Suporte unick forex 3

Clientes da Unick Forex reclamam de atraso em saques após manutenção do site.

Atrasos nos pagamentos e problemas na redefinição da senha de acesso às contas. Esses têm sido alguns dos problemas apontados pelos clientes da Unick Forex no Reclame Aqui, desde que o site oficial da empresa saiu do ar na sexta-feira (01).

Apesar de responder mais de 99% e com a nota 8,1 no Reclame Aqui, as explicações da Unick Forex são de que lamentam pelos transtornos e que a situação será levada ao suporte.

Desde a manhã de quarta-feira (06), a empresa não tem respondido aos apelos de seus clientes, acumulando mais de 50 reclamações.

Alguma reclamações de usuários feitas nesta quinta (07)

Site oficial continua em manutenção.

A Unick Forex está com o seu site oficial fora de operação há seis dias, com a mensagem de que o TI da empresa está trabalhando para resolver um problema técnico de manutenção.

Leia também.

Betano, patrocinadora oficial da Copa do Mundo, registra explosão de queixas sobre jogos de seleções.

Quotex supera IQ Option em queixas no Reclame Aqui: Saldo travado e dinheiro que não cai.

Justiça derruba fiança de R$ 200 mil imposta a diretores da pirâmide financeira Unick Forex.

Mesmo com esse problema de manutenção, o backoffice está online e os diretores da empresa aconselharam os seus investidores a redefinir a senha. O problema, contudo, é que mesmo redefinindo a senha, muitos clientes não estão conseguindo acessar.

Para piorar a situação, a empresa está em atraso com alguns saques. Essa, na verdade, é a campeã das queixas feitas no Reclame Aqui. Antes ainda de haver a situação do site fora do ar, investidores estavam reclamando na demora do pagamento.

Apesar de a Unick Forex ter resolvido alguns desses problemas, há muita queixa ainda sobre os saques que os clientes não conseguem efetuar. Dos investidores que conseguiram sacar algo, há alguns insatisfeitos que temem o risco de novos atrasos.

Um de seus clientes insatisfeitos até apresentou uma réplica sobre a resposta da Unick Forex. Ele afirma que possui nove contas junto à empresa e que apesar de todas as suas contas terem sido normalizadas, a de sua esposa ainda está com pendência no recadastramento.


Fernando Lusvarghi, diretor do departamento jurídico da Unick Forex, disse ao Portal do Bitcon que o Reclame Aqui tem sido utilizado pelos clientes como uma forma de terem suas demandas atendidas, mas que o certo seria eles buscarem o suporte.

“O suporte é o caminho para solucionar dificuldades. Alguns clientes estão se utilizando do Reclame Aqui para serem atendidos”, afirma.

Mesmo com algumas demandas sem resposta, Lusvarghi sustenta que as reclamações “estão todas respondidas e atendidas”.

Entenda o caso.

A empresa tem sido alvo de investigação promovida pelo ministério Público Federal (MPF). De acordo com o Procurador da República de Novo Hamburgo (RS), Celso Tres, há suspeita de que a Unick Forex opere num esquema conhecido como pirâmide financeira.

Vale afirmar que ainda não há ação penal promovida contra a empresa e que o MPF ainda está na fase de inquérito a fim de colher elementos de prova para somente depois disso promover qualquer ação.

Uma outra empresa que também é suspeita pelo mesmo tipo de prática ilícita é a InDeal, de acordo com Celso Tres.

A Unick Forex teve um dos escritórios que era utilizado por três de seus líderes “para alavancar vendas” fechado pela Polícia Civil da cidade de Crissiumal, no Rio Grande do Sul).

O delegado responsável pela operação, William Garcez, relatou que o fechamento desse escritório, que estava localizado no centro da cidade, se deu pelo fato de a Unick Forex não estar autorizada pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) a captar clientes no Brasil.

O órgão regulador havia suspendido as atividades da empresa que estava atuando irregularmente no mercado financeiro, mesmo assim ela continou a atuar no mercado alegando estar sob a legalidade.

Da live aos problemas.

O Presidente Leidimar Lopes, junto de seus diretores Danter Silva (marketing) e Fernando Lusvarghi (jurídico) apresentaram na quinta-feira (28) uma live com a intenção de esclarecer o que estava ocorrendo com a empresa.

Nisso, os diretores procuraram tranquilizar seus clientes dizendo que a empresa estava legal e que o escritório fechado em Crissiumal não era oficial da empresa e que a responsabilidade era das pessoas que o mantinham.

Na manhã seguinte, o site oficial saiu do ar e nele havia apenas uma mensagem afirmando que o TI da empresa solucionaria o problema com manutenção.

Sem previsão de retorno do site, os diretores mais uma vez buscaram dar uma satisfação aos seus clientes, dos quais alguns agora enfrentam problemas com o acesso as suas contas e atraso nos saques.

Clique aqui e acompanhe a cotação de mais de mil criptomoedas.

Suporte unick forex 1

¿Unick Forex es una estafa? Asegúrese de leer antes de invertir.

A Desmarque Forex era una empresa con sede en São Leopoldo (RS), fue objeto de investigaciones en 2022 por parte de la policía federal.

A U mella se rompió por 2 razones, primero, la compañía era una pirámide financiera y tampoco tenía autorización de la CVM para comerciar bitcoins y Calendario de divisas en Brasil .

La empresa manejó R $ 9 mil millones en más de 14 países del mundo. Este es uno de los mayores fraudes financieros que involucran criptomonedas y Calendario de divisas .

Este análisis fue realizado por un autor independiente y no refleja la opinión de Invertir en activos complejos y activos conlleva riesgos, y los inversores deben actuar bajo su propio riesgo.

Unick Forex qué es?

A Unick Forex ganancias prometidas a través de minería Bitcoin, cotiza en el mercado Calendario de divisas y en el mercado de las criptomonedas. Las operaciones rendirían alrededor del 1,5% del capital invertido en los planes de la Unick Forex .

La empresa fue denunciada a CVM por primera vez. Y nombre Unick Forex pasó a Unick Forex Academy , el nuevo nombre era una forma de disfrazar las mentiras de la empresa . Después de todo, la compañía dijo que vendía contenido relacionado con la educación.

Sin embargo, Unick Forex Academy era una mentira, de hecho una fachada para que el esquema piramidal anterior no se rompiera.

De nada sirvió cambiar el nombre, con el tiempo Unick Forex Academia comenzó a recibir miles de quejas en el sitio web de Reclame Aqui. El esquema se reveló gradualmente en Internet a través de los testimonios.

Como funciono ?

Empresa Hizo marketing multinivel, las técnicas y estrategias comerciales disfrazaron la pirámide financiera. La empresa siempre reclutó nuevos miembros para nutrir la pirámide ofreciendo un rápido retorno del capital invertido. El dinero caería en las cuentas de sus clientes mensualmente. Ver los planes de Unick :

¿Cómo funcionó el registro?

El registro en la plataforma generalmente se realizaba a través de enlaces de afiliados, la persona llenaba un formulario simple y se creaba una cuenta en Unick Forex oficina Virtual . Actualmente ya no es posible ingresar al sitio web de la empresa, ya que Está sin aliento.

O oficina da empresa no funciona, pero es común que las personas busquen: Unick Forex iniciar sesión o Unick Forex inicio de sesión. La justicia decretó un bloqueo inmediato del sitio luego de que se investigara el fraude.

Iniciar sesión entrar en mi cuenta.

Pero obtuvimos algunas imágenes de cómo funcionaba el sitio, era posible v.

Saldo Extraer Seguimiento de retiro Ver extracto detallado Solicitud de retirada.

Cuando fue fundada ?

A Unick Forex es una empresa más antigua, fue fundada en 2013. La empresa se presentó como un intermediario para transacciones financieras en bitcoin, Calendario de divisas y criptomonedas. LOS Operação realizado por La Policía Federal en 2022 puso fin a uno de los esquemas piramidales más grandes de Brasil.

A Desmarque Forex debe más de R $ 12 mil millones a sus clientes. LOS Operación de la Policía Federal detuvo a los principales socios de la en Brasil, son:

Leidymar Bernardo dante Navegar Fernando Árbol.

Más de 13 personas directamente vinculadas a la empresa fueron imputadas por el esquema piramidal . Una Unick Forex fue adorada por los miembros de su base, y los inversionistas de la base piramidal firmaron una petición con más de 12 firmas para liberar a los líderes de la Unick Forex .

La justificación es que la CVM y la Policía Federal fueron responsables de interrumpir las actividades de la empresa.

El caso es que el mercado Forex en Brasil no está regulado por la CVM y ningún tipo de empresa o empresa en el territorio brasileño puede ofrecer inversiones y atraer clientes en el territorio brasileño al mercado Forex .

Esta es una práctica irregular por parte de la CVM y cerrar el Unick Forex fue una consecuencia. Otro problema con Unick Fue que el esquema de inversión se estructuró en forma de pirámide financiera.

Unick Forex ¿es confiable?

No, la empresa ha intentado varias veces disfrazar su esquema piramidal financiero. LOS Unick Forex Dijo que operaba inversiones en Brasil, pero de hecho utilizó estrategias para atraer nuevos clientes y nutrir un sistema de afiliados.

¿Verdad o mentira?

Una mentira, porque el principal argumento de la Unick Forex para no pasar por una pirámide financiera, decía: “las pirámides no venden productos, cursos y no tienen CNPJ”.

Por eso Unick , daba una imagen de autoridad inicial, ya que contaba con una gran estructura, sede, ofrecía cursos, productos y captaba socios. Esto fue llamado marketing multinivel por ellos, pero realmente fue Esquema Ponzi .

El esquema Ponzi son operaciones piramidales que involucran promesas de inversión con alta rentabilidad. Sin embargo, la ganancia no es generada por el producto principal. Pero por el dinero de los nuevos inversores que pagan, eso se suma a pirámide .

Quejate aqui.

A Unick Forex es uno de los titulares de registros en el reclamo aquí. Muchos usuarios no responden a la empresa. En el mes de agosto el Unick recibió más de 4.064 quejas. Este número es mucho más alto que el de las principales empresas líderes en denuncias en Brasil, tales como: empresas de telefonía celular, servicios bancarios y tarjetas de crédito.

Las principales quejas son sobre la reversión del capital invertido, es posible observar personas que invirtieron fuertemente en Unick Forex y que deseen recuperar su capital incluso sin la revalorización prometida por Unick .

Los retiros se suspenden porque la plataforma está caída. LOS Unick detuvo todos sus sistemas y los clientes no tienen soporte en línea para recuperar sus inversiones.

Uno de nuestros consejos para intentar comunicarnos con la empresa es a través del ámbito judicial, esta es una de las formas más eficientes en este momento para intentar recuperar su inversión en Unick Forex .

La policía Federal.

Actualmente, unos 10 directores de Unick fueron acusados. El fundador Leidymar Lopes es responsable de delitos contra el sistema financiero y actividad delictiva. LOS Unick alcanzó una facturación de 28 millones de reales en el último año y debe aproximadamente 12 mil millones de reales a sus clientes.

Leidymar Lopes fue detenido el 17 de octubre de 2022 por Operação Lamanai Policia Federal . La detención del presidente de Unick Forex decretó el fin de sus actividades en Brasil.

Cómo recuperar dinero de Unick Forex ?

Es posible que las víctimas recurran a la Esfera Criminal a través del Ministerio Público para recuperar el dinero robado por el Unick Forex . También se puede hacer justicia en la esfera civil. Sin embargo, las investigaciones dentro del Unick Forex , porque la Policía Federal ya informó que no hay nada bueno en el nombre de la empresa.

Sin embargo, con la ayuda de profesionales de TI, la Policía Federal rastreó una cuenta de bitcoin vinculada a Leidymar Lopes. El valor actual de la cartera del presidente Unick es de 66 millones de reales.

Lo interesante es que Leidymar Lopes, 2 días antes de su detención por el operativo de la Policía Federal (PF), creó un billetera bitcoin y transfirió 1.564 bitcoins. En otras palabras, tenía información privilegiada y sabía que lo arrestarían, trató de ocultar el dinero de Unick en esta billetera bitcoin.

Asociación con E Universidad stácio.

Antes de decretar el fin de la empresa, Unick Forex Academia intentó una asociación con Estácio Universidade Estácio, para disfrazar su imagen piramidal nuevamente. dante Navegar da Silva, director de marketing digital de Unick , hizo una llamada al presidente de Estácio. Esta conversación se publicitó en las redes sociales y habría sido aprovechada por el PF.

En la conversación entre dante y el presidente de Estácio, el director de marketing de Unick , presenta un proyecto de asociación de franquicias con la base de clientes de Estácio.

En la llamada interceptada se puede escuchar que se hablaba de la posible franquicia más grande de Brasil. La idea era transformar a todos los asociados de Estácio en micro franquiciados. Los maestros darían clases y títulos dentro de las franquicias para construir un plan de carrera dentro de las franquicias. Pero no funcionó.

Primo Rico y Unick Forex.

Uno de los videos más famosos hablando Unick en Brasil fue el video de Primo Rico. El primo rico tiene más de 3 millones de suscriptores en YouTube, es conocido como Thiago Nigro.

Thiago Nigro es uno de los educadores líderes en Brasil en finanzas e inversiones, en 2022 publicó un video en Unick y otras empresas. Informó que algunas empresas similares a Unick , pero no reveló el nombre Unick explícitamente en el video, vincularían su imagen para promover la estafa en las redes sociales.

Ella había publicado otro video en su canal. Youtube advertencia sobre la pirámide de Unick , pero rápidamente borrado. Thiago Nigro cuando se le preguntó en las redes sociales sobre el motivo, declaró: Pongo mi vida en riesgo hablando de la empresa. en aquella época.


Hasta ahora más de 15 líderes de la Unick Forex Academia Fueron detenidos por la policía federal. La justicia estima que se han recaudado miles de millones de reales en bitcoin.

Los principales líderes de la Unick Forex aprovechó la pandemia para pedir arresto domiciliario en 2022. Actualmente Leidymar Lopes está bajo arresto domiciliario en cuarentena.

El portafolio Leidymar tiene más de 66 millones de reales en bitcoin, que El dinero podría servir como compensación para las víctimas de Unick Forex Academia .


No realice inversiones que prometan ganancias rápidas en el mercado financiero. Puede elegir plataformas confiables y aprender sobre inversiones en criptomonedas.

Suporte unick forex

Com problemas de saque, Unick Forex recebe 150 reclamações em 24 horas no Reclame Aqui.

Empresa praticamente enviou a mesma resposta para reclamações de saques para todos os usuários no Reclame Aqui.

31/07/2022 13:35.

Mais de 150 reclamações sobre atrasos de pagamentos da Unick Forex foram registrados no site Reclame Aqui. Esse número surpreendente foi registrado em apenas 24 horas. Segundo a maioria das publicações, a empresa está com atrasos em pagamentos solicitados dentro da plataforma.

Embora a empresa tenha respondido praticamente todas as solicitações abertas no site, usuários continuam narrando problemas com saques. Os pedidos mostram que grande parte das solicitações foram realizadas há algumas semanas atrás. Porém, parece que nem todos os usuários conseguiram resolver o problema.

Unick Forex possui 3.644 reclamações no site Reclame Aqui.

De acordo com o site Reclame Aqui, a Unick Forex possui 3.644 reclamações registradas e todas foram respondidas. Por outro lado, nem todos os problemas foram resolvidos. Dentre as 150 reclamações que foram abertas entre os dias 29 e 30 de julho de 2022, poucas aparecem como resolvidas.

A empresa respondeu prontamente aos seus usuários, mas parece que os pagamentos ainda não foram normalizados. A maioria dos status das reclamações não aparecem como “resolvido”, apenas como “reclamação respondida” pela empresa.

Assim como acontece habitualmente no site do Reclame Aqui, quando uma reclamação é resolvida ela ganha um novo status no site. A maioria das últimas solicitações abertas revelam que a Unick Forex apenas respondeu aos usuários. Sendo assim, praticamente todos os usuários receberam apenas informações prévias sobre os problemas relacionados aos saques.

Usuário solicitou saque na empresa há duas semanas atrás.

Dezenas de reclamações contra a Unick Forex revelam que a empresa está com problemas de pagamento. No site Reclame Aqui, vários usuários mostram dificuldades em receber aquilo que investiram na empresa. Dentre as 150 reclamações registradas em menos de 24 horas está a solicitação do usuário Jorge Elias.

De acordo com uma reclamação aberta nesta última terça-feira (30), a Unick Forex está com pagamentos em atraso. A reclamação foi aberta por um usuário declarado como Jorge Elias. Segundo o usuário, uma primeira solicitação de saque na Unick Forex foi realizada no dia (10) de julho.

Jorge Elias afirma que essa primeira solicitação foi estornada pela empresa. Dessa forma, uma nova solicitação de saque foi solicitada pelo usuário no dia (16) de julho. Segundo a reclamação, a nova solicitação também não foi atendida pela Unick Forex.

Na reclamação, o usuário alega que não recebeu nada da empresa. Jorge informa dados como número de saque e seu nome de usuário através da solicitação no site Reclame Aqui. Além disso, o investidor alega que o saque deveria ter acontecido através da Urpay.

“Solicitei um saque no dia 10/07 e o mesmo estornou, realizei um novo pedido de saque no dia 16/07 e até agora nada!”

Problemas com saque devem ser informados ao suporte.

Em menos de dois minutos a Unick Forex publicou uma resposta para o usuário Jorge Elias. Segundo a empresa, uma solicitação de suporte deveria ser aberta no próprio site da Unick Forex. Sendo assim, o usuário seria atendido através do suporte interno da empresa para que eventualmente o problema fosse resolvido.

“Para conferência de saque, solicitamos que entre em contato com nosso suporte, pois somente eles tem (sic) acesso para verificação de pagamentos.”

Por outro lado, por enquanto Jorge ainda não mudou sua avaliação diante da reclamação contra a Unick Forex. Após 24 horas em que a reclamação foi publicada, o status continua apenas como respondido pela empresa.

Resposta Unick Forex.

Usuário relata atraso de pagamento de onze contas.

Assim como acontece com Jorge Elias, outras reclamações foram registradas contra a Unick Forex no site Reclame Aqui. Uma publicação mostra que um usuário com mais de dez contas na empresa está também com problemas de saque.

“Tenho 11 contas em atraso desde o dia 22/6 venho pedindo saque e até agora não caiu nenhum real na minha conta bancária. Já fiz pedidos pelo suporte 17 vezes e até agora não caiu nenhum resultado a “o Nick” (Unick) não está pagando e não dar (sic) suporte”.

A resposta da Unick Forex enviada para o usuário com onze contas em atraso é a mesma que foi enviada para o usuário Jorge Elias. Além dos dois usuários, as outras reclamações receberam praticamente a mesma resposta da empresa.

O Livecoins entrou em contato com o suporte da Unick Forex para esclarecer os motivos por trás do atraso nos pagamentos. Contudo, até o fechamento desta reportagem a empresa não respondeu ao contato.

Siga o Livecoins no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube.

Leia mais sobre:

Jornalista em trânsito, escritor por acidente e apaixonado por criptomoedas. Entusiasta do mercado, ouviu falar em Bitcoin em 2013, mas era que nem caviar, "nunca vi, nem comi, só ouço falar".

Super forex 9

SuperForex Review.

SuperForex can be summarised as a trustworthy broker that provides Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and trading facilities on shares, forex, commodities, and more to a large global market. SuperForex is currently not regulated by the CBN.

Updated : March 27, 2023.

Regulation and Safety of Funds.

Account Types and Features.

Range of Markets.

Deposits and Withdrawals.

Education and Research.

Account Activation Time.

SuperForex At a Glance:

��️ Headquartered Belize ��️ Nigerian Based Office No �� Accepts Nigerian Traders? Yes �� Year Founded 2013 �� Nigerian Office Contact Number None ⚖️ Regulation None that could be verified �� License Number None ⚖️ CBN Regulation No ✴️ Regional Restrictions United States, Ukraine, North Korea ☪️ Islamic Account Yes �� Demo Account Yes �� Retail Investor Accounts 11 �� Offers a Nigerian Account? No �� Dedicated Nigerian Account Manager? Unknown �� Affiliate Program Yes �� Order Execution Market, Instant �� Average spread From 0.0 pips EUR/USD ✴️ Margin Call 30% �� Stop-Out 40% �� Minimum Trade Size 0.01 lots �� Maximum Trade Size Unlimited �� Crypto trading offered yes �� Maximum Leverage 1:2000 �� Leverage Restrictions for Nigeria? None �� Minimum Deposit (₦) 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Nigerian Naira Deposits Allowed? Yes �� Active Nigerian Trader Stats +-20 000 �� Nigeria Daily Forex Turnover Unknown.

SuperForex Review – 16 key points quick overview:

SuperForex Overview SuperForex Regulation and Safety of Funds Account Types and Features Account Registration SuperForex Vs Alpari VS AvaTrade – Broker Comparison SuperForex Trading Platforms Range of Markets Trading and Non-Trading Fees Deposits and Withdrawals Education and Research Bonuses and Promotions SuperForex Affiliate Program SuperForex Social Responsibility Verdict on SuperForex SuperForex Pros and Cons Frequently Asked Questions.

SuperForex Overview.

Overall , SuperForex is the broker with the most trading account options and Naira-based accounts in the industry, with over 400 trading products to choose from. SuperForex offers a grand selection of tradable instrument, competitive trading conditions, and low commission charges on trades.

SuperForex is based in Belize and does not have regulation through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) or any local offices in the region.

They provide competitive online trading conditions using MetaTrader 4 platforms for web, desktop, and mobile devices, all of which are user-friendly and easy to use. This features low spreads (fixed or variable), no commission costs, and lightning-fast trade executions.

SuperForex also provides a social trading platform, a wide range of account kinds, and a high level of leverage.

This SuperForex review will provide traders with the details that they need to consider whether the broker is suited towards their unique trading objectives and needs.

SuperForex Distribution of Traders.

The distribution of traders with SuperForex is as follows:

️​ South Africa – 6.6%

️​ Islamic Republic of Iran – 5%

Popularity among traders who choose SuperForex.

�� While SuperForex does not occupy a significant market share in Nigeria, the broker is a popular option for African traders overall, ranking it in the Top 50 forex brokers for Nigerian traders.

SuperForex Regulation and Safety of Funds.

�� SuperForex claims to be regulated by the International Financial Services Commission (IFSC) in Belize. However, there is no license or reference number given and upon further investigation, SuperForex’s regulatory status cannot be confirmed.

�� While SuperForex is unregulated, the broker claims that it has a “segregated funds” approach. SuperForex claims not to utilize any of its customers’ money in its day-to-day activities. For the safety of the customers’ funds, they should be held in separate bank accounts and only utilized to finance trading activity.

�� Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates have been implemented by SuperForex to safeguard the safety of its customers. Clients’ access devices and SuperForex servers are protected by this technique.

�� SuperForex advises customers to double-check their contact information, including their email and phone number, to better secure their accounts.

�� Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy paper from SuperForex outlines the need for every customer to submit a government-issued ID card and a utility bill document to comply with anti-money laundering legislation. To complete the registration process for new customers, Nigerian traders must do this verification as part of the process.

�� A log-in history can be seen by clients on their accounts and the log records each login’s IP address, as well as the location, date, and time, as well as the computer’s operating system and web browser. The goal is for a client to be able to quickly identify any unauthorized login activity.

�� Customers can also store all their access devices in the Client’s Cabinet. Clients’ accounts cannot be accessed by any devices that do not appear on this list.

�� In addition, customers have the option of creating a list of IP addresses from which they want to restrict access to their account. Clients’ accounts are protected by these features, which prevent hackers from gaining access to them.

Account Types and Features.

�� Traders at SuperForex can choose from a broad range of account types. Nigerian traders must choose the account type that best suits their objectives and approach. Each account type has its own set of conditions and limitations.

�� In addition to STP accounts, direct access to the Forex market with ECN accounts eliminates the need for intermediate banks. Subsequently, with the ECN accounts, there are no intermediaries or requotes between market players. This means that Nigerian traders can expect instant order execution through this technology and advantage.

�� The full comprehensive list of accounts offered by SuperForex include:

➡️️​ Standard Account.

➡️️​ Swap-Free Account.

➡️️​ No Spread Account.

➡️️​ Micro Cent Account.

➡️️​ Profi STP Account.

➡️️​ Crypto Account.

➡️️​ ECN Standard Account.

➡️️​ ECN Standard Mini Account.

➡️️​ ECN Swap-Free Account.

➡️️​ ECN Swap-Free Mini Account.

➡️️​ ECN Crypto Account.

Live Trading Accounts.

Standard Account.

�� This is a typical account with basic trading conditions that cater to most Nigerian traders.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, ZAR, NGN, CNY, BDT, INR, THB �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged None �� Instruments available on this Account All �� Bonuses offered All �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps Included, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 2 pips XAU/USD – 7 pips XAG/USD – 7 pips AAPL – 1 pip Brent Crude Oil (BRT) – 2.5 pips SPX – 13 pips NAS100 – 13 pips SVXY.US – 7 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered Included.

Swap-Free Account.

�� This is a designated account for Nigerian Muslim traders, exempting them from swap fees.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, IDR, MYR, AED, ZAR, NGN, BDT �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged None �� Instruments available on this Account All �� Bonuses offered All �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps Included, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 2 pips XAU/USD – 7 pips XAG/USD – 7 pips AAPL – 1 pip Brent Crude Oil (BRT) – 2.5 pips SPX – 13 pips NAS100 – 13 pips SVXY.US – 7 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered Included.

No Spread Account.

�� This is an account that offers the lowest spreads to algorithmic traders, scalpers, active traders, and other fast-paced trading strategies.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged Yes, from 0.017% �� Instruments available on this Account Forex, Precious Metals, Stocks, Commodities, CFDs, Futures �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps Included, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.1 pips XAU/USD Spot – 0.1 pips AAPL NS – 0.1 pips Brent Crude Oil (BRT) – 2.5 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered Included.

Micro Cent Account.

�� This is an ideal account for beginner traders because of its smaller position sizes and lower risks.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit 1,000,000 NGN or an Equivalent to $3,000 �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged None �� Instruments available on this Account Forex �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps No, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 2 pips USD/CHF – 2 pips NZD/USD – 3 pips USD/CAD – 3.5 pips USD/ZAR – 48 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

Profi STP Account.

�� This is an advanced account that is aimed at maximizing traders’ profit potential.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP, ZAR �� Minimum Deposit 207,000 NGN or an equivalent to $500 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:2000 �� Commissions charged Yes, from 0.013% �� Instruments available on this Account All, except ETFs �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps No, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.1 pips XAU/USD Spot – 0.1 pips AAPL NS – 0.1 pips Brent Crude Oil (BRT) – 2.5 pips SPX – 13 pips NAS100 – 13 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

Crypto Account.

�� This account is designed to cater specifically to cryptocurrency trading.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD �� Minimum Deposit 41,000 NGN or an equivalent to $100 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:10 �� Commissions charged Yes, from 0.75% �� Instruments available on this Account Forex Major, Crypto �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10 BTC �� Swaps No, Fixed �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 2 pips BTC/USD – 190 pips ETH/USD – 50 pips BCH/USD – 15 pips LTC/USD – 15 pips DOGE/USD – 20 pips XRP/USD – 1 pip �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

ECN Standard Account.

�� This provides traders with the basic account features but the benefit of ECN execution.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP �� Minimum Deposit 41,000 NGN or an equivalent to $100 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged Between $8 to $10 on Forex �� Instruments available on this Account Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals, Indices, ETFs, Futures �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 100,000 USD �� Swaps Included, Variable �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.0 pips XAU/USD – 0.0 pips XAG/USD – 0.0 pips AAPL – 0.0 pips NAS100 – 0.0 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

ECN Standard Mini Account.

�� This is an ideal account for traders who want to test their trading strategies in live market conditions with reduced risks.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP, NZD, TZS, UGX, GHS, KES, MYR, BRL, NGN, ZAR �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged None �� Instruments available on this Account Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals, Indices, ETFs, Futures �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps Included, Variable �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.0 pips XAU/USD – 0.0 pips XAG/USD – 0.0 pips AAPL – 0.0 pips NAS100 – 0.0 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

ECN Swap-Free Account.

�� This is a standard ECN Islamic account for Muslim traders.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP �� Minimum Deposit 41,000 NGN or an equivalent to $100 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged Between $10 on Forex Majors and $40 on Energies �� Instruments available on this Account Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals, Indices, ETFs, Futures, Energies �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 100,000 USD �� Swaps No, Variable �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.0 pips XAU/USD – 0.0 pips XAG/USD – 0.0 pips XBR/USD – 0.0 pips XTI/USD – 0.0 pips AAPL – 0.0 pips NAS100 – 0.0 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

ECN Swap-Free Mini Account.

�� This account caters especially for Muslim Nigerian traders who are just starting their trading journey, providing them with competitive trading conditions and ECN execution.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD, EUR, GBP �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN or an equivalent to $1 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:1000 �� Commissions charged Between $10 on Forex Majors and $40 on Energies �� Instruments available on this Account Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals, Indices, ETFs, Futures, Energies �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10,000 USD �� Swaps No, Variable �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.0 pips XAU/USD – 0.0 pips XAG/USD – 0.0 pips XBR/USD – 0.0 pips XTI/USD – 0.0 pips AAPL – 0.0 pips NAS100 – 0.0 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

ECN Crypto Account.

�� This account only offers crypto trading with the benefit of ECN execution.

Account Features Value �� Account Base Currency Options USD �� Minimum Deposit 41,000 NGN or an equivalent to $100 �� Maximum Deposit Unlimited �� Maximum Leverage offered 1:10 �� Commissions charged Yes, from 0.6% �� Instruments available on this Account Forex Major, Crypto �� Bonuses offered Welcome, Energy, Hot, Dynamic �� Position Size for the Account 10 BTC �� Swaps No, Variable �� Average Spreads EUR/USD – 0.0 pips BTC/USD – 0.0 pips ETH/USD – 0.0 pips BCH/USD – 0.0 pips LTC/USD – 0.0 pips DOGE/USD – 0.0 pips �� Forex Copy-trading offered None.

Demo Account.

�� A demo account is a practice account that offers traders a certain amount of virtual funds that they can use, allowing them to enter the live market without risking their capital.

�� There is a certain degree of risk involved when trading financial markets and SuperForex offers its clients a risk-free platform where they can test strategies, practice trading, and explore what the broker offers in a safe trading environment with real market conditions.

�� The details that Nigerian traders can expect from the SuperForex Demo Account include:

➡️️​ Account base currency between USD and EUR.

➡️️​ Minimum virtual deposit of 500 USD.

➡️️​ A maximum virtual deposit of 50,000 USD.

➡️️​ Minimum trade size of 0.01 and a maximum trade size of 100 USD.

➡️️​ Maximum leverage up to 1:1000.

➡️️​ Access to swaps.

➡️️​ Fixed spreads offered on the demo account.

Islamic Account.

�� Depending on the trading style and the trading strategy of the forex trader, they may keep their trading positions open for longer than 24 hours on a trading day.

�� This means that the trader could incur an overnight or rollover fee. This is a type of interest that is prohibited by Riba principles of Sharia law, which means that Muslim traders are often restricted in forex trading.

�� SuperForex offers the following designated Islamic Swap-Free Accounts to Muslim Nigerian traders:

➡️️​ STP Swap-Free Account.

➡️️​ ECN Swap-Free Account.

➡️️​ ECN Swap-Free Mini Account.

Account Registration.

It only takes a few minutes for traders to register an account with SuperForex. Traders can visit the official website of SuperForex where they can select the option to register. They can then complete a short online application, providing them access to the web-based platform and the new trading account.

From here, traders can complete their registration and upload the necessary documents to verify their identity and proof of residence. Once this has been verified, traders can fund their accounts and start trading.

How to Register an Account on Plus500.

1. Step 1 : Start-Process.

In order for the applicant to start the process, they can simply click on the “Open Account” button located at the top, right-hand side of the webpage.

2. Step 2 : Accept Agreement.

The next step is to accept the Public Offer Agreement. Applicants must make sure that they fully understand what they are agreeing to before they continue.

3. Step 3 : Complete Registration.

The third step in the account application process is to complete a short, simple registration form. Once the registration form has been completed, the applicant can simply click “Open Account” to complete it.

The Trader will now be met with a Welcome message, congratulating them on registering their brand new SuperForex live trading account. The trader can now click on Continue to take a look around.

SuperForex Vs Alpari VS AvaTrade – Broker Comparison.

SuperForex Alpari AvaTrade ⚖️ Regulation None FSC Central Bank of Ireland (CBI), BVI FSC, ASIC, FSCA, JFSA, FFAJ, ADGM, FRSA, CySEC, ISA �� Trading Platform MetaTrader 4 SuperForex App MetaTrader 4 MetaTrader 5 • AvaTradeGO • AvaOptions • AvaSocial • MetaTrader 4 • MetaTrader 5 • DupliTrade • ZuluTrade �� Withdrawal Fee Yes Yes No �� Demo Account Yes Yes Yes �� Minimum Deposit 400 NGN 1,000 NGN 41,500 NGN �� Leverage 1:2000 Up to 1:1000 1:400 �� Spread From 0.0 pips From 0.4 pips Fixed, from 0.9 pips �� Commissions From 0.013% $1.5 None ✴️ Margin Call/Stop-Out 30%/40% 60% and 40% 25%/10% ✴️ Order Execution Market, Instant Instant and Market Instant �� No-Deposit Bonus Yes No No �� Cent Accounts Yes No No �� Account Types Standard Account Swap-Free Account No Spread Account Micro Cent Account Profi STP Account Crypto Account ECN Standard Account ECN Standard Mini Account ECN Swap-Free Account ECN Swap-Free Mini Account ECN Crypto Account • Forex Standard Account (MT4) • Forex Micro Account (MT4) • Forex ECN Account (MT4/5) • Forex Pro Account (MT4) • Retail Investor Account • Professional Account ⚖️ CBN Regulation No No No �� NGN Deposits Yes Yes No �� Nigerian Naira Account Yes Yes No �� Customer Service Hours 24/5 24/5 24/5 �� Retail Investor Accounts 11 4 1 ☪️ Islamic Account Yes Yes Yes.

SuperForex Trading Platforms.

�� SuperForex offers the following trading software that can be used to connect Nigerian traders to global financial markets:

➡️️​ MetaTrader 4.

➡️️​ SuperForex App.

Desktop Platforms.

➡️️​ MetaTrader 4.

�� In terms of reliability and innovation, the MetaTrader 4 platform provided by SuperForex is the best available. MetaTrader 4 is the trading platform of choice for professionals. Fast and accurate brokerage services are provided to clients in the FX and CFD markets using this platform.

WebTrader Platforms.

➡️️​ MetaTrader 4.

�� MetaTrader 4 offers a wide range of charting capabilities, indicators, analysis, and more, which can be accessed using any web browser. Any online browser and any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) can use the MetaTrader 4 web platform to trade Forex. Simply log into a trading account and begin trading in just a few seconds.

�� Because it is an integral element of the desktop platform, the MetaTrader 4 web client offers all the benefits of the native client. Web platform stability and interoperability with the MetaTrader 4 ecosystem are ensured as a result. Encrypted data is sent and received securely via the application.

Trading App.

➡️️​ SuperForex App.

➡️️​ MetaTrader 4.

�� To keep up with today’s fast-paced financial markets, SuperForex built a range of mobile apps to keep Nigerian traders always linked to their trading profession so that they can make lightning-fast trading choices.

�� Whether traders want to check on existing trades or open or close new ones, the SuperForex app development team’s applications are here to deliver a comprehensive trading experience right from any mobile device.

�� The MetaTrader 4 mobile apps are available for iOS and Android-powered smartphones and tablets, allowing users to trade on the financial markets. As with the desktop version, the mobile apps contain interactive quotes, complete trading orders and the most popular analytical tools.

Super forex 8


SuperForex has everything you need to start trading. No Deposit Bonus, Deposit Bonus, Forex and Cryptocurrency trading, and more.

BDT (Bangladeshi Taka) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) CNY (Chinese Yuan) Ethereum (ETH) GBP (British Pound) INR (Indian Rupee) Litecoin (LTC) NGN (Nigerian Naira) THB (Thailand Baht) USD (US Dollar) ZAR (South African Rand) Electronic Communication Network (ECN) Straight Through Processing (STP)

*Subject to SuperForex's order execution rules.

Total 9 Currencies.

*All information on this website is referred from original ones where each Forex Broker's official homepage describes at the time. Some information on the website are summarised to make viewers understand each service better. It maybe different from the service provided to you depends on the account type and platform you use. Although we strive to provide the newest and correct information at anytime, we do not guarantee the accuracy of those information. Please make sure checking terms and conditions and other trading options on yourself.

SuperForex Latest Promotions.

Welcome Bonus & No-Deposit Bonus.

SuperForex $88 + $99 No Deposit Bonus.

88 USD + 99 USD Get SuperForex's Super No Deposit Bonus. 88 USD + 99 USD for all new traders.

SuperForex Table of Contents.

What is SuperForex? What you can trade with SuperForex? SuperForex's Bonus Promotions.

What is SuperForex?

SuperForex is a Forex and CFD broker that offers an online trading service through MT4 and MT5 trading platforms.

SuperForex is known for its incredibly attractive trading conditions and bonus promotions.

All traders of SuperForex have access to the broker’s impeccable trading system that is all connected and updated in real-time.

Some of SuperForex’s main advantages are:

High leverage up to 1:2000 STP order execution with ECN technology Spread from 0.0 pips More than 10 Trading Account types $88 No Deposit Bonus 2021% Deposit Bonus.

These are only some of the main advantages of SuperForex.

Go to SuperForex’s Official Website and find out more about the broker today.

What you can trade with SuperForex?

By opening an account with SuperForex, you can invest in Forex currency pairs, Stocks, Stock Indices, Oils, Precious Metals and Cryptocurrency pairs.

Trading of Cryptocurrency pairs is available on SuperForex’s STP Crypto and ECN Crypto account types.

The available Cryptocurrency pairs for trading are:

ETHUSD (Ethereum vs US Dollar) BTCUSD (Bitcoin vs US Dollar) ZECUSD (ZCash vs US Dollar) DASHUSD (Dash vs US Dollar) BCHUSD (Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar) XMRUSD (Monero vs US Dollar) NEOUSD (Neo vs US Dollar) EOSUSD (EOS vs US Dollar) LTCUSD (Litecoin vs US Dollar)

SuperForex also accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies such as USDT, Ripple, and Bitcoin.

With SuperForex, you can participate in various bonus promotions and benefit from their low spread high leverage.

SuperForex’s Bonus Promotions.

One of the main reasons why traders choose SuperForex is their bonus promotions.

With SuperForex, you can participate in many gorgeous bonus promotions for free.

Available offers include a No Deposit Bonus, Deposit Bonus, Cashback Rebate, and also lucky lottery.

As a live account trader of SuperForex, you can participate in any of the bonus promotions with no limit.

You can also receive more than 1 bonus with one account, or open multiple accounts to receive multiple bonuses.

For the latest offers of SuperForex, go to SuperForex’s Official Website.

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Super forex 7

How Does ECN Trading Work at SuperForex Broker?

When it comes to trading foreign currencies, the goal is to make a profit as often as possible. In order to do this, you need to start by getting an appropriate specialist like SuperForex. This is because forex is not traded the same way as stocks and other assets, and SuperForex has consistently invested heavily in providing the best offers to its clients.

One of the advantages that ECN brokers offer to their clients is ECN trading accounts. ECN stands for “Electronic Communications Network” and it is a technology that allows different market participants to trade directly with each other without going through a middleman.

ECN trading has several advantages over other types of trading:

ECN accounts offer direct access to the interbank market, which means that you can get the best possible prices for your trades. ECN brokers typically charge lower fees than other types of brokers, which saves you money. ECN accounts offer higher levels of liquidity, which means that you can trade more frequently and with less risk. ECN accounts offer faster execution speeds, which is important for scalpers and other types of traders who need to enter and exit trades quickly.

Why do people choose ECN Forex brokers?

So, why is it so popular among traders? An ECN is a highly intricate aspect of trading owing to its ties with clients, huge liquidity providers like banks, and enterprises all over the world, regardless of the size of the trades.

It eliminates the function of traditional intermediaries, and as the number of orders is increased, so does the overall quantity of requests in the system – which is excellent information for ECN users seeking the greatest price.

How does the SuperForex ECN network work?

With SuperForex ECN accounts, you will have the opportunity to bypass banks and show trading operations straightforwardly on any Forex exchange. This means all market traders are free from middlemen as they interact with one another without requotes or delays thanks in part due to these new types of accounts that allow for ultra-fast execution speeds! You may also enjoy discounted spreads when using an order book as most exchanges do.

Available in local currencies.

SuperForex is always looking for ways to improve the experience of our clients. The company offers ECN accounts in local currencies. SuperForex supports ECN accounts in the following local currencies: MYR, IDR, NGN, BRL, ZAR, TZS, KES, and others. This allows to trade with even greater convenience and flexibility.

This article has been published in accordance with Socialnomics’ disclosure policy.

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Super forex 6

Becoming a super Forex trader.

A guide on how to be a super trader that covers the best strategies, recommended materials, how to develop your own trading plan, and a risk management guide. The financial market offers unlimited opportunities to savvy investors. There are thousands of stocks, currencies, commodities, ETFs, indices, and other derivatives to trade or invest in. With all these financial vehicles on offer, there are many ways to make money. The likes of Warren Buffet have made their living by buying and holding stocks for decades. While others, like Ken Griffin and James Simmons, have made it by buying and holding financial securities for a short while. Others have made a living using strategies like private equity, event-driven strategies, and speculation. This article will look at a number of ways you can be a better trader.

A passion for financial markets.

To be a successful teacher, you need to be passionate about teaching. To be a pilot, it is important for you to have a passion for the aviation sector. Similarly, to be a trader, you need to have a passion in the financial markets. This is because, as a trader, you will spend tens of hours every day staring at charts or watching financial news. Without this passion, you will not have fun doing it and ultimately, your chances of succeeding as a trader will be very limited. No one is born with an interest in financial markets, we all want to be astronauts and firemen. However, you can develop a passion for the markets by training yourself. You do this by reading financial magazines like Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes or even this blog and watching financial television networks like CNBC and Bloomberg. In your free time, read books about finance or about people like Buffet who have had a lot of success in the financial industry. Finance is such a wide sector, there are many ways to discover an area you can get passionate about.

Learn before you start.

The worst what you can do on your way of becoming a Forex trader is skipping your classes. Most of the beginners fail cause they don't take time to learn and understand the financial industry. When the first few trades lead to profits, they grow confident and double down to only lose their money at the end. The best thing you can do before you start trading is to learn. Fortunately, there are many books, websites and video courses on trading that you can find online. A good place to start is in Warren Buffet’s website which will give you access to all his annual investment letters. These letters will help you gain insights from one of the greatest investors of all time. Another source of excellent trading and investment videos is YouTube. Here, you will find people explaining how they trade, the lessons they have learnt and the tips they apply in the market. Taking time to learn will help you discover how the market works. It will also help you create your own trading strategy.

Come up with a strategy.

There are thousands of strategies that you can use to be a successful investor. For example, investors in the hedge fund industry use the following strategies: Long only: this is a strategy where the investors involved buy stocks and other financial securities and hold them. They profit when the price of the securities move up. Short only: this is the opposite of the long only strategy. In it, the investors specialize in finding overvalued stocks and other securities and shorting them. In shorting, they borrow stocks, sell them at the market prices, keep cash, and buy the same amount when the price drops. A good example of this kind of investor is Jim Chanos who profited from the fall of Enron and Lehman Brothers. Long-Short: these are the investors who buy the undervalued stocks and sell the overvalued ones. They profit when the undervalued stocks move up and the overvalued stocks move lower. Arbitrage investors: these are investors who specialize in finding the pricing problems of securities. For example, in merger arbitrage, the investors buy the stock of the company being acquired and short that of the acquiring company. Macro investors: these investors focus on the macro issues in the global economy. For example, if they believe that the Emerging Market (EM) economies will do well, they invest in EM stocks or their currencies. Algorithmic Investors: these are also known as High-Frequency Investors. They use complex computer algorithms to analyze and initiate orders. A good example of this is James Simmons who has consistently generated more than 30% annual returns in his Magellan Fund. Traders too can also apply these strategies. For example, the long-short traders focus on buying currency pairs they believe will move up and sell those they believe will move lower. They can also use algorithms and arbitrage trading strategies.

Broadly, traders can use these strategies based on the duration:

Day traders: these are traders who open and exit trades within a day. Scalpers who open and exit trades within a few minutes are in this category too. Swing Traders: these open and leave trades overnight for a day or two. Long-Term traders: these leave their trades for a few days or weeks.

To become a better trader, you need to take time to define the type of trader you are and the assets you will be trading.


To succeed as a trader, you need to spend a lot of time practising. Fortunately, many brokers offer a free demo account. This is an account that has everything you will need to trade using virtual money. This is a very important step you must do if you want to succeed in the industry.

There are a few things you need to do when using a demo account. First, you should use the demo account with the exact amount you intend to start trading with. For example, if you intend to start with $3000, it is wrong to start a demo account with a million dollars.

Second, your demo account should have the same leverage that you intend to use in the live account. If you intend to use a leverage of 30:1, you should create a demo account with the same ratio.

Third, while the demo account has virtual money, you should assume that it is real money. In this, you should feel the pain of losing the money.

In addition to this, you should participate in trading contests. These are competitions where you compete with thousands of other traders with the goal of winning a prize. Participating in such a competition will help you gauge your skills and measure your performance. If you win, it will give you good seed money to get started. We especially recommend checking Supercharged 2 Real Contest and Champion Demo Contest.

Risk management.

Risk management is a very important step when you trade. Without it, you can be the best trader or investor but suffer big losses. A good example of this is with the famous activist hedge fund manager, Bill Ackman. After profiting from his investment in Valeant Pharmaceuticals, he watched his investment go south. When he exited, he had lost more than $4.4 billion. Similarly, during the financial crisis of 2008/9, many hedge fund managers closed their funds because of the heavy losses. Therefore, if these veteran Wall Street managers can lose money, so can you. There are a few things you can do to minimize your losses.

Leverage: while many brokers offer leverages of up to 500:1, it is recommended that you use a small leverage ratio. This will reduce your risk per trade. Volume or lot size: the bigger the volume of a trade, the more risks you expose yourself to. Therefore, you should always use a small lot size. While the profits will be small, small lot sizes will help you exit major mistakes with small losses. Stop loss: a stop loss is a free tool that allows you to stop a loss-making trade at a pre-defined level. This level is defined by the risk-reward ratio preferred by the trader. In your trading strategy, you should take time to identify the ideal risk-reward ratio. Trailing stop loss: this is a stop loss that is more flexible. It moves along with the chart and locks in the profit. As a result, in case of a reversal, your profits are locked in. Emotions: when you make a big loss in a trade, your emotions will likely tell you to open a trade in the opposite direction. Having a trading plan in place that tells you when to enter or exit a position will help you avoid mistakes made from impulsive trading based on your emotions.

You can succeed.

Many people currently make a living off the financial markets. You too can make it if you are passionate and focused about the industry. If you feel that you don’t have the time to invest in learning and trading for yourself, there is still another way you can participate in the markets. This is when copytrading steps in – here you can copy trades from experienced professionals and receive a stable income from a diversified portfolio.

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Super forex 5


Manage your Forex trading accounts easily on your mobile device.

Latest Version.

Dec 12, 2022.

Google Play ID.

App APKs.

SuperForex Cabinet APK.

SuperForex APP.

Our app is designed to give you full access to your SuperForex trading account. It offers the easiest way to keep an eye on your Forex trades from your phone or tablet.

▶ After installing our app you can:

✔ Open a live Forex trading account ✔ Open a demo account to practice Forex trading ✔ Make deposits ✔ Withdraw money ✔ Check all your Forex trading operations ✔ Merge your existing accounts ✔ Apply for bonuses.

Please note that this app does not have a trading function. You cannot use it to open and close trades.

For that purpose, we recommend installing our MetaTrader 4 app as well. This way, you can also trade on the Forex market from your mobile device.

Join SuperForex.

SuperForex is at the forefront of the Forex trading industry. It launched its services in 2013 and is currently the broker of choice for over one million customers worldwide.

SuperForex is especially proud of its wide variety of Forex trading accounts and bonuses.

In addition, the company’s trading portfolio is quite diverse. With SuperForex you can trade:

• currencies; • stocks; • indices; • options; • cryptos; • precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, etc.; • industrial metals like aluminum, copper, etc.; • commodities such as crude oil, natural gas, etc.

�� The trade of all these assets is done via the MetaTrader 4 platform. It is the most established and most frequently used trading software in the world. For this reason, MetaTrader 4 is preferred by both beginners and advanced traders alike.

Main Advantages of Trading with SuperForex.

• Lots of financial instruments to trade; • Convenient services and attractive bonus offers; • MetaTrader 4 - the most reliable platform for trading; • Local currency accounts - don’t waste money on exchange fees.

Forex Trading Accounts.

To cater to all kinds of Forex traders, we offer lots of different accounts. These include:

• Standard - a no-frills basic Forex trading account ideal for beginners; • Standard Mini - an account for traders on a budget; • ECN accounts - premium Forex trading conditions, available in both Standard ECN and ECN Mini versions; • Swap-free & No-spread accounts - for Forex traders looking to eliminate swaps and spreads; • Crypto - an account where you can trade most cryptocurrencies.

All account types are fully compatible with MetaTrader 4.

SuperForex Bonuses.

Forex trading bonuses are used to increase the amount of money in your trading account. SuperForex offers the following:

• 3000% Easy Deposit Bonus - the most generous offer on the market; • $88 No Deposit Bonus - trading funds with no investment required; • Welcome+ Bonus - up to 50% on every deposit; • 60% Energy Bonus - applies to every deposit; • 202% Hot Bonus - for deposits of $100 or more.

▶ Coming in this app’s future updates:

• Read Forex analytical articles; • Track economic news that affect the world of finance; • Copy the deals of other traders.

Super forex 4

SuperForex Review.

Is SuperForex Scam or Legit broker?

SuperForex is owned by SuperForex Ltd. which is an offshore company registered in Belize, thus it is not safe to trade with SuperForex.

SuperForex is incorporated and licensed by an IFSC Forex broker with its registered office in Belize. Yet, Belize is a known offshore zone that delivers slight and operational requirement conditions to the financial service providers. Therefore, it became an offshore zone for shady forex brokers such as Trading Epic, BlueMax Capital, etc. You can see in our detailed article why it is risky to trade with brokers from Belize.

About SuperForex.

��️ Registered in Belize ��️ Type of License Offshore License ��️ Is SuperForex safe to trade No ��️ Recommended Licenses FCA in UK ���� & ASIC in Australia ���� �� Alternative Broker Ava Trade - licensed by ASIC in Australia.

What is SuperForex?

As claimed on the official website SuperForex grants access to all the major trading platforms in the world, while users may benefit from a brief Forex training course by opening a free demo account and learn the basic steps along with the quite competitive trading conditions.

The services of the company offered to the retail and institutional traders are good, while there is no strictest application to the rules of business conduct, comparing to the reputable Forex authorities alike FCA (UK) and ASIC (Australia). While IFSC is a rather self-regulatory authority that does not implement sharp follow of standards. There are multiple negative responds and reviews from SuperForex clients, as traders faced issues with the money withdrawal or some inconvenient processes during the trading sessions or position openings.

Overall SuperForex Ranking.

With our revelations on regulations and safety issues of SuperForex, we do not rank positively SuperForex , based on our Expert Opinion with over 10 Years of experience in Forex Trading.

SuperForex Overall Ranking is 2 out of 10 based on our testing and compared to 500 other brokers, see Our Ranking below compared to other popular and industry Leading Brokers.

Ranking SuperForex FP Markets XM Our Ranking ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Is Broker safe? No Yes Yes Advantages None Trading Instruments Trading Environment.

SuperForex Alternative Brokers.

As our research revealed safety issues with SuperForex, here we offer much better Alternatives to SuperForex with good regulations and great trading conditions. We select Good Brokers and trustworthy options for your comparison below:

XM – Best Broker for Low Minimum Deposit Interactive Brokers – Good for Real Stock Trading Plus500 – Good for Futures Trading.

SuperForex Deposits and Withdrawals.

SuperForex is constantly expanding its list of available payment methods, to make it available for all clients. SuperForex clients can open accounts in USD, EUR, and GBP, and use those three currencies for deposits and withdrawals. The broker offers various deposit and withdrawal options, including Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Card and e-wallets such as Skrill, Neteller, AstroPay .

On the standard account the minimum deposit amount is $1. SuperForex does not charge any additional fees on transactions.

SuperForex Trading Accounts.

New traders usually start from Standard accounts. It supports many base currencies (including JPY, USD, EUR, GBP, and more) and has fixed spreads, with $1 minimum deposit amount and leverage of up to 1:1000. All SuperForex bonuses are available with Standard account type. SuperForex also offers STP and ECN accounts. These types are more suitable for more experienced traders.

The Profi-STP is designed specifically for experienced traders who prefer higher trading volumes. The lot size is higher – 100 000 USD, with the leverage up to 1:3000. ECN accounts are faster than Standard and STP accounts, because they connect to the Electronic Communications Network directly, these accounts provide more accurate quotes on all trading instruments and a faster order execution speed. The lot size is 100 000 USD.

SuperForex Review Conclusion.

Generally, we do not advise to open an account and engage in trading with SuperForex, as it is an offshore broker, and it might incur significant risks even if the offering sounds attractive. Traders are recommended to trade with well-regulated brokers such as UK brokers or brokers in Australia and reliable brokers such as FBS and Eightcap.

Overall ranking and experience for SuperForex is Negative.

All User Review ( 1 ) Positive Review ( 1 )

Daan K From Netherlands | Trading Account: “652036” | Friday, November 6, 2022.

At first they make it look like a good oppertunity to go for the bonus deals. But when you’ve excepted the bonus deals you are limited to some very bad and shady rules: 1: Stoploss can’t be placed thight to the positions. 2: Orders sometimes can’t be executed when the market doesn’t move, this makes your position stuck. 3: When accepting the bonus deals you can’t withdraw your profit. You can only withdraw twice the amount you have deposited. AND if you have deposited lets say 100 dollars you can only withdraw 100 dollars of profit whenever you traded 100 lots aswell. Because of this rule it is practically impossible to withdraw profits. 4: Take profits cant be placed close to the current price 5: They keep falling back to their saying: “It’s in the agreement you agree with when accepting the bonus”. But this list with conditions is pretty big and a lot to read when you want to create the account. Tiny letters politics I call this…. 6: Spreads are awfull, you are not able to make quick trades. I might had more bad things to say about superforex, but I can’t remember them right now. Ill update them below if I rememberd some. #######!I JUST WANT TO WARN YOU!####### The spreads are awfull, you cant withdraw profits like it should, stoplosses and take profits are worthless because of the minimum distance with the current price and the orders cant be executed for like 3-5minutes. I hope everyone will listen to this awfull experiance with Superforex. Don’t make the same mistakes I made.

No news available.

24 responses to “SuperForex”

Viv Roodt says:

Thank you for the review on Super Forex. It is informative and stopped me from signing up with them. I have found that XM is indeed an extremely trusted broker and my experience with them have been only good. Their training is excellent and ongoing. They are always researching ways to improve their traders knowledge. Their No Deposit Bonus, is a genuine one. They also have competitions for traders to enable them to win good money. I would recommend them to anyone looking to sign up with a genuine broker .

Ligaz says:

But a purely market marker.

Emma says:

When I request for their (XM) no deposit bonus they said my country (Nigeria) is not allowed for the bonus. What a joke after they gave me an option to select the deposit as a non US resident.


Super forex has amazing opportunities to trade for free they have a 50$ free bonus and requires you to have 50$ for withdrawal try it you wont die.

loshy says:

oh hell no i just got robbed by em right now, cleared my account for no reason.

Aobakwe Wildebees says:

Superforex is not a good broker at all, thier spread are way to big an your profits move slow as hell, even when you’re using a 1:200 leverage.

Reabtswe says:

Superforex isn’t the good broker at all I have made more profit when I want to withdraw it I doesn’t progress it and I now struggling to login in matetrade4.

Solomon Oyeniyi says:

SuperForex is a fraud.They just defrauded me of my hard-earned money to the tune of $1500. This happened in October, 2022. When you deposit huge amount of money with them to trade, they will squander the whole of your money. Traders, I have evidence of this, don’t trade with them.

Inks says:

Wow, that’s crazy cause I’m currently ching back and forth with them to try and get my refund back. They took my $300USD btc and they’re trying to push me for $1200.smh! I hope they can rot in hell.


Yes they did the same to me Today…I have already sent email to CBN EFCC SEC reporting them. They defrauded me wipe out my profit and gave me back only my initial deposit which was not even complete.THEY SHOULD BE BANNED FROM NIGERIA.

Tshepiso Lesedi Mohwibidu says:

This broker is a scam,I made withdrawal like 3weeks ago and still today I haven’t gotten it and they keep telling me nonsense like I should email Nova2pay with my reference code because on their side the withdrawal has been approved and settled but never did I receive the money So don’t trade with superforex,they are a scam and will run away with your money.

marvin manaig says:

yeah. this broker os a scammer. i made a deposit and gained a profit in trading, but when i make a withdrawals, this broker notifies me that the withdrawal is successful, but no money was deposited to me… just a waste of time…

kevin says:

Good day, Please i am begging you people do not use this broker, they are dishonest, they will hunt your account and spike your trades with stop outs and then say that it the liquidity provider,I started trading with them Jan. 2021, first they have no customer service, its only for a couple hours of the day, they misinform you that your withdrawal will be process in 3hours, but it takes 5days to get back your profit. there is no working telephone number to call, there is only response by email, they will never call you if there is a issue. My account was stop hunted by there system and they steal half of the money in my account, when i complained my it was reject with out even any evidence to prove me wrong, in a nutshell this is by far the worse broker ever DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS BROKER, THEY WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY.

Sher says:

What the hell are you talking in comments guys. Fake comments 100%. No account numbers, no support answers, I mean this looks like a joke.

Glorine Pilane says:

It means you are part of the scam broker.

Eric traut says:

One of their scammers tried to hook me by chatting and promoting the website during a Words With Friends online game app. Beware. Total scam.

David wachira says:

Superforex are petty thieves and scamers of by the highest order. I made a withdraw 15 days ago, they debited my trading account but I have never received my money todate. No one from their sides explains anything, they keep taking you round in circles. Avoid them like plague.

Laur says:

I opened an account through an affiliate platform that promotes cashack from the spread on 14.07.2021, choosing SuperForex and thanks to the HOTBONUS 202 offer. I deposited 250 usd and I applied for this bonus being very happy to be able to trade with a higher margin. I admit that I did not understand very well Article 9 of the 202.0% HOT Bonus Agreement, believing that all the profit over the deposit + hot bonus can be withdrawn. But I was sorely mistaken because in the terms and conditions it is an article that says that Martingale cannot be used and usually no one reads these terms as I did but what bothered me is that they let me trade four on Monday and when I wanted to withdraw part of the profit, they also confiscated my initial deposit. Later I checked the terms and conditions of other brokers and I did not find this perverse provision that is put precisely to confiscate your money and even casinos do not have this restriction. Following the discussion on customer support chat I was told the following – In case of a decision to impose such a restriction, the company will notify the client by the e-mail specified upon registration at least one day before the appropriate restrictions for the client account is implemented- and I wonder why they let me trade for four months when they tried to withdraw some of the profit and confiscated all my money. So in conclusion it is not an honest broker and you have to be careful to read the terms and conditions so as not to fall into the trap of brokers like SuperForex.



Glorine Pilane says:

Bunch of thieves. Easy deposit bonus is just a trap to defraud us. I deposited $26 got $750 bonus made profits if $307 but my account got stopped out, when i enquire they say some deals where above 50 percent margin call but i still had profits.sad they took my profits and deposit.


THIS WAS THE EMAIL I FORWARDED TO EFCC CBN and SEC on SUPERFOREX THIEVES: To: , Cc: , , , I have account I.D 150800 with superforex. I deposited $17 dollars into the superforex account I.D 150800 belonging to me and was given welcome bonus of $6.80 to trade. Total amount available to trade $23.80.. I traded from Tuesday 08/03/2022- Thursday 17/3/2022) and made a profit of $69.76. Now the total available balance i have in my account was $93.56 On friday 18/3/2022 i requested for withdrawal of $86.77. This withdrawal was pended until today 22/3/2022. In my Account I.D 150800 i noticed that $76.54 was deducted from my available balance today leaving $17.02 in my account. Immediately i contacted the superforex customer support, there i was told i violated there law of trading strategy using robot. I was shocked and angry. I also contacted one of there local agent ( in the person of AKABOGU CHUKWUEBUKA NICHOLAS) via whatsapp the person to whom my account I.D 150800 was funded. The local agent told me there was a cancellation on my account that i violated trading strategy using robot to trade. Clearly it shows that both the Local agent of superforex forex and superforex itself are scam organisation. Because in this period of high unemployment rate in Nigeria, a youngman who struggled to eke out a living by creating job for himself through trading forex now met with a scam organization called SUPERFOREX. I NEED MY MONEY BACK. AND I DONT KNOW WHAT ROBOT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. AFTER UNDERGOING MORE THAN 4 YEARS PERSONAL TRAINING AND STUDY IN FOREX EDUCATION. I HAVE TRADED WITH ANOTHER FOREX COMPANY CALLED HOTFOREX, I DIDNT HAVE ANY ISSUE ON DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAWAL. I DECIDED TO TRY OUT SUPERFOREX BECAUSE I USE TO RECEIVE THERE ADVERT EMAIL, NOW THIS SCAM. IT WAS EASY TO DEPOSIT BUT WITHDRAWAL AM NOW HEARING THE FRAUDULENT TALES I NEED TOTAL REFUND OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY OF $76.54 EFCC TAKE NOTE. SO PLEASE DONG TRADE WITH THEM AND THEY NEED TO BE BLACKLISTED THIS MINUTE.

Antonio says:

Superforex is a scam evidence here superforexscam.

Sathira says:

15 dec i made positions after analysing fomc meeting fundermental positions they closed my account and balance of 76 usd they stolen from my account one and only broker i ever seen news and fundermental data positions is seems like fraudulent activity..i was opened positions after technical and fundermental data analysis because both detections are same i was lost my 4 positions profits because they told while news release open positions fraudulent activity. if you’re technical analysis trader or fundermental analysis trader please be aware don’t Open positions while news release your all of fund they will stolen from you because it’s fraudulent activity �� I’m really unhappy Hello dear client Your withdrawal has been canceled and turned back to your trading account. At the same time, we have to cancel trading results of All orders processed from November 28 due to violation of User’s agreement clause 5.16. Total amount for cancellation is $76.25 Please change your trading strategy and trade according to the terms and conditions of the User’s Agreement. Everything was done according to standards of the international legal agreement and under IFSC regulation. Please note: payment for the deals processing (commissions) can take some part of deposit and can’t be turned back given that service of access to the market has been provided in full by liquidity providers. 5.16 – The Company reserves the right to monitor trading strategies used by clients in the trading and reconsider trading results in case of detection of fraudulent trading strategies, such as trading on spikes during extremely high volatility, a “Bonus scam” strategies, strategies using technical imperfections of the platform, including possible delays in the rates, strategies based on using any hacking tools that could disrupt workability of the platform and stability of the Company’s financial system.

Super forex 3

SuperForex Introduces a New Way to Trade CFDs.

Though stocks and currency pairs might be more famous, CFDs are an equally profitable asset class available to traders and investors. Thanks to a new service by SuperForex, people can now trade CFDs in an innovative, more profitable way.

What are CFDs?

Contracts for difference (CFDs) offer a simple way to trade an asset without owning it. Instead, the trader essentially makes a bet with the broker about how much the value of that asset will change within a set period of time.

Thus, traders can bet an asset will become cheaper or more expensive.

The fact that the investor does not own the asset is a great advantage. For example, if you want to make a profit from stock trading, you will have to invest a lot of money into buying a company’s shares.

Keep Reading.

10 Events that Shook the Financial World in 2022 - According to OctaFX Understanding Liquidity and Market Liquidity.

Then you will need to wait for an unknown amount of time for the share value to rise. Only when it has risen significantly will you be able to sell the shares back at a profit.

CFDs eliminate these difficulties. Traders only need to bet on the change in value, without purchasing the asset.

SuperForex CFD Groups.

Although CFDs are part of most brokers’ portfolios, SuperForex has come up with a new way to present these assets. The broker introduced CFD groups, where companies are banded together according to their industry.

In other words, SuperForex customers can trade the joint CFDs of all major companies within a single field in one order.


Some of these CFD groups include:

Automotive CFDs, which include shares of all major carmakers; Pharma CFDs, where you can find all major pharmaceutical companies and vaccine-makers; Financial CFDs - banks and other financial companies; Retail CFDs - retailers and marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, etc; IT & Techno CFDs - the go-to group for tech stocks, e.g. Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft; Aircraft CFDs - airlines and aircraft makers.

For a full list of all CFD groups, please consult the broker’s website. These CFD groups can be traded via an ECN account with SuperForex.

Advantages of Trading CFDs in Groups.

The last couple of years have shown that market trends tend to affect whole groups of companies rather than individual firms. For example, in 2022 the share value of many pharmaceutical companies increased due to the pandemic.

Investors focused more on this industry as companies sought to develop Covid-19 vaccines and other drugs.

Sometimes, however, a company might do worse than its counterparts due to internal issues. Case in point, while Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech have done well, AstraZeneca struggled a bit.

The company’s vaccine faced much more controversy than the rest. In this scenario, an investment in pharma companies as a whole would have been profitable, while an order concerning AstraZeneca only might have brought a loss.

As it turns out, investing in all major companies within a given field is a better way to hedge your funds. For this reason, the CFD groups developed by SuperForex offer a greater chance of success.

Though stocks and currency pairs might be more famous, CFDs are an equally profitable asset class available to traders and investors. Thanks to a new service by SuperForex, people can now trade CFDs in an innovative, more profitable way.

What are CFDs?

Contracts for difference (CFDs) offer a simple way to trade an asset without owning it. Instead, the trader essentially makes a bet with the broker about how much the value of that asset will change within a set period of time.

Thus, traders can bet an asset will become cheaper or more expensive.

The fact that the investor does not own the asset is a great advantage. For example, if you want to make a profit from stock trading, you will have to invest a lot of money into buying a company’s shares.

Keep Reading.

10 Events that Shook the Financial World in 2022 - According to OctaFX Understanding Liquidity and Market Liquidity.

Then you will need to wait for an unknown amount of time for the share value to rise. Only when it has risen significantly will you be able to sell the shares back at a profit.

CFDs eliminate these difficulties. Traders only need to bet on the change in value, without purchasing the asset.

SuperForex CFD Groups.

Although CFDs are part of most brokers’ portfolios, SuperForex has come up with a new way to present these assets. The broker introduced CFD groups, where companies are banded together according to their industry.

In other words, SuperForex customers can trade the joint CFDs of all major companies within a single field in one order.


Some of these CFD groups include:

Automotive CFDs, which include shares of all major carmakers; Pharma CFDs, where you can find all major pharmaceutical companies and vaccine-makers; Financial CFDs - banks and other financial companies; Retail CFDs - retailers and marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, etc; IT & Techno CFDs - the go-to group for tech stocks, e.g. Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft; Aircraft CFDs - airlines and aircraft makers.

For a full list of all CFD groups, please consult the broker’s website. These CFD groups can be traded via an ECN account with SuperForex.

Advantages of Trading CFDs in Groups.

The last couple of years have shown that market trends tend to affect whole groups of companies rather than individual firms. For example, in 2022 the share value of many pharmaceutical companies increased due to the pandemic.

Investors focused more on this industry as companies sought to develop Covid-19 vaccines and other drugs.

Sometimes, however, a company might do worse than its counterparts due to internal issues. Case in point, while Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech have done well, AstraZeneca struggled a bit.

The company’s vaccine faced much more controversy than the rest. In this scenario, an investment in pharma companies as a whole would have been profitable, while an order concerning AstraZeneca only might have brought a loss.

As it turns out, investing in all major companies within a given field is a better way to hedge your funds. For this reason, the CFD groups developed by SuperForex offer a greater chance of success.

Super forex 2

SuperForex Review.

SuperForex is a forex broker. Super Forex offers the MetaTrader 4 forex trading top platform. offers over 100 currency pairs, cfds, indices, energy, gold and silver for your personal investment and trading options.

April-December 2022: Large numbers of fake and highly suspicious positive reviews submitted for SuperForex.

November 2022: There is an FPA Traders Court guilty vote against this company. The FPA recommends a high level of caution dealing with SuperForex unless this issue can be resolved.

June 2022 - May 2022: Large numbers of suspicious and fake positive reviews submitted for SuperForex.

Add your review.

Broker Details.

Minimum Trade Size: 0.01.

Maximum Leverage: 1000:1.

Minimum to Open Live: $1.

Established: 2013 Address: 5 Cork Street, 2 Floor, Belize City, Belize Contact:, +65-3-1590282 Regional offices: Regulators: FSC #IFSC/60/292/TS/14 Prohibited countries:

Trading platforms: MT4 Web Trading: ✅ Yes Mobile Trading: ✅ Yes ECN: ✅ Yes Currencies:

Trading Instruments.

Trading Conditions.

Managed Accounts & Social Trading.

Deposit Methods: Bank Wire (BankTransfer/SWIFT), VISA, MasterCard, Bitcoin, ePayments, FasaPay, FlutterWave, iPay, Litecoin, Local Bank Transfers, Neteller, Ngan Luong, OnlineNaira, PayCo, Payeer, PerfectMoney, Qiwi, Skrill, SticPay, Triv, UnionPay.

Withdrawal Methods: Bank Wire (BankTransfer/SWIFT), VISA, MasterCard, Bitcoin, ePayments, FasaPay, FlutterWave, iPay, Litecoin, Local Bank Transfers, Neteller, Ngan Luong, OnlineNaira, PayCo, Payeer, PerfectMoney, Qiwi, Skrill, SticPay, Triv, UnionPay.

1.581 • 95 REVIEWS.

Add your review.

Traders Reviews.

Johannesburg, South Africa (Really Ukraine),

Feb 26, 2021,

Registered user.

Broker with an excellent reputation (until I helped ruin it)

Service use: Live Length of use: over 1 Year.

I don't know what people write about below, but this broker helped me as a partner and a trader to earn a lot of money. I am completely satisfied with our cooperation and can recommend this broker as one of the best among all brokers.

Share Helpful.

Review moderation team note.

5 Star Rating removed.

This review did not come from South Africa. It came from Ukraine. The reviewer has an email address

Per FPA policy, the rating on this review has been set to Zero stars.

Brazil, Brazil,

Dec 23, 2022,

Registered user.


Length of use: over 1 Year.


Withdrawal is Rejected or Cancelled Dear Wellington Antonio D***** P***** ,

Your withdrawal request was cancelled/rejected:

Use other crypto channel.

---------- Forwarded message --------- De: SuperForex Date: sexta, 23/12/2022 à(s) 17:16 Subject: Making a Deposit To:

Transaction Deposit Dear Wellington Antonio D**** P*****,

You have sent the request to deposit money. Usually it takes 1 hour to process. Please check your trading history for monitoring the status of your deposit.

Share Helpful.

ha noi, Viet Nam,

Sep 30, 2022,

Registered user.


Length of use: 0-3 Months.

SUPER FOREX is a Scam broker. I have opened 3 trading accounts at this broker. My trading account numbers are: 1164688, 1168893, 1207496. My first two accounts were burnt, I don't say it's a problem. Only until my 1207496 account trades and becomes profitable. My profit is about 2100 usd, then my taken floor transaction fee is about 2400 usd. High transaction fee I also agree, however, today, when I withdraw my profit of 822 usd, then my account closed all orders. And my account balance is more than 3000 usd. However, this broker took the reason of liquidity problem, and reopened trades that I closed a long time ago, And caused those orders to lose, and burned my account. Before reopening orders to burn my account, They also stole the 822 usd profit I was withdrawing. However, this broker took the reason of liquidity problem, and reopened trades that I closed a long time ago, And caused those orders to lose, and burned my account. Before reopening orders to burn my account, They also stole the 822 usd profit I was withdrawing. This is the worst, most deceitful, scam broker I have ever seen. I am willing to provide any proof of my account as well as my words, Can someone help me to sue this scam broker, I am ready to go to court, and pursue the lawsuit till the end.

Jul 22, 2022 - 1 Star This is a scam platform. I deposited 200 usd, then traded some orders. I then withdrew my money and they canceled my withdrawal. i made the withdrawal again, they processed it 1 week ago and still no support. i messaged the whole support team and no one answered me. All are scams.

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Benin, Nigeria,

Aug 14, 2022,

Registered user.

It's a total Scam site.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I registered on the website and deposited with the 3000% bonus and was trading and running a 61$ profit and all of sudden my trades were all closed and all my money and profit cleared up, I sent an email to their support and they were telling me that it was a stop-out. A stop-out when I was running profits, so I sent them a message again with screenshots as proof that they were mistaken and They have not replied me.

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Sydney, Australia,

Jul 3, 2022,

Registered user.


Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.


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Malaga, Spain,

Mar 28, 2022,

Registered user.

Order tampering after daily statement.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

Like the title says.. After I received a detailed statement a bunch of orders magically appeared in the account at 1AM.. very easy to prove I mean, the statement was sent by them. I never made a withdrawal.. was 260eu profit in the account. Awaiting their answer but seeing all these reviews I really think I was scammed. Up to them for me to change my review.

Share Helpful 1 trader has found this review helpful.

Europe, Romania,

Dec 13, 2021,

Registered user.

SuperForex is deceptive.

Service use: Live Length of use: 3-6 Months.

I opened an account through an affiliate platform that promotes cashack from the spread on 14.07.2021, choosing SuperForex and thanks to the Hotbobus 202 offer. I deposited 250 usd and I applied for this bonus being very happy to be able to trade with a higher margin. I admit that I did not understand very well Article 9 of the 202.0% Hot Bonus Agreement, believing that all the profit over the deposit + hot bonus can be withdrawn. But I was sorely mistaken because in the terms and conditions it is an article that says that Martingale cannot be used and usually no one reads these terms as I did but what bothered me is that they let me trade four on Monday and when I wanted to withdraw part of the profit, they also confiscated my initial deposit. Later I checked the terms and conditions of other brokers and I did not find this perverse provision that is put precisely to confiscate your money and even casinos do not have this restriction. Following the discussion on customer support chat I was told the following - In case of a decision to impose such a restriction, the company will notify the client by the e-mail specified upon registration at least one day before the appropriate restrictions for the client account is implemented- and I wonder why they let me trade for four months when they tried to withdraw some of the profit and confiscated all my money. So in conclusion it is not an honest broker and you have to be careful to read the terms and conditions so as not to fall into the trap of brokers like SuperForex.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of,

Sep 20, 2021,

Registered user. = SCAM.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months. is a scam.

They canceled my profitable trading results, took back ALL the profits I made (693.61$) AND stole a part of my deposit (86$ out of my initial 500$ deposit)

My full-length review with evidence is available at the below link, where I will invite them to respond to my complaint.

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Sep 3, 2021,

Registered user.


Service use: Other Length of use: Have not used.

I have more than 1 month waiting for 1 deposit and I only receive an email with 1 wrong arn because it does not correspond to my card number, then they indicate that it corresponds to virtual pay, your client invests in SF not in virtual pay, someone sensible here to tell me help?

Share Helpful 1 trader has found this review helpful.

Krugersdorp, South Africa,

Jun 28, 2021,


Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I have been waiting for 3 days for the money I withdrew, but I still haven’t received it yet.

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Kerala, India,

Jun 23, 2021,

Registered user.

Delay in withdrawal.

Service use: Live.

Irrespective of many negative comments found in the reviews forum I registered with Superforex. I made first withdrawal request on 15/06/2021 and I did not receive my amount as on day 24/06/2021 and the amount is 55USD my account Superforex account number 809073. This is my experience delay in withdrawal with my new platform while my other platforms are accurate and receiving payment between 1-3 business days even the payment method throug Debit card.I am feeling the customer support is not in competitive compare to my other existing brokers.I hope someone from Superforex take up this matter and will do the needful.If you want I can provide number of email communications related to this subject.

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Antwerp, Belgium,

Jun 18, 2021,

Registered user.

Stay away.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

Made 800$ in a week with 100$. When I want to withdraw they come with some violation of some sort while ime getting trade rapport every day. Lucky I only spend a week with them before I found out you. I think it's a are only welcome if you lose.

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Tg Mures, Romania,

Jan 7, 2021,

Registered user.


Service use: Live Length of use: 3-6 Months.

This is only to show that you keep lieing for free:

Account: 3015483 Name: Mihai Sebastian Onocan Currency: EUR Leverage: 1:1000 2022 December 21, 23:59.

Closed Transactions: Ticket Open Time Type Volume Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Swap Profit 369077 2022.12.21 13:49:26 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.32727 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:09:30 1.34031 0.00 0.00 -4 258.97 369079 2022.12.21 13:49:26 buy 4.00 gbpusd 1.32704 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 17:23:01 1.33090 0.00 0.00 1 264.10 369419 2022.12.21 17:23:01 buy 4.00 gbpusd 1.33062 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 19:47:01 1.33354 0.00 0.00 954.96 369566 2022.12.21 19:47:01 buy 4.00 gbpusd 1.33343 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:09:36 1.34212 0.00 0.00 2 837.92 369630 2022.12.21 21:09:31 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.34058 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:09:52 1.34524 0.00 0.00 -1 521.54 369691 2022.12.21 21:09:36 buy 4.00 gbpusd 1.34176 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:09:53 1.34614 0.00 0.00 1 430.39 369693 2022.12.21 21:09:53 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.34623 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:10:23 1.34558 0.00 0.00 212.25 369695 2022.12.21 21:09:53 buy 4.00 gbpusd 1.34593 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:24:18 1.34830 0.00 0.00 774.14 369697 2022.12.21 21:10:23 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.34578 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:16:55 1.34377 0.00 0.00 656.46 369701 2022.12.21 21:16:58 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.34394 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:21:34 1.34494 0.00 0.00 -326.70 369713 2022.12.21 21:21:35 sell 4.00 gbpusd 1.34546 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 21:24:18 1.34877 0.00 0.00 -1 081.02 369725 2022.12.21 21:32:07 buy 6.00 gbpusd 1.34972 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 22:15:11 1.34556 0.00 0.00 -2 038.57 369726 2022.12.21 21:32:07 sell 6.00 gbpusd 1.34971 0.00000 0.00000 2022.12.21 22:15:12 1.34579 0.00 0.00 1 920.64 824.06Closed P / L: Open Trades: Ticket Open Time Type Volume Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Swap Profit 368735 2022.12.21 12:13:06 sell 0.30 eurusd 1.21488 0.00000 0.00000 1.22465 0.00 0.00 -239.33 368737 2022.12.21 12:13:10 buy 0.30 eurusd 1.21478 0.00000 0.00000 1.22436 0.00 0.00 234.73 369537 2022.12.21 19:02:09 buy 0.01 usdcad 1.28353 0.00000 0.00000 1.28563 -0.05 0.00 1.34 369539 2022.12.21 19:02:09 sell 0.01 usdcad 1.28423 0.00000 0.00000 1.28581 -0.05 0.00 -1.01 -4.37Floating P / L: Working Orders: Ticket Open Time Type Volume Item Price S / L T / P Market Price Commission No Transactions Summary: Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: 824.06 Floating P/L: -4.37 Margin: 107.04 Balance: 5 115.57 Equity: 5 111.20 Free Margin: 5 004.16 Thank you for choosing SuperForex!



Dec 29, 2022 - 1 Star Hi, My advice is to stay away from this broker, it is by far one of the most terrible experiences with a broker. After I made a profit, my account was manipulated by Super Forex, and they wiped out my account in 3 days in two days from more than 5000 euros to 0. The only place where they did not cover their fraudulent method is in dayli statements, received by email. I sent them several emails and they don't answer at all. Below I attach some information.

Account: 3015483 Name: Mihai Sebastian Onocan Currency: EUR Leverage: 1:1000 2022 December 21, 23:59 Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: 824.06 Floating P/L: -4.37 Margin: 107.04 Balance: 5 115.57 Equity: 5 111.20 Free Margin: 5 004.16.

Name: Mihai Sebastian Onocan Currency: EUR Leverage: 1:1000 2022 December 22, 23:59 Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: -478.78 Floating P/L: -1.07 Margin: 5.34 Balance: 368.48 Equity: 367.41 Free Margin: 362.07.

As you can see from a day to another there are missing more than 4000 Euro, and in 23.12 they wiped out all the account money: Account: 3015483.

Name: Mihai Sebastian Onocan Currency: EUR Leverage: 1:1000 2022 December 23, 23:59 Deposit/Withdrawal: 18.68 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: -324.72 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00 Balance: 0.00 Equity: 0.00 Free Margin: 0.00.

Reply by Superfx official submitted Jan 5, 2021 Hello, we've checked your account. You opened risky trades with high volume. Some orders reached 40 lots. Your last trades were just unprofitable, we can't really do anything here.

Also we didn't see the amount of 5000 EUR ever recorded on your account balance.

Your review just isn't true.

Share Helpful.

Reply by Superfx official submitted Jan 15, 2021:

Hello, we've checked your account history again. Consider the amount of lots you have opened. Your trading strategy was very risky given the amount of trading funds and opened lots. The deals just went unprofitable.

Germiston, South Africa,

Dec 24, 2022,

Registered user.

Deposited 40 USD then requested the welcome bonus.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I think superforex is a scam i deposited 40USD then requested the welcome bonus and traded for 5 days made profit and withdrew 123 USD and left my account at 60 USD they took my withdrawal and the money i left am now at 40USD I warn anybody starting forex from using this broker.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Dec 29, 2022:

Hello. Indeed, the part of your profits got canceled due to prohibited trading strategy based on the technical imperfections of the trading platform MT4.

You have successfully withdrawn your full deposit and the part of achieved profits.

Solomon Oyeniyi.

Lagos, Nigeria,

Dec 21, 2022,

SuperForex is still a Fraud.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

SuperForex is still a fraud, they did not return my deposit money completed, after cancelling all my profits, the company now charged my account again. There's no way the company can continue in business again by defrauding clients.

Nov 23, 2022 - 1 Star Last month, October, 2022, SuperForex defrauded me of my hard-earned money to the tune of $1500, they cancelled all the profits I made in the month of October, 2022 and then charged my account again.They were able to do this because they don't have an office in my country, I would have charged them to court. If they know that you deposit huge amount of money for trading, all they will be looking for is to deprive you of your hard-earned money. I have told them that they cannot go free God will surely judged them.

Reply by Superfx official submitted Dec 17, 2022 Hello, your trading strategy is based on the imperfections of the trading platform. We did cancel your profits several times and informed you that such strategies are not allowed.

We returned to you your deposit funds in full amount.

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Tokyo, Japan,

Nov 25, 2022,

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I used ECN standard account. Only the currencies spread which I hold extended strangely at the same time. After my positions were loss-cutted, spreads returned to normal. The spreads of numbers were 150 and 200. It was very unnatural. It wasn't so widespread in other FX Brokers when SuperForex spread was widely.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Dec 17, 2022:

Hello, ECN accounts come with floating spreads. We don't regulate spreads. They are set based on the liquidity providers data.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina,

Sep 26, 2022,

Registered user.


Service use: Live.

I claim my welcome bonus, i deposit my money, never get my bonus. After that i set up my account with 1:1000 laverage but they fixed it all the time for there convinions and they set up to: 1:100 i lost my money and support never answer, NO SERIOUS, BECAREFUL!

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Oct 7, 2022:

Hello, your account has 1:1000 leverage. You did not apply for any bonus. Your trades were unsuccessful, that's why your balance went down.

We just don't see any reason to call SuperForex scam, based on your review.

Also, please check the FAQ page if you want to change your leverage. Support managers can help with this as well.

Spain, Spain,

Jun 25, 2022,

Registered user.

Manipulated profit/loss balances.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I have invested mainly in the purchase of SPN35 and CL, well as these symbols have gone up and my earnings should increase, the opposite has happened my earnings have decreased, I contacted them and they told me that they modified the lots and that they had the right to do it in the middle of trading. Well then yesterday when the symbol SPN35 was falling multiplied the balance of losses by 20 so that the account go to 0.

An example: ticket 866234676 price buy: 7527.1, current price: 7390.2, volume 0.01 on June 23 gave me a loss of -24.20, The next day ticket 866234676 price buy: 7527.1, current price: 7117.8, volume 0.01 on June 24 gave me a loss of -726.62 € As you can see it is disproportionate.

Yesterday i have contacted with superforex them and received no response. Today i contacted IFSC and first i will wait a answer. When they respond to me, I will ask them for advice and it is possible that will take this issue to an expert lawyer and use the necesary money to find these people.

Share Helpful 1 trader has found this review helpful.

Reply by Superfx official submitted Jul 2, 2022:

Hello, you can email if you still have questions.

As for #CL trading symbol we didn't change settings for that. You can always check trading result with independent online calculator. For example this one: As for SPN35 We recently changed the lot size from 10 to 1 to let you open more deals. All you need is to open more volume of the deal. You can always check trading result with independent online calculator. For example this one:

Profit Calculator -

Africa, Nigeria,

Jun 11, 2022,

Registered user.

SuperForex FRAUDSTERS, SCAMMERS, LAIRS AND CHEATS. Avoid by all means.

Service use: Live Length of use: over 1 Year.

The entire Superforex is controlled by their CEO Vladmir Syrov who is the perfect definition of Scam and Fraud. They are heartless. They scammed me when depositing $53,000, and $34,000 when trading, and a further $2,572.67 which they refused to allow me to withdraw. I want to give them zero star in the rating but there was no option rather than one star as the minimum. Please do not use their so called Country Representatives, Local Currency Depositors or Official Partners to make deposits as it was the case with me when Vladmir Syrov introduced me to one of their company company staff called Collins Mark to process my deposit and he later defrauded me of my $53,000 when he connived with the company and did not credit my trading account. The company is now denying that he is not their staff but rather an agent hence they are not going to compensate me. The entire customer service experience with SuperForex is also very poor, and the staff including the CEO are very unprofessional in their dealings and communications. Would like to clearly state that SuperForex have lied to me on several occasions, and they are very rude, dishonest, deceitful and evasive in their dealings. They employ dirty tactics and everything by hook or by crook to rip people off their money. Their systems do not operate automatically as they manually manipulate their systems to ensure that you lose your money. They manipulate the Prices, Spread, Margin Call, and Stop Out to ensure that they make maximum profit from your losses. It is just a shame that I never read the reviews otherwise I would not have ever traded with them in the first place. I stand fully responsible for my statement as I have already been in contact with the CEO Vladmir Syrov and the company on several occasions to resolve my complaint but to no avail. I am confidently calling him a fraudster and you can contact me for more information and evidence to validate my claims. I have already invited the company to the Forex Peace Army Court to resolve my complaint but they are not responding.They claim to be regulated by the IFSC in Belize but it is just a sham and regulatory system where the regulator has no control of the financial companies in the country. Be aware that Belize is one of those tax havens with relaxed financial control. I have contacted the IFSC and they have not done anything about my complaints so do not hope that you would be able to have your complaints resolved by the country regolulator when you have been defrauded by Superforex. The company also has very loose Terms and Conditions which they claim to be the solution to all complaints. They would give no explanations and would avoid discussing your complaints by referring you to the T&Cs. Be rest assured that referral to the vague T&C's would be the only response you get when you make any complaints and you would be speaking to a dead wall when you challenge back. They have fake departments which only exist by email called Dealer, and Risk Management and Trading, to deal with your complaints but in reality they are all controlled by the CEO Vladmir Syrov whose main aim is to cheat and defraud you of your money. He even writes the responses on behalf of the fake departments. The company goes as far as paying people to write fake positive reviews for them. Please do not wait to become a victim, avoid this company by all means possible. This is a warning for everybody to stay clear of SuperForex. They are big FRAUDSTERS and SCAMMERS.

May 11, 2022 - 1 Star The entire Superforex staff are controlled by their CEO Vladmir Syrov who is the perfect definition of Scam and Fraud. They are heartless. They scam you when depositing money, when trading, and when making withdrawals. I wish I could give them zero star in the rating but there was no option rather than one star as the minimum. The entire customer service experience with SuperForex is very poor, and the staff including the CEO are very unprofessional in their dealings and communications. Would like to clearly state that SuperForex have lied to me on several occasions, and they are very rude, dishonest, deceitful and evasive in their dealings. This is a warning for everybody to stay clear of SuperForex. They are a big SCAM. It is just a shame that I never knew of the Forex Peace Army and their Superforex review otherwise I would not have ever traded with them in the first place. You can read my full story under the scam thread:

Reply by Superfx official submitted May 18, 2022 Be informed that Mark Collins never being our employee, he was local agent and we did not bear any responsibility for activity of 3rd party

In the same time we have already reported to Nigeria Police department in order to help you with that case and solve it succesfully and in the same time please be aware, that according Client TnC we are not responsible for 3rd party according clause 9.14:

9.1.4. The Customer acknowledges that the Company or a third party involved in providing the services to the Customer shall not be liable for malfunctioning of the telephone or Internet equipment, scheduled maintenance or updates or any other events beyond the control of the Company or information service providers or a third party providing services to the Customer.

But in any case we are helping you in this issue and everyday working with officers in Lagos for solving it.

Regarding your other terms from the claim, your strategy was extremely high and company does not bear responsibility for the result of your trading.

Pls read 7. Risks from Client Agreement.

Regarding Bonus issue - you should also read Terms of Bonus and be aware that Hot Bonus 202% is an exclusive offer and profit generated by using this bonus is distributed accordingly. According your trading result in the beginning you generated profit and part of this profit was distributed to Bonus Funds (read terms of Hot Bonus here - Then according our checks you had a huge drop down and when margin level becomes lower then 300% Bonus can be cancelled including part of the profit generated by using this bonus.

You should always rely only on your funds in trading strategies.

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Review moderation team note.

Please check page 2 of your discussion thread about this issue. You will see that SuperForex's representative replied on May 18th.

Ongwediva, Namibia,

Jun 5, 2022,

Registered user.

Pending Withdrawal.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I made a deposit of 100 ZAR and made about 600 ZAR profit and requested a withdrawal. It's been over a week now and didn't receive my withdrawal. I have no words for this broker but disappointments. Don't invest your money in Superforex.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Jun 10, 2022:

Hello. Our support department did provide you the number of your withdrawal in the Flutterwave payment processing system.

Your withdrawal in the amount of 600 ZAR is successful on our side but stuck in Flutterwave.

Durban, South Africa,

May 28, 2022,

Registered user.

Pending withdrawal.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I requested a withdrawal and it takes 2-4 hours for them to approve but today is the third still no approval of my withdrawals their poor customer service keeps telling me that they is a delay but people who requested withdrawals after t theirs were approved immediately that what I was told by their local depositor and he also said it's the first time they taking so long to approve withdrawals. I wouldn't advise anyone to deposit money on them.

May 27, 2022 - 1 Star I have requested a withdrawal and the payment agent told me it's take 2-4 hours to be approved but today is the second day still my withdrawals are not approved, thier support system is very poor. I wouldn't recommend anyone to use this broker. Stay away from Superforex.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Jun 2, 2022:

Hello! You used the Local Depositor service for withdrawal. We processed your withdrawal on the same day in around 4 hours. Please contact if you have any issues with Local Depositor service.

Nairobi, Kenya,

May 20, 2022,

Registered user.

Superforex is a wonderful broker.

Service use: Live Length of use: over 1 Year.

I've been trading with Superforex for more than 5 year and I have not encountered any issues with them. I've made profit trading with them compared to other brokers that I have tried. Superforex is one of the best broker in the world, I can tell you that for free.

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Erick Imalla.

Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya,

May 11, 2022,


Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

Just deposited $20 and tried opening a position which doesn't react to changes in prices, the market moves but my profit remains at -0.02 which is basically the spread. I go to withdraw using m-pesa option and they keep telling me my pin code doesn't match..What the hell is this pin code and where does it come from coz i haven't received account is 481118.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted May 15, 2022:

Hello, your withdrawal pin code is in the first email you received after registration. It's a security feature. If you can't find it email to solve this issue.

As for the price movements, email to get explanation on your case.

dar es salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of,

May 6, 2022,

Registered user.


Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

i have withdrawn fund from my account. it is almost 4 weeks now i have not received that money. now i do not know what to do! stay away from this broker please.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted May 8, 2022:

Hello. Some issues may have occur on the payment system side, especially iPayAfrica during the last few weeks. Please specify your account number and email us at


May 4, 2022,

Registered user.

Super Forex 101% Scamer.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

These are big liars They have cheated me I created an account on it But I didn't know it was so ridiculous Because when I make a profit from here, these people will suffer And they took my profit back And sent me a junk email They made many excuses not to make a profit And they say that your whole trade is not right However, some of our trades lasted for three to four days I advise you not to work with them I also made a video with all the evidence You will get the link soon.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted May 8, 2022:

Probably you were using prohibited trading strategies based on the trading platform imperfections. You got your deposit back in full amount.

dhaka, Bangladesh,

Apr 28, 2022,

Registered user.


Service use: Live Length of use: 3-6 Months.


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Reply by Superfx official submitted May 1, 2022:

Please provide us your account number since we can't even identify you as our client.

Warri, Delta State, Nigeria,

Apr 12, 2022,

Registered user.

Super forex biggest scam broker, manipulated my profitable trade.

Service use: Live Length of use: 3-6 Months.

I made a profit of over $500.00 with a deposit of $400.00, on the 11th October, 2022 my account was manipulated by their liquidity provider by them increasing the spread with over 45pips for more than 15 minutes where others brokers spread is just 3 pips spread of GBP/USD pair at the same time. My $500.00 profit trade became a lost instantly, After 15 minutes when my $500.00 profit turned to negative, they now change their market price to the current market price with other brokers current price. I decided to enter the opposite direction to save my losing trade, to my greatest surprise, they closed both trades saying is a stop out which is not possible, I screenshots the current price of super forex with other brokers price, the difference was clear that they manipulated their platform for my profit trade to be at a loss where the current market price was not the price in their platform. As God will have it to expose their fruadulent act, the market did not get to their price produce by their liquidity provider for over 4 trading days the next week. I call for their attention and threatened to report their fraudulent activity, they immediately remove their 40% bonus and cancel my profit. Their CEO mailed me after threatening to expose them, saying I cannot used other liquidity provider market price to compare with their price. Please fellow forex traders, run from this stupid and scam broker, this is the second time, sometime ago I made a profit and place withdrawal, they didn't pay the withdrawal telling me rubbish that their risk department decide to hold it back for some reason and I eventually lost my money back then. I have all the screenshot proofs of their platform price and other brokers platform price at the same time all these happen.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Apr 28, 2022:

Hello, you can provide all evidence to

Though you are saying about $500 profit which was never recorded for this account number. Maximum profit was above $100. You have been using high risk and high volume trading and of course due to high volatility on GBPUSD you got a negative result.

Your bonus was cancelled because of violation of Bonus agreement. According to the clause 10 of the Bonus agreement, we are able to cancel bonuses in case of detecting bonus manipulation.

Birmingham, United Kingdom,

Apr 2, 2022,

Registered user.

A fraudulent broker.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I register and deposited 100usd to my account. They added a 50usd bonus and I traded to a balance of 167. I noticed that they are not straightforward and their online chat service is never helpful with straightforward answers to enquiries. I requested for my funds. Surprisingly, they didn't approve the withdrawal of my deposit. They slashed it and they could provide an explanation for it. My account is 363847. I will go all over the Internet and make sure the whole world knows about how fraudulent the broker is. I will ensure that they are removed from operating with clients from my country as they can't be trusted. Do not deposit with them. Do not.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Apr 7, 2022:

Hello. We've checked your case and can state that everything was processed according to the No Deposit Bonus T&C:

You had $33 loss on your account from $100 deposit. 2 withdrawal requests for $24 and $61 were successful.

Bangkok, Thailand,

Mar 28, 2022,

Registered user.

Pending withdrawal.

Service use: Live Length of use: 6-12 Months.

If something is sensitive for review then it as the withdrawal feature. There were some technical issues with validation but I always consider that one off and customer unique anyway. Withdrawal however is something sensitive because that's why we all start trading in the first place. To make money, and then when we finally manage we expect it to be flawless, especially the first try. Well, technically it looks alright and when I went in to start using the feature it was reading 1-3 business hours when using Skrill. On the contact page I learned that business hours are from Monday till Sunday 8-17 GMT. Tried to contact them on Saturday GMT 16h. The online chat and Skype call tell me they are offline and also a phone call is being disconnected, not even a out-of-office message. This is below average and very disappointing.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Mar 31, 2022:

Hello, your withdrawal was made on Saturday, which is not a business day. On Monday you have successfully got your withdrawal.

Here's the transaction number: 3103398699.

Selangor, Malaysia,

Mar 23, 2022,

Registered user.

They are simply cancel my deposit and profit.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

My account 479219, from $114 to $0 due to clause 5.15.1.

Just because I make profit from $22 BECOME hundred, they simply want to cancel my profit. See by yourself the pips for each entry, before you want to cancel my profit.

Ask live chat, they said go to email, than the email still not reply.. Who I can talk and discuss about this. Poor customer service.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Mar 31, 2022:

Hello. Your robot was violating our trading rules. You've successfully withdrawn your deposit and the part of your profit.

TK Ephraim.

Walvis Bay, Namibia,

Mar 20, 2022,

Fraud Broker.

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months.

I opened a ZAR account last week funded account with 180 ZAR traded it to 5900 ZAR made a withdrawel of 5200 only to be informed that I may that I broke their rule "technical imperfections" which they fail to agree what it means. They took all my funds due to this cause if I am correct its my money I traded from the fx market.

I would never recommend superforex to anyone. Very bad broker full of FRAUD AND SCAM.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Mar 26, 2022:

Hello, what is your account number? We can't identify you as our client and help you with this issue.

FPA Review Moderation Team Note: While logged in, you should be able to see the account number this client left. It is above the review text.

Dhaka, Bangladesh,

Mar 20, 2022,

Registered user.

Biggest scam in Forex.

Service use: Live Length of use: over 1 Year.

This is not any broker. This is a place where scammers live. Each and every people in here are scammers.

I made a profit of USD 924. No news trading, scalping, EA's; nothing. I made that profit carrying my positions for a couple of months. So, only long term trading. Still, the scammers canceled the profit without any kind of reason.

I will only update my reviews if they give me my profits.

Please don't deposit a single penny in these frauds.

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Mar 26, 2022:

Hello, what is your account number? We can't identify you as our client and help you with this issue.

FPA Review Moderation Team Note: While logged in, you should be able to see the account number this client left. It is above the review text.

Mar 17, 2022,

Registered user.

the absurdity of the answers, imminent scam.

Length of use: over 1 Year.

I have had accounts opened with this broker for some time but practically never used, a few weeks ago after receiving an email from them I realize that I have been deposited in one of my 1000 dollars accounts. By accessing the account in question, I realize that the account is inactive, so I decide to open a new ECN Swap Free account on which to transfer the credit. After several trading sessions always in profit, I notice that other dollar deposits are credited to my old account which I promptly transfer to the ECN trading account. After several days and a profit of about 300% I decide to withdraw a part of it. Result no possibility of withdrawal even if the total of funds is available for withdrawal. Contacting the live customer service they manage to give me the most absurd thing ever heard from a broker, they had the courage to say that the money credited to me was money from a DEMO contest, and due to their technical error the transfer took place. So I ask how is it possible that said virtual money can be transferred on the REAL ECN SWAP FREE account, but above all how is it possible that I managed to withdraw to the market with these funds? but their answer goes beyond technical error. I point out that I can admit the technical error but this error allows me to enter the real market and generate real profits and by generating real profits I have the right, having no restrictions on it, to withdraw the profits I created and that if they had a technical problem I am not responsible for it, I also said that if they had this problem I am willing to have me take away the total of the funds transferred to said virtual ones but not the real earnings I created in a real market. I also point out that the support via email despite 4 emails sent has not sent any response or solution to the story, and to date I still find myself with a balance available for the withdrawal that is not possible to withdraw. Here are the conversations that took place with their live support, the conclusions to you.

03:07:40) *** giordan joined the chat *** (03:07:40) giordan: Account ecn 3006422 (03:09:37) *** SuperForex Support joined the chat *** (03:09:42) SuperForex Support: Hello, how can we help you? (03:09:44) giordan: Hi Did I talk to you before? (03:12:54) giordan: . (03:13:06) SuperForex Support: no (03:13:12) SuperForex Support: please specify your question (03:13:16) giordan: ok (03:14:03) giordan: I spoke to a colleague of yours before who said that the money in my 3006422 account is fake money it's possible ? (03:14:25) giordan: can you confirm what he said? (03:21:00) giordan: you are there ? (03:21:18) SuperForex Support: your deposits is real (03:21:24) giordan: ok (03:21:28) SuperForex Support: your transfered from account 160198 no (03:22:02) giordan: I would like to understand how it is possible that there is fake money in a real account? (03:22:37) SuperForex Support: 160198 - gold rush account, and it's technical error that you did transfer from it (03:23:21) giordan: Visitor uploaded: Schermata-2022-03-10-alle-16.22.55.png URL: Type: image/png Size: 24923 (03:23:26) SuperForex Support: we passed information (03:23:42) SuperForex Support: our technical department is check it (03:23:42) giordan: so this item is not real? (03:24:24) SuperForex Support: part of funds is not real, all transefres from account 160198 will be canceled (03:24:51) giordan: ok and the gain had? (03:25:09) SuperForex Support: what do you mean? (03:27:32) giordan: I mean that I had real money on a real account from the funds that you said are not real, now you tell me that you had a technical problem, but I made the money. it suits me that you resume the transfers, but the profits you have left? (03:27:58) giordan: those were not really made to pretend (03:30:52) SuperForex Support: we discisseed with you earlier all details 160198 - demo account, and you can't transfered funds from it, even if it will be profit, bonuses funds only for trade. BUT on your account was technical error and you have transfered funds, it is incorrect and we'll dealwith this issue. (03:31:47) giordan: I understand this but there is more money in the account than transferred (03:32:17) giordan: the money I earned remains on the account I hope (03:33:08) giordan: The mistake is not mine, I was given the opportunity to work on a real account, and the money I made is real (03:34:06) giordan: I repeat, it is good for me to take away the money of the mistake but not the money earned on the market (03:34:56) SuperForex Support: Please write your question to us at and we will respond in detail. (03:36:24) giordan: Can't you anticipate anything? I will write later but it seems absurd to me that money will be taken away from me on an ECN trading account (03:37:06) SuperForex Support: The mistake is not mine, I was given the opportunity to work on a real account, and the money I made is real - money that you deposit yes, money that you transfered no (03:39:07) giordan: ok so will only transfer money from 160198 be removed? (03:47:29) *** giordan left the chat ***

10:48:18) *** giordan joined the chat *** (10:48:18) giordan: Good morning, I would like to know the average response times from your customer support, I am waiting for their response on the controversy opened yesterday, and I would like to know how to unlock the funds I have managed thank you (10:48:22) *** SuperForex Customer Support joined the chat *** (10:48:29) SuperForex Customer Support: Hello, how can we help you? (10:48:39) giordan: Good morning, I would like to know the average response times from your customer support, I am waiting for their response on the controversy opened yesterday, and I would like to know how to unlock the funds I have managed thank you (10:50:21) SuperForex Customer Support: Not yet (10:50:35) SuperForex Customer Support: as soon as your issue will be solved (10:50:39) SuperForex Customer Support: you'll be notified (10:51:20) giordan: do you have a time signature? (10:51:59) SuperForex Customer Support: what exactly the problem is? (10:52:07) SuperForex Customer Support: you could withdraw your personal funds? (10:52:22) SuperForex Customer Support: such cases could be checked withing 10 business days (10:52:34) giordan: I explain to you (10:53:26) giordan: I found funds credited to an account that I don't use, so in order to use them, I transferred them to my ECN account (10:54:01) giordan: I washed the market and earned about 5300 euros (10:54:32) giordan: I tried to make a withdrawal yesterday, but the money was not available (10:55:12) giordan: I asked some of your colleagues for info and he gave me a somewhat surreal riapaota (10:55:29) giordan: I asked some of your colleagues for info and he gave me a somewhat surreal answer (10:55:57) giordan: telling me that the money I had transferred was virtual money (10:56:30) giordan: I also laugh at saying it, because they have been transferred to a non-virtual real ECN account (10:56:59) giordan: so much so that I also deposited my money which added to the present ones (10:57:26) giordan: given the absurdity of the question (10:58:08) giordan: your colleague said that funds transferred from the credit account to the ECN account will be removed (10:58:51) SuperForex Customer Support: yes, virtual funds will be (10:59:04) giordan: it may also be fine, but I had earnings on a real market, for 5300 euros and I would like to unlock the gudagni generated by me (10:59:40) giordan: yes, virtual funds will be (10:59:52) giordan: can you explain to me how they can be virtual? (11:00:27) giordan: I entered a real market with that money and I generated real money, not virtual money (11:00:36) SuperForex Customer Support: . (11:00:49) SuperForex Customer Support: yesterday we gave you full explanation about this case (11:00:56) SuperForex Customer Support: What is not clear? (11:01:29) SuperForex Customer Support: but technical mistake you transferred VIRTUAL FUNDS OF DEMO CONTEST GOLD RUSH to real acocunts and start trading (11:01:41) giordan: what I do not understand? Are you telling me that I entered the real market with fake money? (11:02:18) SuperForex Customer Support: but technical mistake you transferred VIRTUAL FUNDS OF DEMO CONTEST GOLD RUSH to real acocunts and start trading (11:03:13) giordan: ok, the earnings generated by me, however, are not virtual (11:03:33) giordan: the market was true (11:03:47) giordan: real money generated (11:04:02) giordan: why are they not available? (11:04:05) SuperForex Customer Support: Well (11:04:22) SuperForex Customer Support: hopefully you understand that it was technical mistake (11:04:35) SuperForex Customer Support: and of you course you do not want anyone to fraud , right (11:05:04) SuperForex Customer Support: just wondering why didn't you come before when realized that have plenty of funds on your account (11:05:15) SuperForex Customer Support: just come here when decide to withdraw (11:06:34) giordan: I don't want to defraud anyone and I'm not doing it I don't want the money you said was a mistake but only the ones I earned (11:07:09) giordan: if you pay attention, I am undergoing the fraud (11:07:54) SuperForex Customer Support: Could you provide your account number (login) to us? (11:08:02) giordan: for any reason I found the funds, worked them and are you telling me that I am defrauding? are we kidding? (11:08:33) giordan: 3006422 (11:09:00) SuperForex Customer Support: Neteller 3.99 (11:09:30) giordan: and (11:09:46) SuperForex Customer Support: that is your funds (11:10:02) giordan: no (11:10:26) giordan: I traded with funds (11:11:43) giordan: Visitor uploaded: Schermata-2022-03-11-alle-12.11.17.png URL: Type: image/png Size: 15311 (11:12:02) SuperForex Customer Support: ? (11:12:06) giordan: 5342 euros I made them, not you (11:12:10) SuperForex Customer Support: Oh God! (11:12:14) SuperForex Customer Support: once again (11:12:18) SuperForex Customer Support: these funds are not yours (11:12:23) SuperForex Customer Support: these funds are demo funds (11:12:38) SuperForex Customer Support: came from gold rush account by technical mistake (11:12:57) giordan: they cannot be demo funds if they are added to my real money but are you kidding me? (11:13:44) SuperForex Customer Support: Seams you are kidding us asking the same questions fot the second day (11:14:05) giordan: and then in case if it were as you say the demo funds are 2700 (11:15:59) giordan: no gentlemen, because you say the absurdity of the thing, entering a real market with virtual funds we know very well that it is not possible, I have an ECN account dpve you only act as an intermediary for my entry on the markets right? (11:16:40) giordan: if I enter the market money cannot be fake, (11:17:00) giordan: I know it and you know it (11:17:48) giordan: and in any case, did you make a technical mistake? take away the money of the mistake, not the money you earned (11:18:52) giordan: if I burn all the capital now, no problem? are fake right? (11:21:23) giordan: if I burn all the capital now, no problem? are fake right? (11:22:15) SuperForex Customer Support: Advise you to wait, till it will be fixed (11:22:25) SuperForex Customer Support: But if you are in hurry to burn all these funds (11:22:50) SuperForex Customer Support: Be aware your personal funds ( deposited by Neteller) will be burned in first order (11:36:15) giordan: but forgive me, you tell me it's fake money and then you ask yourself the problem of solving the problem? (11:36:51) SuperForex Customer Support: Specify your question, please. (11:37:26) giordan: my friend, you are nice to me but in this way I really feel even more fooled, and you do nothing but validate my speech (11:38:37) giordan: you have by chance a support in Italian (11:39:04) giordan: a phone number to call in Italian? (11:39:10) giordan: or skype (11:39:58) SuperForex Customer Support: Well, lets try to talk via translator (11:40:34) giordan: yes I am already using it but I would like to speak to someone to resolve the matter (11:50:54) giordan: I inform you that, if I do not have the resolution of the problem created by you and the release of the funds from but earned on the real market, after saving all the communications you had with the I will rent the facts and data of the incident and submit a formal complaint to all the control orders of which you are part and not only, it will be my concern and care to disclose in every possible platform, social media, blog or any website related to trading what you have communicated and invented to not unlock the aforementioned earnings generated by me good day Jordan Cogotti (11:57:35) *** giordan left the chat ***

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Reply by Superfx official submitted Mar 18, 2022:

Hello! Demo funds cannot be withdrawn, they are used for demo contests. In your case, Gold Rush funds can not be withdrawn either since they are demo funds. You can't transfer demo funds and withdraw them. You may be the first client in the company who wants to withdraw demo funds.