on the chart so you can easily switch between them when trading.

Right Menu.

The right side menu mostly shows important information about your pair. The 3 tabs (black box) show news about the currency, info about its price and let you create your own watch-list. The far-right side (red box) has a bunch of buttons for opening new tabs, most of which are social features, but a few useful ones for trading too.

We’ll get to the buttons in a minute, lets look at the three tabs first, starting with the most useful: Watchlist.

Perfect if you always focus on the same few pairs or track the same set of stocks, Watch-list lets you create your very own list of assets to watch, which you can switch between whenever you want. Simply click a currency to instantly switch over to it with all your prior analysis in-tact on the chart.

The default watchlist only shows the top-performing assets for each sector, so you’ll need to remove each one to create your own.

To remove an asset, click the little X next to its name. To add a new asset to the list, enter it into the Add box in the top right. When you begin typing its name, a drop-down list of similar assets (like currencies) will appear.

Navigate to the sector you’re interested in (so forex for us) and simply pick the ones you want to add them to the list. Easy!

Like all the tabs on the right menu, you can re-size the watch-list box to make it smaller or wider…. just click one of the edges and then drag inwards or outwards to re-size the box to your liking.

You can create and save as many watch-lists as you want, but you must have a pro account to save more than one.

To manage all your watch-lists, hit the watch-list button at the top. Open this to save, load, and name your different watch-lists – your default watch-list will always be called “Default”.

And with that, let’s move onto the D etails tab…

Details does as you’d expect… show you details about whatever you’re trading – no more, no less.

The top half of the tab gives you info on the current buy price and sell price, but you can scroll down to see more advanced info, like the daily range, 52-week highs and lows, plus more. If you click the little more button, you can see which technical indicators are currently showing a buy or sell signal.

Not that useful for us PA traders, but hey, still cool to have.

Finally, we have the headlines tab – what do you think this does?

As it says, this tab shows news headlines about the pair from around the world.

A bunch of different forex sites are sources here, so you tend to get a good mix of both current and future information. I don’t really use this much – I’m only interested in the key events – but it’s worth a read from time to time to quickly see what’s going on in the crazy world of forex.

Side Menu Buttons.

So to the right of the tabs mentioned above, you’ll see a long list of different buttons…. these are the side menu buttons.

Unlike the buttons we’ve already looked at, you probably won’t use these much.

Most bring up tabs related to the social aspects of Tradingview, like the chat window where you can interact with other traders, or the messages tab, where you can see messages people have sent. I won’t bore you and go through everything here, I’ll just detail the main buttons you should know about and might want to use.

I’ve labelled each of the key (i.e useful) buttons above with a small box placed a yellow box around the social buttons. It’s pretty obvious what these do, so I’ll let you figure them out for yourself.

The key buttons then… what do they do?

Well, starting from the top (red box), you have the alerts button – remember alerts from earlier?

Whenever you set an alert, it’ll show inside this tab for easy viewing. You can also edit and remove alerts from here if you need to make some changes.

The best way to see upcoming news events is by enabling the “Show Economic Events” inside the chart settings tab I mentioned at the beginning. All the upcoming events will show on the chart at their respective times. However, another way to see upcoming news is to open up the calendar (green box).

Just like forex factory, Tradingview has a fully functioning economic calendar that shows all upcoming news events along with their predicted impact on the price. Just hit the calendar button…

And the calendar will open up, making all the upcoming events easy to see.

For all you stock traders/investors out there, a calendar showing upcoming earning announcements also shows. So if you’re not sure when a stock is set to announce its earnings, you can just check the calendar.

If you decide to connect your broker to Tradingview to trade directly through the chart – more on this in a minute – the order panel (black box) is where you can place and view open orders.

I haven’t got my broker connected, so the options don’t show here. But once it’s set up, all your options for placing, closing and managing open trades and orders show inside this tab.

Bottom Menu.

The bottom menu contains some of the best tools on Tradingview. These tools, some of which you have to pay for on other sites, will save you a huge amount time and make your trading life a whole lot easier. Lets dive in and take a look at tool #1: the screener.

Stock/Forex/Crypto Screener.

For us forex traders, knowing which pair to trade usually comes down to personal preference. We have our favourite pairs, and we mostly stick to them while occasionally dabbling into other pairs from time to time, depending on what’s happening and what opportunities have arisen.

Unfortunately, stock and crypto traders don’t have this luxury…

Many stocks and crypto’s hardly move or move so much that the spread makes it impossible to make money. As a result, the traders usually have to siphon through hundreds of stocks and cryptos to find the right ones to trade, which is #1 quite annoying and #2 takes up a lot of precious trading time.

Luckily, Tradingview comes with a FREE built-in screener that makes finding the right crypto’s or stock’s easier than ever…

It lets you screen stocks, currencies, and crypto using all sorts of different metrics, so you can find EXACTLY the right one to trade or invest in.

A huge variety of metrics are supported too.

Screen assets according to new highs and lows, biggest percentage gains, indicator changes… really advanced stuff, considering it’s free.

To change how the assets are screened, simply click on the tabs inside the box: Overview, Performance, Extended Hours, Valuation, Dividends, Margin, etc. Further customize these by clicking the Filters button on the right.

If you want to screen out whole groups of stocks and currencies, click the box above. You can screen according to timeframe too, but this is a paid-only feature, so you’ll need the pro version of Tradingview for access.

Text Notes.

And just when you think Tradingview couldn’t get any better, it throws a fully edged text editor into the mix – take that MT4.

The notes tab allows you to keep well… notes. Create small notes and save them to look back at later.

I sometimes use this to keep little reminders on what price is up to, in case I need to get something down quickly, but you could use it to keep a trading plan or even as your own personal trading diary. All your notes get saved to the cloud, so you don’t have to worry that they’ll get deleted every-time you leave the site.

It’s no Microsoft word, but hey, gets the job done, right?

Pine Editor.

If tinkering with indicators or creating new trading strategies is your thing, the pine editor is where you’ll be spending a lot of time on Tradingview.

The pine editor is your own personal coding suite. Here you can customize, create, and tinker with indicators and strategies to your heart’s content. Want to change the way MACD calculates price? Put it in the editor and change it. The standard RSI interval not good enough for your needs? Drop it in the editor and make it how you want.

You can change anything and everything, and even create your own strategies if you like.

And you know what else is cool? You can even send your created indicator or trading strategy over to Tradingview for verification. If it passes, Tradingview will put it in the custom indicators folder for everyone else to see and use.

How about that, aye?

Note: Tradingview has some pretty stringent quality guidelines your indicator/strategy must meet, so make sure you read them carefully before sending it over.

Strategy Tester.

As traders, we must test our strategies – otherwise, how do we know they work?

Tradingview knows how important testing is, so in addition to all their other features, they’ve also implemented a fully-fledged strategy tester (also FREE) that allows you to test strategies to see all sorts of data about their performance.

Considering it’s a free tool, the tester is surprisingly in-depth. I’ve used a few paid testers in my time – Ninjatrader, Forextester 4, to name a few – and this almost matches them. It doesn’t have every feature they do, but it comes pretty damn close, even beating them in some aspects I’d say.

The tester shows all the important information through a simple window at the bottom.

Look here to see net profit, max total draw-down, Sharpe ratio, winning trades vs losing trades, average risk to reward ratio among other important stuff. If you click List of Trades to the right, you can even get a trade by trade breakdown, giving you even more info about your strategy.

For us price action traders, the tester isn’t the most useful of tools – our strategies are far too subjective for automated back-testing. But for those that use indicator-based strategies, it’s well worth checking out.

Trading Panel.

All you MT4 stans will be kicking yourself over this tool, given it’s one of the few legit things MT4 has over most other charting platforms.

Flicking back and fourth between your broker and charting platform gets really annoying, but on Tradingview, it’s not a problem… like MT4, you can connect your broker to trade directly through the chart screen.

Just head over to the trading panel, find your broker or exchange and hook it up to your account.

Once connected, right click anywhere on the screen and select “trade” to place a trade at that price. You can then manage the trade through the trade menu at the bottom.

Admittedly, the list of supported brokers isn’t that big, which might pose problem for some of you. However, all the top brokers and exchanges – Oanda, FXCM, IG etc – are all fully integrated, so you shouldn’t have too many issues.

How To Set Your Charts Up Like Mine.

Ask any profession trader, and they’ll all say the same thing: the way you set up your charts plays just as much a role in whether or not you make money as your trading strategy and risk management skills.

So it makes sense to set them up correctly, doesn’t it?

Earlier, I showed you how to set your charts set up, but that was mainly for beginners who are just getting started. Now I’m going to show you how to set them up for real to be just like mine.

For the most part, the settings are the same, so don’t discard what I said earlier. Use them as the default settings, even if you set up your chart differently to how I’m about to show you. The stuff I change here are mainly small things that get rid of unnecessary information or tell us stuff we don’t need to see.

However you set your charts up, make sure to always use the default settings I explained at the beginning.

Step 1: Remove ALL News Tabs And Boxes.

I like to keep my charts super clean and super simple. I don’t want anything distracting me or taking my attention away from what’s important: the price .

Because of this, I always remove the watch-list, details, and headlines tabs from the right-hand side of the chart window.

These 3 tabs give us great information, no doubt, but most of it isn’t necessary to have on the screen when we’re trading, so it just takes up valuable chart space.

If you want to bring it all back, you easily do so by clicking the button in the top right.

Step 2: Remove ALL INDICATORS.

I’m a price action trader, so I had to put this on the list.

Unless its to aid in price based decision making, indicators have NO PLACE on your chart. Keep them OFF. Using them for anything other than confirming a signal or something you see happening is a quick way to ruin, as hundreds of failed traders will tell you. Not all indicators are bad, however…

Some do provide valuable information or help you find or see something that’s difficult to do manually.

A great example is the swing high/low by patternsmart indicator…

A custom indicator, this automatically finds and marks all swing highs and lows for you. No price action or trading experience required. Maybe not that useful for experienced traders like us, but for beginners, a great tool that makes finding and marking swing highs and lows very easy.

Tradingview has a few useful custom indicators like this. I’ll get a post out soon that details some of my favourites and how you can use them when trading.

Step 3: Switch To A Candlestick Chart.

When you first open a chart on Tradingview, it’ll show a line graph – might be a bar chart too sometimes. Get rid of this and switch over to a candlestick chart. The line graph has its uses, don’t get me wrong. For day to day trading, however, it just doesn’t show the level of price information we need to see.

The candlestick, on the other hand, tells us everything. So make sure you switch them over when you open the chart.

Step 4: Remove Volume And Change Background To White.

A disclaimer… If you know how to use volume, DO NOT remove it from your charts.

My volume skills really aren’t up to scratch, that’s why I leave it off. If you’re one of those volume guys who knows it like the back of your hand, keep it on, as it will help you understand price better.

It’s a good idea to change the background of the chart to white also. White contrasts best with the chart colours mentioned earlier, so it just makes everything stand out more and easier to see.

To change the colour, head over to the Appearance menu in chart settings (right-click somewhere on the chart to open the menu) and change the chart colour to white.

And with that, you’re all set to go.

Final Thoughts On Tradingview And What To Do Next.

Well, that concludes my guide on how to use Tradingview – phew, what a read aye!

It’ll take some time to really learn all of the ins and outs of how to use the platform – it took me a good few weeks, and that’s coming from MT4 – but with this guide, you should pick it up in no time. And if you do have any trouble, just let me know below or shoot me an email and I’ll help you out – check the FAQ below as well.

I’ll have some more posts detailing my favourite tools and custom indicators (and how to use them) on Tradingview available in the coming weeks, so be sure to watch out for them.

Oh, I almost forgot…

If you want to get a taste of the Pro features Tradingivew provides like the market replay function, the volume profile indicator – I’ll have a post about this up soon – and the strategy tester, you can sign up for a 30-day FREE trial. The trial gives you access to all pro account features, including those I listed at the beginning – see the full list here.

It’s a great way to see some of the additional features Tradingivew provides without putting any money down – this is what convinced me to get a pro account back in the day.

Just remember, the trial will automatically switch to a paid account after the 30 days is over. So make sure you end it by then, otherwise, you might get a nasty surprise the next time you check your bank account.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Tradingview today to see what all the fuss is about…

Tradingview FAQ.

I’m guessing you guys probably have a few questions about Tradingview? Below I’ve left a small list of the most common questions people ask as well as my answers to them.

Q 1 : Is Tradingview Free To Use?

Yes, 100%. Everything on the site from the charts, social tools, to most of the analysis features are completely free to use… no money or account required.

You really should create an account, though.

With no account, your analysis will disappear whenever you open a new chart or exit the site. Many features also won’t be available. Plus, after a certain time (I think it’s 15 minutes), a pop up will appear and lock you out of the chart until you either create a free account or pay for the pro version.

So unless you want to lose your analysis, it’s a good idea to open a free account.

Q 2: Is Tradingview A Broker?

It’s easy to get this mixed up, so I had to put it on the list.

Tradingview is a charting platform, not a broker. It does have broker integration, however. Just head over to the Trade tab at the bottom like I showed earlier, select your broker from the list (get the full list here), and then hook it up to your Tradingview account.

You can now trade directly through the Tradingview chart screen without having to go back and fourth between the site and your broker.

Q3: Does Tradingivew Have An App For Download?

Yes, it does! I’ve got it on my phone.

It’s free to download and contains all the same features as the web-based platform…. view charts, conduct analysis, and interact with other traders all from your device. It’s available for both android and IOS. Just head over to the respective store on your phone or tablet and download it.

Once it’s installed, simply enter your account details, and the chart will open with your analysis intact.

Tradingview forex 2

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How to connect your account to TradingView.


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Market Reviews.

Volatile start to year for gold and oil.

In December, the price of gold moved through a volatile uptrend but did seemingly reject at $1,819. However, a daily candle managed to close above this resistance zone on the last day of 2022, which has been followed by a continuation to the upside at the start of the new year. Although the volatile uptrend pattern appears to remain intact.

January 10, 2023.

Two currency trades to consider in January.

The first month of the new year is upon us and with it a new batch of trading opportunities. But where are the trading opportunities this month? With no knowledge of what surprises may lurk around the corner, we can turn our attention to the Economic Calendar to see what events will occur and think about what assets might likely be affected by some wild swings in response.

January 9, 2023.

How to develop a professional trading plan in 2023.

If you view your trading plan as an expensive sports car aimed at taking you from point A (aspiring trader) to point B (consistent successful trader), then evidently the motor of your trading plan is the actual trading system. The psychological aspect is “how you drive the car”. It is very possible to trade a successful system poorly. That’s .

December 19, 2022.

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Tradingview forex 1

TradingView Review: Why I switched to Tradingview from MT4.

It was a long and deliberate decision between MetaTrader vs TradingView, but I’ve finally taken the plunge and switch to TradingView — and it’s the best trading decision I’ve made this year.

If you have known me long enough, I’ve been a huge fan of MT4 (otherwise known as Metatrader 4). After all, what’s there not to like about it… it’s free, it has many indicators, and it loads fast.

But after using it for years… I realised there are issues that won’t go away and you’ll either have to suck it up or find something else (I’ll explain later).

So in today’s TradingView review, you’ll learn:

The 5 biggest reasons why I switched to TradingView from MT4 The benefits of TradingView The downside of TradingView Is TradingView for you?

Then let’s get started…

Note: This post contains affiliate links. This means if you sign up with TradingView pro, I’ll earn a referral fee.

Do you face these problems with MT4?

When I look at MT4 vs TradingView, there are a few obvious mind-boggling issues on MT4…

The flying trendline You lose all your data if your system crash You have access to a limited number of markets You need to re-register your account every 30 days You have no support.

The flying trendline.

If you’ve used MT4 long enough, you’ll realise the trendlines on your chart are as reliable as trying to withdraw your funds from a Forex broker based in Cyprus — you never know if it’s there or not.

You’ve spent hours drawing trendlines on your charts. The next moment, when you got down to the lower timeframe, the same trendline (that you’ve drawn earlier) has shifted by itself… like some voodoo magic taking place.

Now, if your trading approach requires you to use trendlines, then the MT4 platform is not something you’ll want to trade with — especially on a live account.

You lose all your data if your system crash.

Here’s the thing:

The MT4 platform must be installed on your local device. This means if your computer crash, there goes everything along with it — and that includes all the settings you have in MT4.

Also, if you want to trade while you’re overseas, it will be a problem because you can’t bring your computer over, right?

Don’t tell me you can trade on your phone, I’ll smack you.

Sure you can use a laptop, but the MT4 settings on your laptop will not be the same as the one on your computer. So you must adjust the settings, re-draw your charts, and plot your indicators again. Ouch.

You have access to a limited number of markets.

This statement is biased because MT4 is created for Forex traders. Thus, the markets offered are mainly currency pairs.

However, some brokers may offer CFDs so you can trade indices and some of the popular stocks. But largely, you’re limited to the Forex markets.

If you’re a Trend Follower (like me) who trades across many markets, then MT4 is a severe limitation. You’ll have to open different MT4 brokerage accounts just to access a full spectrum of markets.

And if you’re a stock trader, options trader, or futures trader, don’t bother with MT4 — it’s not for you.

I would say MT4 only makes sense if you’re solely a Forex trader and nothing else.

You need to re-register your MT4 account every 30 days.

Here’s the thing:

If you sign up for a live MT4 account, then you can use the platform indefinitely.

But if you’re on a demo then you must register the account every 30 days or you can’t access it anymore.

You’ll get a message popping up every 30 days saying “invalid account” and you need to register your particulars all over again. It gets annoying over time.

And you can’t blame the broker because it’s their way of “kicking” those who are not serious about funding an account and just want to use the platform for free.

So, if you’re like me using multiple MT4 brokers to track many markets, then be prepared to face this issue.

There is no support for MT4.

Clearly, there are limitations in the MT4 platform as I’ve mentioned earlier (like the flying trendline, the MACD indicator looks weird, and etc.).

But do you know what the worst thing is?

You’re on your own.

Yup, you read that right.

If you find any issues, problems, or bugs on the MT4 platform, don’t expect it to get resolved —it won’t.

Because MT4 is a free platform. Who’s going to pay a team of support staff to answer your queries or fix your issues?

So whatever issues you face, just assume it will be there permanently and you must either accept it or move onto something else.

Those are the biggest issue I’ve faced with MT4 and that’s why I’ve switched to TradingView.

Next, I’ll compare MT4 vs TradingView closely.

I’ll explain to you how TradingView solved all my problems and what are the benefits of using it…

Why I love TradingView and the benefits of it.

The reason is simple.

TradingView solves all the issues I listed earlier.

For example:

It doesn’t have the flying trendline problem on MT4.

It’s based on the cloud you so don’t lose your data even if your computer crash — and it syncs across your computer, laptop, and mobile so you have a smooth experience.

You have access to a huge range of markets like Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Agriculture, Indices, Bonds, Metals, and etc. which is a dream for a Trend Follower like me.

You don’t have to register an account every 30 days because it doesn’t expire (which means you have lifetime access to it).

You have a team of Support that answers your questions and will fix any bugs or issues you come across.

And that’s not all…

When comparing TradingView vs MT4, TradingView has many useful features that will improve your trading experience.

Now go watch this TradingView tutorial below which will help you master it — in less than 20minutes.

Note: In this TradingView Review, I’m using TradingView Pro (which cost $9.95/month) and some features listed might not be available for the free account.

TradingView Alerts: You don’t have to watch the markets 24/5.

If you’re a swing trader or a position trader, you spend most of the time staying on the sidelines — waiting for a trading opportunity.

You’ll usually check your charts every few hours to see if there are any trading setups or not. But sometimes the market may have a sudden “spike” that comes into your level and because you’re away, you end up missing the move.

So, what can you do?

You can use an “alert” to inform you the price has come to your level so you won’t miss a trading setup or spend 24/5 watching the markets.

Here’s how you can do it on TradingView…

Click the “Alert” icon at the top of your page Set your price level.

It looks something like this:

Once you’ve set it up, you’ll be alerted via email when the price comes to your level so you’ll never miss another trading setup — and still, have the freedom to do the things you love.

TradingView offers custom trading indicators — for free.

There are many trading indicators out there and sometimes, you have to pay money for indicators to be custom coded.

TradingView developed a programming language called “Pine Script” where users can develop their own custom indicators and upload it to TradingView.

This means you can find almost any trading indicators all in one place — for free!

And unlike MT4 where you’ll have to search forums or websites for custom indicators, TradingView has them all in one place — which saves you plenty of time.

Here’s how you can access it:

Click the “Indicators” button at the top Select the indicator you want.

Then, you’ll see the different category of indicators. Let me explain…

Built-ins – Popular indicators built into the TradingView platform (like MACD, RSI, Stochastic, and etc.)

Public Library – Custom indicators created by TradingView’s users.

Fundamentals – Indicators related to the fundamentals of a company (like earnings, revenue, price to book, and etc.)

You can use relative strength to find high probability trading setups.

You’re probably wondering:

“What’s relative strength?”

Relative strength refers to how strong an instrument is relative to its sector (otherwise known as cross-sectional momentum).

In the currency markets, how strong is the Euro currency relative to the USD, CAD, JPY and etc.?

In the stock markets, how strong is a stock relative to the S&P?

This is useful information because you want to go long on the instrument which is relatively stronger and short the ones which are relatively weaker.

Because a relatively strong market tends to move further in your favor and have shallower pullbacks. This means your trade have a greater odds of success.

So, here’s how to identify relative strength on Tradingview:

Click on the “Compare” button at the top Insert the relevant market (sector or index)

Now, you must compare the correct instrument to its sector (or index).

If I’m identifying the relative strength of the Euro, then I’ll compare it to EUR/USD, EUR/CAD, EUR/JPY, EURAUD, and etc.

And not compare it with the S&P or the Treasury bonds because is irrelevant to the Euro.

If I want to know how strong the S&P is, then I’ll compare it with the other indices around the world.

Good. Let’s move on…

You can trade with multiple timeframes like a pro.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say…

Most charting platforms have default timeframes you can choose from. It’s usually the Daily, 4-hour, 1-hour, 30-mins, 15mins, 5mins, and 1min — and that’s it.

But, what if you want an uncommon timeframe like the 7-hour charts?

Well, you probably need to hire someone to custom code it for you — and that’s if the platform allows it.

Now the good news is…

TradingView allows you to customize the timeframe in any way you want… whether it’s 7-minutes, 7-hours, 7-days, 7 weeks — or even 7 months.

Here’s how to do it:

Click the “Arrow” beside the timeframe panel Select your desired timeframe.

Here’s what I mean:

And wait, that’s not all…

You can also layout the different timeframes (side by side) and see the price action on the different timeframes. This is useful especially for day traders who want to know what the price is currently doing relative to the higher timeframe.

Here’s how to do it:

Select the “dual panel” at the top Choose your desired chart layout.

Now, you’ll see different options you can choose for your chart. Let me explain…

Link symbol to all charts – This lets you have both charts showing the same market.

Link interval to all charts – This lets you have both charts showing the same timeframe.

Sync crosshair on all charts – This synchronizes your crosshair across the different timeframes.

Track time on all charts – This shows you how the chart on the lower timeframe looks like when you’re pointing your crosshair on a candle (from the higher timeframe chart)

This is insane, right?

Economic calendar at your fingertips so you don’t get caught off guard — and lose a chunk of your capital.

How often have you got stopped out of a trade because you weren’t aware there’s a news event coming out?

It sucks right, I know.

So do yourself a favour and pay attention to the economic calendar on TradingView.

Here’s how to do it:

Select the “Economic Calendar” button on the right Click on “Settings” and choose your news preference.

Here are a few things to take note…

High Importance – These are news releases which have a high impact on the financial markets. I suggest you check this box.

Medium Importance – These are news releases which have a medium impact on the financial markets. You can uncheck this if you want.

Low Importance – These are news releases which have a low impact on the financial markets. You can uncheck this if you want.

Finally, you can select the news from the respective countries you want (like USD, EURO, CAD, and etc.).

And that’s not all…

You can also have news events to appear at the bottom of your chart so you’ll not get caught off guard.

Here’s how to do it:

Right-click and select “Properties” on your chart Go to the “Events & Alerts” Tab Check the box “Show Economic Events on Chart”

You’ll see something like this:

As the new candles are formed closer to the “events symbol” below, it means the news release is approaching closer.

But there’s a catch…

Here’s the thing:

If you want to use the features I’ve mentioned above, then you must get at least the TradingView pro account.

You might be wondering:

“What about the free account on TradingView?”

Sure, you can use it but it has limitations and comes with annoying popups (every few minutes).

And it’s not their fault because they are running a business and they need cash flow to maintain their software developers, computer servers, technical support, and etc.

Who’s going to pay for their research & development?

Who’s going to cover their business expenses?

Who’s going to pay their employees?

Clearly, you can expect to get everything for free — just look what happened to MT4 and you get my point.

Now, let’s move on to my final point…

TradingView Review — Is TradingView for you?

As much as I would like to say you should use TradingView so I can earn some referral fees, that’s not how I roll.

So here are my thoughts on whether you should use TradingView (looking beyond TradingView vs MT4).

TradingView is not for you if:

You’re an options trader You have low capital You’re a scalper.

1. You’re an options trader.

TradingView is not meant for options trader because they don’t provide market data for options.

2. You have a small trading account.

Here’s the thing:

If your account size is less than $1000, then it doesn’t make sense to subscribe to TradingView.

Because the yearly subscription is $120.

That’s 12% of your trading capital on a $1000 account. This means you need to make 12% a year to break even which puts you at a severe disadvantage. You’re better off using other free trading tools in the meantime.

3. You’re a scalper who trades the order flow of the markets.

For a scalper, speed is of the essence because you need to make split second’s decision.

However, TradingView isn’t built for speed unlike some of the other established platforms (like CQG or TT) — so it’s not for you.

Now you’re probably wondering:

“Who should use TradingView?”

TradingView is for you if:

You have a decent account size You trade in different markets You’re a swing or position trader.

1. You have a decent account size.

Earlier, I mentioned that if you have a $1000 account, it doesn’t make sense to subscribe to TradingView because you need to generate a return of 12%/year to breakeven.

But, if your account is larger (let’s say $5000), then it makes sense since you only need 2.4%/year to breakeven.

2. You trade in different markets.

TradingView offers data on Stocks, Futures, Forex, Indices, ETFs, and etc.

So if you trade across many sectors, then TradingView will make your life easier without having to use multiple charting platforms.

3. You’re a swing or position trader.

Swing and position traders rely on technical analysis to make their trading decisions. And TradingView offers one of the best charting capabilities out there.

It can be used for day traders as well if speed is not of the essence to you.

TradingView Plans and Pricing.

Now, TradingView comes with three different plans:

Pro ($14.95/month) Pro+ ($24.95/month) Premium ($49.95/month)

Note: You get a discount when you sign up for a yearly subscription instead of monthly.

The difference between them is the amount of “bells and whistles” you get.

The higher-tiered plans allow you to have more indicators on your chart, more historical data, use multiple devices, priority support, etc.

If you want to compare the full difference, then check it out here.

Now you might be thinking:

“So which plan do I go for?”

My suggestion is to go for TradingView Pro because if you want to upgrade, you can do so from your dashboard.

But if you’re on TradingView Premium, it’s not possible to downgrade and you’re stuck with something you don’t want.

So, go with the lowest tier plan and then upgrade (if you wish to).

Pro Tip:

TradingView offers a discount during Black Friday.

And whether you’re a free or paid subscriber, you get access to the same deal (so keep a lookout for it).

TradingView brokers.

Here’s the thing:

TradingView started as a charting platform (not a brokerage) so in the early days, you weren’t able to place trades directly on TradingView.

But things are changing as they are integrating their platform with brokers.

So here’s a list of brokers that you can trade with on TradingView:

Bonus TradingView Tips.

Now let me share with you 4 TradingView features I use regularly…

1. Highlight the markets of your interest.

In the past, I used to go through every market in my watchlist to make sure I don’t miss any trading opportunities.

But I realized it’s a huge waste of time to scan every market because some of them simply don’t present any trading opportunity (at least not in the near future).

So here’s what I did…

Every weekend I’ll do my “homework” and highlight the markets of my interest.

Then I “mark” them on my TradingView watchlist so I don’t miss these opportunities for the coming week.

Here’s how to do it…

Bring your cursor to the symbol in your watchlist Put the cursor to the left of the symbol and click on it Select the colour you want and “mark” the symbol.

Here’s an example…

This way, you save time as you don’t have to go through every market in your watchlist.

2. Undo your “mistakes” easily.

You might not know this but, TradingView allows you to undo your “mistakes” easily.

Just press “CTRL Z” and it will reset the previous action you did.

If you accidentally shift your Support & Resistance, CTRL Z.

If you add a weird indicator by mistake, CTRL Z.

If you did something wrong but you’re not sure what it is, CTRL Z.

You get my point.

3. Duplicate your drawings easily.

This is useful if you want to draw multiple Support & Resistance, Trendlines, Channels, etc.

Click on the drawing you want Press CTRL C Then CTRL V.

Your drawing duplicated.

4. Bookmark your favourite timeframe.

This way, you can switch between timeframes in just a mouse click.

Click on the timeframe tab “Star” your favourite timeframe.

Your favorite timeframe will now appear on the main tab.

Here’s what it looks like…

This is cool stuff, right?

TradingView Review — Conclusion.

So, here’s what you’ve learned in this TradingView review:

The 5 biggest problems I’ve faced with MT4 that made me abandoned it The benefits and features of TradingView that you’re probably unaware of The downside to TradingView depending how you look at it How to decide if TradingView is right for you.

And if you want to try out TradingView, you can sign up for a free trial here.

Now here’s a question for you…

What’s your experience with TradingView?

Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Hello Everyone.

Rated 2 out of 5.

December 1, 2022.

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her via email on janesilva0727 gmail com.

Have you ever used MT5 ?

Rated 3 out of 5.

October 26, 2022.

Most of the issues you stated here are solved if you use MT5.

I’m surprised by the number of people that use MT4, which is obsolete.

You can automate trades.

Rated 1 out of 5.

October 22, 2022.

That’s a big point that was not discussed probably.

That’s the only reason people use it for despite the challenges in aesthetics.

Tradeview Limitations.

Rated 4 out of 5.

October 14, 2022.

I agree with most of what has been said, and joined TV as a Pro+ member. I learnt pine script, wrote my own strategies and get alerts. Great. Then what? I want the alerts to go to MT4 to automate my trades. You either pay an expensive third party to send signals to their EA from your own strategy or you need to go back to MT4 and learn how to program in MT4 language. Ttradeview is not compatible with MT4, the only real program for automated trades. That is a problem!

Stephen Ede.

How i got my Savings Back.

Rated 5 out of 5.

September 8, 2022.

If you think someone you know is being scammed or targeted by cheaters , do not make them feel embarrassed anyone can be a victim, few months ago I and my wife were scammed about $60,000, almost gave up in life, we were hopeless until a Brother introduced me to April Hoskey a reliable source to recover my funds back and also trade to earn high profit, Do contact this company via, or Whatsapp +44 7949 403132,

Pamale Bacon.

Marco says:

I also prefer TradingView, but it’s even better the Ninja Trader (my opinion).

Rayner says:

Thanks for sharing, Marco!

Nawar atik says:

But how can you actually place orders on trading view?

Rayner says:

Hey Nawar I don’t place orders on TradingView. It’s just a charting platform for me.

khai says:

So where you entry your order? So meaning that trading view is only for charting TA and can’t entry the order at the same time?

Rayner says:

I don’t use TradingView for orders.

Alex says:

Hey Rayner, How accurate is Trading View versus the broker your using to make trades with? Concerned you may see a setup in trading view and then your broker has slightly different data that is a disadvantage. Does that ever happen?

Rayner says:

Hey Alex It doesn’t concern me much since the difference is just a few pips.

yanuaria Batista says:

I have had that experience with tradingview and Oanda where prices differ a lot, to the point of making you lose a trade because of price differences.

Vishal says:

That means for placing order you will still use MT4? I thought you are saying TradingView is a replacement of mt4. But thanks for the info. I also use TradingView for charts.

Rayner says:

I don’t use MT4. I use my own broker platform.

Mike Michaelz Malata says:

Hey Reyner I wanna know what is your trading broker.

Rayner says:

I don’t publicly discuss brokers because in this day and age, we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. If you want a recommendation, drop me an email me and we can discuss it.

Osagie BAZUAYE says:

I would love to know your broker and others you can suggest out there. There is so much talk of fake brokers 2. From your posts I see you are primarily a forex traders though you also trade other markets. Am I correct.

bct1019 says:

TV can integrate with a number of brokers right in the platform. I use and trade right within TradingView.

John says:

Love TradingView but have always only used it to look at charts. Do you link your broker to it and actually use it to trade. And if so, are you aware if thee is a broker that will enable you to trade cryptocurrencies through it? Cheers, John.

Rayner says:

Hi John I don’t place orders on TradingView. It’s just a charting platform for me.

David says:

I too use trading view but it has some limitations. No volume data on forex ( yes I know technical forex doesn’t have it, but the tick data is a good enough substitute and is used for Wycliffe style trading) . Doesn’t have intra day on the live Dow market .

Rayner says:

Hi David Those are good points you make. I think there is intra day for DOW but you have to pay for it. cheers.

David says:

Apologies Rayner I signed up with Tradingview on Saturday last week……! I really enjoy the platform especially the charts and tools. If you can I would appreciate watching your video on chart set up on Tradingview to see if I missed anything. Appreciate your weekly videos and website. Thank you and Best Regards David.

Rayner says:

Hey David Thank you for your feedback! ��

James says:

Not sure I agree with all of your points Rayner as it is quite easy to get a non expiry MT4 demo account with certain brokers even without a live account. You also have easy access to multiple time frames other than the default ones via fairly freely available custom indicators. No doubt about it, MT4 is a little clunky for certain things and I appreciate that Tradingview (TV) is probably a superior charting package with way more bells and whistles, including better remote access etc. I will personally be switching over to MT5 in the near future for my own trading, so not sure how much better that will be compared to MT4 . I will have to get my custom indicators converted to the MT5 language, which I would also have to do with TV. One other concern I have using TV is there seems to be a lack of brokers that allow you to trade directly off their platform. I know Oanda (Europe) was one option, so this may be an issue for some, because at the end of the day you may end up using TV for your analysis but then go to your normal broker to place the actual trades. I’ve seen a few reviews like your recently and the subject of how you actually trade from TV seems to be either skimmed over or missed completely. Cheers.

Rayner says:

Hey James Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I don’t place orders on TradingView. It’s just a charting platform for me.

rb5 says:

Good review. Been using them for a while but every now and again it gets a little buggy and sometimes when you try and draw a diagonal line across the chart it snaps to horizontal over and over which is a pain. My biggest gripe is they dont prove ‘tick data’ chart timeframes and the lowest they go to is 1 minute. For a professional platform its a huge omission. Hopefully, they may add it one day.

Rayner says:

Hey RB Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I don’t use tick data to trade so that’s why it didn’t occur to me. cheers.

Vincent says:

I appreciate the information you’ve given us about TradingView Rayner. I have a question – my broker does not offer this platform, TradingView, as an option. So must I close my account and then find a broker who will allow me to use TradingView? Or is it possible to use this platform with any broker? Regards Vincent.

Sofolahan says:

You can use tradingview charting platform for your analysis if your broker is not connected to tradingview and you can place your trade on your broker Mt4.

Rayner says:

Hi Vincent I don’t place orders on TradingView. It’s just a charting platform for me. You’ll have to ask them which broker they integrate with.

Roland says:

Hello Rayner Good review on Tradingview! As a matter of fact I became a free user a while back. i would like to know though how could I place live trades through the platform? I don’t think that’s possible. Tradingview is a good place to plot and, chart and view trends, pullbacks etc to basically execute a well planned strategy, in my opinion. I am not sure live trades can be executed through the platform… or I may be missing the something here. Care to clarify? I am new to trading; I am learning everything from you, from all your resources you provide. Many Thanks for this review! Best, Roland.

Rayner says:

Hi Roland I don’t place orders on TradingView. It’s just a charting platform for me. You’ll have to check with them on how to go about placing trades.

Aaron says:

I have tried trading view pro + and i like it… am planning to get it but on october. i dont mind you providing the link.

Rayner says:

Hey Aaron Sure, just use the links in the blog post to subscribe. Best!

Giorgio says:

Hi Rayner and followers, I’m using ProRealtime software. With a free account you can do lots of technical analysis on many markets with end of day data. This is just what you need if you are a position trader and do not need intraday data. I’m pretty satisfied about it. Various helpful video tutorials are available at the site home page Cheers, Giorgio.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Giorgio!

Jave says:

Hi Rayner, some questions: 1. Broker to Broker, the price does differs abit, sometimes more with differences in spread and account type (STP/ECN/MM). And trading view provide feeds only from limited amount of brokers. So the price coming from Tradingview would differ from your broker unless its listed in trading view. 2. I’m not very well verse with the programming language of tradingview, but I do have some basic knowledge of MQL4. Easy search of forums can results in what I’m looking for, most of the time. Even so, there are paid options for customizable scripts/EA/Indi. Most of the function you mentioned can be done in MT4, including variable timeframe, alarms SMS/email, making important news appear on chart. Question would like to ask can the indicator of tradingview be easily altered, at least easier than Metaeditor? I’m also interested to know if backtesting can be done in tradingview, just like strategy tester in MT4 (has its limitation)? On a side note, you can easily sign up for a live account without depositing a single cent to rid of the irritating pop up. The only trade off is providing your some personal info to the broker. Thanks! Regards, Jave.

Rayner says:

Hey Jave 1. Yes, that’s correct. The price would differ slightly. 2. They have something called pinescript. I’m not a programmer myself so I can’t comment how easy that is. But I’ve seen many other traders create custom indicators using that language. As for backtesting, I don’t know of any automated feature from tradingiview. Thanks for sharing!

william says:

Currently I am using TOS which I think is an excellent program. Was using ninja trader, but didn’t like the account setup with broker. Anyway my question to Rayner is about account size versus the number of lots I guess you will say position size. With a 15K account size what percent would you recommend to risk per trade? Thank You William.

Rayner says:

Hey William I suggest 1% for most strategies. So that’s about $150 per trade.

Shailesh Saxena says:

I have been using Tradingview for almost 2.5 years and I love it. In addition to what Tuner has described above, I would like to add the following 1. The TV platform is a knowledge sharing community and has a wealth of information for new traders. 2. It is very easy to program indicators based on your strategy and evaluate its performance visually on the charts. Any time someone tells me about a new strategy, I simply program it on TV and see if it is worth pursuing further. Good luck with your trading.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Shailesh. cheers.

tim says:

Love TradingView. Not without it’s problems but support always seems to solve them. Have been trying to persuade my broker (IB) to use the site but no luck yet.

Rayner says:

Yup, support is great. I hope it works for you! cheers.

sunny says:

Another advantage of trading view is that you can use on Mac ��

Rayner says:

That’s nice to know.

Sam says:

hi Rayner, does trading view has a mobile app?

Rayner says:

I’m not sure man. But I believe you can view it on mobile.

Jay says:

Thanks for the great review Rayner! I agree that TradingView is a great way to stay up to date with all the different markets. It’s pretty good for mobile charting too, which is always nice when you’re on the go. Thanks again!

Rayner says:

You’re welcome, Jay. Glad to hear that!

Frank says:

So to clarify, if you trade Binary options and want to use trading view for your research, you don’t recommend it right?

Rayner says:

I don’t trade binaries so I can’t comment on it.

Kelvin says:

How do I download tradingview to my laptop?have searched and can’t see any download link.

Rayner says:

Hey Kelvin It’s a web based platform, no download needed.

Josephine says:

Been using TV on demo for a year..great platform ..Broker intergration seems to b the biggest issue as ppl want to use the charts to trade from like myself, currently only 2 US brokers avail Oanda and need to add more Brokers.. btw I am a scalper and i doubled my demo acct in under a year… Trading Forex !

Rayner says:

Hi Josephine I’m not too sure about their broker integration part since I use them only for charting. Cheers.

Tim says:

Through your email, I signed in for 30-day free trial but how do I know whether I have been signed up? No email notification so far Regards, Tim.

Rayner says:

Hey Tim I believe TradingView will drop you an email about it.

Roger says:

Excellent post on charting tool. Would you be able to advice me which is the best broker platform for trading?

Rayner says:

Hey Roger I don’t publicly discuss brokers because in this day and age, we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. If you want a recommendation, drop me an email me and we can discuss it.

Tom says:

Hi Which broker did you choose for trading with tradingview? Thank you Tom.

Rayner says:

I don’t use TradingView for execution.

Alex says:

Hey Rayner, whats your view on MT5?

Rayner says:

I’ve not used it myself.

Bat Gerel says:

Hi Rayner thanks for very interesting post I have question reg. support of tradingview team . Where is this button for live chat with them ? I tried to contact them but cant do this Thanks Bat.

Rayner says:

Hey Bat I’m not sure if they offer live chat support. But you can always drop them an email.

Bill says:

Rayner, Thank you for another great post. You’ve done more here to ‘sell’ TradingView than any of their promotional pieces I’ve seen. More importantly is that you accomplished this by simply reviewing the product as a trader talking to other traders. I use the free version presently. I just may have to go Pro, even if I am still a rookie trader. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated. Be well, Bill.

Rayner says:

Glad to hear that, Bill. I’m using the Pro version myself. cheers.

AP says:

Hey Rayner! thanks for sharing; I wonder if you are planning on using MT5. Why is it not so popular? best regards.

Rayner says:

No plans at the moment. Perhaps one day I might just try it out…

Steven says:

Hey Rayner, thanks for the sharing. I have just started using TV as my charting platform as you recomended. there are lot of things to learn about especially the indicators. now i’m having a problem here with the indicators. i lost all the indicators icon on my chart. i think its hidden in somewhere. how to get them back or show the indicator icon on my chart. your help really appriciated.Thanks.

Rayner says:

John says:

Good video, learned something although I’ve been on TV for some time. I trade futures and you should mention you also need a data subscription for that, while I believe FX is data is included. TV also seems to be the choice for those trading Cryptos which you may not find on traditional platforms including altcoins on various exchanges.

Rayner says:

Hi John Thank you for sharing. For futures, they do provide EOD. For intraday, then yes a subscription is needed.

Logan Lux says:

I’m having bug issues with the TradingView (TV) charts on a live account. Anyone else experiencing this, and have any suggestions? : 1) Trendlines are missing or unmovable. Despite my best efforts to “unlock” everything, “sync” drawing tools, or apply all view options to all timeframes (trendline settings), my trendlines drawn on the Daily chart won’t show up on my H1 chart. If they do, I can click them, delete them, but not move them. 2) Orders filled with a limit order that contain a SL and TP won’t actually have a SL and TP once triggered. If my limit order gets filled, the newly established TP or SL will error if I try to move them. If I delete them, then re-add a SL and TP to the new order, they work again. Somehow the SL and TP of limit orders are not getting associated with the trade once it gets triggered. (Notes: Mac-based, using Chrome browser at . These are TV charts/functionality, but accessed through, not through Apparently, this is how does live trading with TV charts.)

Rayner says:

Hi Logan I suggest you bring the issues up to or tradingview. They can better assist you.

Pedro F says:

Truly the only issue is the flying trendline. But even that if you save the template for each asset, you can almost solve it. The others, most of them are related with your broker not with MT4. 30 days demo account and the number of assets, for example. No support, I can not see as a problem! MT4 is so simple to work. In spite of that I keep prefering cTrader but there are other reasons like partial exists and the risk calculation for example.

Bob says:

Hi Raynor I’ve been following you for a couple of months now, and I want you to know that I value your teachings. I have a question… On tradingview, when I plot the Exp Moving Average from the Indicators tab, and then click on format for one of the MAs and change the Style Scale to “No Scale” or “Left Scale”, the MA lines fluctuate when I move the chart left and right. This does not occur when “Right Scale” is selected. This feature is seriously broken. My faith in the accuracy of the MA Indicators is gone. Or, am I doing something wrong? Regards Bob.

Rayner says:

Hey Bob I don’t adjust those settings but use the default ones. cheers.

Ian says:

Hi if you open an account with Oanda even a demo account you can get things like the 8-hour time frame and most of the pro features for free. its a great program and Oanda have some great features. ps, your video’s are pretty good and helpful. many thanks.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Ian.


Hi Reyner, Does trading view has cfd trading available? if yes in which instruments? Regards, Atul Doshi.

Rayner says:

Hey Atul You should contract tradingview for product list.

Guy says:

Good presentation of TradingView! Do you actually place trades using TradingView? does it work well?

Rayner says:

Hey Guy, I don’t. I use them for charts only.

Gareth Morgan says:

Thanks Rayner Do you know how to get VWAP as an addon?? Its not provided as standard in Pro package. Thanks.

Rayner says:

Samuel Tay says:

Hi Rayner, Nice video you made there, really appreciate it ! Is trading view linked to any brokers? ie. can I trade directly using trading view? Thanks. ST.

Rayner says:

They can but I don’t do it.

James says:

All trading platforms have their pros and cons I have used trading view in the past but I prefer my custom indicators on mt4 which are not available on trading view.

Rayner says:

Thanks for sharing!

Bob Gunderson says:

Why don’t you just use thinkorswim? It’s faster than any web app, has every feature ever and it’s free.

Rayner says:

I still prefer TradingView.

Lloyd says:

Great review Tao. Keep up the good work. I just started using TV. Lots of comparison functions and both charting and scanning are powerful. Very useful for even day trading and scalping, when actual broker account and charts are used for “actual” trading. LAGillespie.

Rayner says:

Thank you, cheers.

Harry says:

I have been asking trading view for the PSE exchange for 2 years still not available , am I correct ?

Rayner says:

I’m not sure, you should contact them instead.

hamed says:

Hi. I think the Trendline problem in mt4 can be solved by sticking the start and end of the trend line to a specific point of candles. By the way what’s the problem with withdrawing funds from a broker in Cyprus? I’m new to trading world and got worried about the broker I want to start because itis in Cyprus. Which broker do u suggest? Isit that much bad that I should not risk my money? :*(

Rayner says:

Hi Hamed I don’t publicly discuss brokers because in this day and age, we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. If you want a recommendation, drop me an email me and we can discuss it.

cristian says:

in terms of cost, is not or it shouldnt be IMHO, the account size the determining factor in deciding if you can eat that recurring cost because that yearly expense shouldnt be paid by your account per se that expense should be paid by your profits i will get that when i will be comfortable enough with it’s cost, and i think that will happen when ill get an average profit of around +200$ each month and MT4 is ok ps1 i trade on my broker through mt4 and consequently i dont need to re-register each month since my money are in mt4 in my experience trading view has 2 advantages over mt4 : ability to set up more timeframes , and the variety of markets to choose from.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Cristian.

Jas says:

I love TradingView too and I hate Metatrader. However, the biggest problem I have is of market data. For FX, TradingView is only effective for charting if your broker is Oanda, FXCM or Because they only have market data for these three brokers. If you have a different broker than it won’t be as effective. For example, if I have located a support level on Tradingview with FXCM data, I can’t put a limit level trade on any other broker with the exact same level because support might be a little different (a few pips up or down) and it is. I have even checked. I would love to make the permanent switch to Tradingview for charting and only using my broker to enter limit orders but it won’t work until the data on Tradingview is the same as the data on my broker.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Jas. I use tradingview only for charting purpose.

John says:

Actually, you can use the template functions with Mt4 to save your preferred indicators, color etc. I have 3 and use according to what time frame I’m looking at, its quite simple to swap. Mt4 also has an alert feature. Mt4 doesn’t crash for me…..touch wood. I get good support from my broker should I have a question. I’ve got an open mind and will check out trading view, but…….I’ll remind everyone of the saying….”if it aint broke, why fix it…….to me its more important to be comfortable with what you use and not go changing things just for the fun of it. Oh, I’m a fourex trader only, maybe this is why I don’t really see the need to change.

Rayner says:

Hey John Thanks for sharing! Yup, there’s no need to change if you’re happy with the way things are.

Scotpip says:

There’s another major limitation to Trading View – it doesn’t handle price based bars like Renko properly. If you use candles you’ll be OK, otherwise forget it – I reported Renko bugs years ago and they’ve still not been fixed.

Rayner says:

Thanks for sharing.

Jayson Chong says:

Hi Rayner, it’s amazing you actually replied every single comment. Thanks for sharing, I tried 30-days and it’s awesome. But until I can afford it for charting purposes only for forex, only I will commit a yearly fees which is quite substantial for my account size, which you pointed it fairly and right.

Rayner says:

Hey Jayson No worries, you can always use the free tools they provide. It’s more than enough to get started. cheers. says:

I bet he is PERFECΤ at it!? Laughed Larry.

Rayner says:

John says:

Great Stuff Raynor I will give trading View a Go What about placing orders with it? Does it give you stoploss, pips,Risk/reward ratios etc. when you place an order?

Rayner says:

I don’t use them for trade execution, only charting.

Joel says:

Placing orders in Trading View is the best for complexed orders. You can set entry, stop, take profit target all at once, and it calculates your profit and loss while you’re entering the information for your trades. Really good. So good in fact that Oanda, a great forex broker uses trading view for their advanced charts within their platform.

Rayner says:

Thanks for sharing, Joel.

Tofiq says:

Trading view is not effective for screening or scanning of stock. I use TC2000 because it offers PCF which is very useful for effective scanning.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing.

Danny says:

I’m using TC2000 and I agree with you about scanning and screening of TC2000. But TC2000 does not have many markets data. Can you create your own filters on TV ?

Rayner says:

I’ve not used such a feature on TradingView, so I’m not sure about it.

Robert says:

Hello Rayner! Hope all is good. I am testing tradingview, but I am using a free account. So, since I mainly trade futures, the first thing I did was to load a SPX chart, but the data is incomplete. The chart starts at 13:00 or so and finishes at 19:00. It does not show 24h data, not even the morning period. Same thing when you load a total put call ratio chart (CBOE). Do you know if this is a limitation of the free account? Can you check if the SPX loads the whole 24h data in your account, so I can go ahead and purchase a subscription. Thanks a lot!

Rayner says:

Hey Robert It’s best you ask TradingView about it. Just drop them an email to their support team.

Robert says:

Tried to do that, but they only answer to paying users.

Rayner says:

Thank you for the update, Robert.

Rick O says:

I have had a TV Pro account for quite some time. The only thing is the limited amount of data for back testing and that’s where NT8 comes in handy. Both of my brokers support TV so it was a no brained for me to go with from day one.

Rayner says:

Thanks for sharing, Rick.

Vernon Hayes says:

You forgot renko charts! TV allows you to switch between candle and renko charts in one click. Winner! Thanks for the review Rayner, I signed up just over a week back and will surely find it hard to go back to MT4. I have my own trading bot that does position trading for me and thats still running on MT4, just need to work on getting that coded for TV.

Rayner says:

Thank you for sharing, Vernon. cheers.

Patrick McConnell says:

Trading view is amazing after I figured out how to use chart and indicator templates properly.

Rayner says:

Larry says:

Hello Teo, Thank you for the great information. I like the platform as well. Do you use them to trade with or just charting. What brokers are available if we want to trade through their charts?

Rayner says:

Just for charting.

Robert W says:

So lets debunk some of these drawbacks of mt4. 1. Flying trend line. This has to do with how mt4 draws it’s charts making it seem like the trend line has shifted, but it has not. Draw a trend line on a higher time frame, e.g. 4H, then note a few points along the line. Say both ends and a few points in between. You will see the ends are still at the same price and it is still drawn over the same price points in between the ends. So this is just visual, it’s not actually shifting around. 2. You can save all charts in something called a template. These files can then be copied just like any other file. So save them to a usb, dropbox, whatever. Then if you system crashes, just reload your templates. 3. This is dependent on your broker not mt4. If your broker only offers eurusd, it will still only offer eurusd if you switch to Tradingview from mt4. 4. On demo yes, but you can sign up with meta trader themselves and get a sort of quasi live account(can’t trade with it) and that account is valid all time. Besides there is nothing stopping you from viewing multiple charts on your brokers live account even if you only trade 1 instrument. 5. This is true. Meta trader 4 has no support any more. This is a big issue actually since most custom indicators, bots, etc etc are using mql4 but mt5 uses mql5 and there is no easy way to port. But if you are using custom code in mt4 you won’t be getting that in a switch to Tradingview either. 6. Alerts. They exist in mt4 as well.

Robert W says:

“You will see the ends are still at the same price and it is still drawn over the same price points in between the ends.” I forgot a few wrods �� it should be = If you switch to a lower time frame e.g. 5 minute you will see the ends are still at the same price and it is still drawn over the same price points in between the ends.