Unique forex 4


UNIQUE FOREX & TRAVELS PRIVATE LIMITED . It is a Private company, incorporated on 09/07/2022 . It is classified as a Non-govt company and registered at Cuttack . The registration number for the mentioned company is 031275 . It's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is 031275 having an Active status currently.

UNIQUE FOREX & TRAVELS PRIVATE LIMITED registered address is Plot No-#54, BC Ashok Nagar, Unit-II Bhubaneswar Khordha OR 751009 IN . It's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30/09/2022 . As per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) records, the balance sheet was filed on 31/03/2022 , with an authorized share capital of 5000000 and its paid-up capital is 3500000 .

Basic information.

CIN U63030OR2022PTC031275 Registration Number 031275 Date of Incorporation Jul 09, 2022 Registered State RoC-Cuttack Registration Of Companies Category Company limited by Shares Sub Category Non-govt company Class of Company Private Company Status(for efiling) Active.

Share Capital Information.

Authorised Capital(Rs) 5000000 Paid up Capital(Rs) 3500000 Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital) 0.

Listing & Annual Information.

Whether Listed or not Unlisted Date of last AGM 30/09/2022 Date of Balance Sheet 31/03/2022 Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained - Suspended at stock exchange - Principal Business Activity Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, activities of travel agencies.