Relógio forex 4

Relógio forex.


Modelo do concurso.

Dukascopy JForex Strategy Contest is a forex competition between participants using DEMO accounts for automated trading. Special contest rules are designed to make the competition fair and challenging at the same time. This contest is a perfect choice for those who are learning to program trading strategies with the JForex platform.

The ranking of the participants is obtained through a summary of their positive trading performance, maximum decline of Equity (DrawDown) and expert evaluation. The participants submit the strategy source files to the remote server that runs strategies non-stop during the contest month. At his own discretion, the author of a strategy has the right to disclose the code script in order to achieve higher rating in the contest. The contestant can describe the strategy algorithm and comment on its performance on the personal blog. Dukascopy Forex Community members are offered to read, analyse and evaluate strategies by rating or commenting on them.

The Dukascopy JForex Strategy Contest is conducted regularly on a monthly basis with the total monthly prize fund of 5 000$ to be shared among the winners.

Regras de Registo.

The JForex Strategy Contest ('Contest') is held by Dukascopy ('Dukascopy') on DEMO accounts for JForex strategies on a regular monthly basis. Anyone who wants to take part in the Contest (individually a 'Participant' or collectively 'Participants') must register following the rules below. For each respective month, registration opens on the 25th day of the previous month and remains available until the 25th day of that month. For example, registration for January 2011 is opened from 25.12.2010 till 25.01.2011 Only persons aged 18 or over are eligible to apply for a registration in the Contest. Participants shall provide true information at registration. If a Participant will become eligible for any prize, information provided upon registration will be used to initiate the procedure for opening of a live account with Dukascopy in the name of the relevant Participant. Should information be false, inaccurate or incomplete, Dukascopy may declare the participation in the Contest void at any time at its sole discretion. Participants acknowledge and agree that their registration data are not covered by confidentiality whether or not Participants already have a live account with Dukascopy or intend / need to open such live account in the future. Consequently, Participants waive expressly the benefit of Swiss Banking Secrecy and release Dukascopy from any liability in that respect in the frame of the Contest. Participants acknowledge and accept that, in case they are awarded with a prize by Dukascopy, they may be asked to participate in promotional events, interviews, public announcements in connection with the Contest and that Dukascopy may make public use of their names, trading history and references. Consequently, participants waive expressly the benefit of Swiss banking secrecy and release Dukascopy from any liability in that respect. Participants acknowledge and agree that should they decline Dukascopy's request to participate in above-mentioned promotional events, Dukascopy has the right to disqualify such Participants and to give the respective prize to other participants. Among other, multiple registrations under the same or different IP addresses and names, and/or use of proxy servers may result in Participant's disqualification.

Regras de Trading.

Contest accounts are registered with an initial deposit of USD 100 000. Unless specified otherwise, terms and conditions commonly applicable to trading via Dukascopy at the time of the Contest shall also apply to trading within the framework of the Contest (for information purposes only, as of September 1st 2022 those include: 52 currency pairs available for trading, account leverage 1:100, minimal size of one trade 1000, margin cut level of exposure 200%, end-of-week leverage (1:30) each Friday at 18:00 GMT). Participant uploads the strategy source file to the remote server on the profile page. The remote server will compile the source file, start the strategy and keep it running during the contest month. The strategy will not be submitted to the remote server if the compilation fails. Participants acknowledge and agree that Dukascopy is not liable in case of any malfunctions, exceptions, programming bugs of the strategy and that increased CPU and memory usage will result in termination of the strategy. Trading requirements to the positions are as follows: The total amount of positions opened during the Contest must be at least 20. The maximum amount of simultaneously opened positions is 1. Any further requests to open a new position will be rejected by the platform. Any profitable trades executed with a similar time and price but with different directions within two or more Contest accounts will be cancelled. These trades will be removed even if the Contest accounts are registered with different names and IP addresses. If the percentage of suspicious trades is considered high, it may result in a disqualification of the relevant Participants. Dukascopy reserves the right to cancel any trade which is made with a purpose to circumvent the Contest rules or to evade a particular rule with an intention to get an unfair advantage over other Participants.

Regras de Programação.

Before submitting the strategy to the remote server, Participant has to verify that the strategy can be compiled without errors. Participants are not allowed to use external files (DLL, JAR, etc). Only custom indicators implemented inside the strategy can be used. Dukascopy expects Participants to adhere to the following list of recommendations: The strategy algorithm has to be symmetrical for opening long and short positions. It is strongly discouraged to include built-in forecasts, hardcoded prices targets. It is strongly prohibited to switch the strategy into 'hibernate mode', i.e. lower trading volume at certain equity levels, set amount calculation by decreasing formula, decrease trading volume by code update or anything else that can be seen as intentional retention of trading. The strategy must be written in accordance with Java Code Conventions. All comments have to be provided in English. Participants are not allowed to include personal contact details (names, phone numbers, emails, and web links) in the script of the strategy. Participant's strategy and components of the strategy must not be based on a strategy component that is developed by a 3rd party. Logical blocks have to be arranged in a readable order. Before submitting the strategy to the remote server, Participant has to verify that the strategy can be tested without errors. Strategy has to be deployed from Visual JForex (Compiler -> Contest). After adding a visual strategy to the list, the strategy has to be launched from 'Contest profile' page.

Regras de Cálculo de Ranking.

Each month winners' selection will be evaluated by four parameters:

Performance - real increase of capital. Maximum 200 points. Drawdown - maximum decrease of capital in percents. Maximum 50 points (0 percent drawdown). Strategy Publication Bonus Participants who are copyright holders of their strategies are rewarded with additional bonus points for the strategy publication at the beginning or during the Contest month. In the case when the strategy code is disclosed, the bonus points are calculated according to the following formula: Bonus Points = remaining days till the end of month X 1 point + 5 points If the strategy is disclosed on the last day of the contest, Participant receives 5 points as the minimum bonus. Strategies which code was generated in Visual JForex would not be eligible for bonus points. To get that bonus strategy has to be uploaded directly from Visual JForex -> Compiler -> Contest. Other manually coded strategies will get bonuses as usual. Participants who produced copies or reproductions of a strategy are not eligible for bonus popularity points. The strategy is considered copied if a substantial part of the algorithm (at least 90 percent of the script) resembles another strategy. The author of the strategy and other participants may complete copyright claims by providing information about code snippets that have been copied and a reference to the original strategy.

Regras de Prémios.

Only Participants with real positive increase of capital can be treated as Contest nominees. Participant's strategy has to be described in detail in order to receive the prize won in contest. This means that a description of the trading logic, indicators, settings and other necessary information should be present in strategy description. The total prize pool of USD 5 000 is distributed among 15 winners of the Contest in the following manner: 1 st place - 1500 USD 2 nd -3 rd places - 750 USD 4 th -6 th places - 300 USD 7 th -10 th places - 150 USD 11 th -15 th places - 100 USD The contest winners may withdraw their cash prizes and the profits generated from their cash prizes on their respective sub-accounts after meeting the minimum turnover requirement. The minimum turnover requirement constitutes 2.5 million USD for every 100 USD won in the contest. In other words: 1 st place - 37.5 million USD 2 nd -3 rd place - 18.75 million USD 4 th -6 th places - 7.5 million USD 7 th -10 th places - 3.75 million USD 11 th -15 th places - 2.5 million USD Top-3 position winners are required to wright an article in their blog. Article is open-format and users have the opportunity of presenting the trading strategies and principles that lead them to success in the particular contest.

participants are only allowed to withdraw the sum of unblocked prizes; only the positive difference between equity and sum of blocked funds can be withdrawn; the sum of withdrawn funds can't exceed the sum of unblocked funds.

Fair Play.

Participants acknowledge and agree to make efforts to respect the principles of Fair Play. Participants must refrain from any dishonest and unfair conduct even if these activities are not fully described within the framework of the Contest rules. Such activities include, but are not limited to: Registration of persons that are directly or indirectly related to other Participant Various team tactics that include consolidation of Participants into a group with a purpose to get a statistical advantage on one of the accounts Trading in opposite directions within one or more accounts Spamming in private messages and comments Any kind of manipulations with popularity points and other statistics Other activities used to get an unfair advantage over other Participants.

Política de Aviso de Estratégia.

Publication of a Participant's strategy implies a distribution of its copies to the general public with the consent of its author. By authorizing the publication of the strategy script on Dukascopy's website, the Participants are not deemed to waive any of their copyrights or other intellectual property rights related to the strategy. Participant acknowledges and accepts not to make any financial claims against Dukascopy or any third parties who disseminate or use strategies published on Dukascopy's website or other web resources. Participants acknowledge and agree that they shall not be able or even allowed to control, limit and influence the amount of copies of strategy scripts distributed or made available by Dukascopy.

Outras regras e políticas.

Dukascopy reserves the right to disqualify a Participant without prior notice and at any time and at its sole discretion. Dukascopy reserves the right to change the Contest rules, requirements and awards without prior notice and at any time and at its sole discretion. Dukascopy reserves the right to use any kind of information posted by Participants within the framework of the Contest for its own purposes without prior coordination and approval from the authors. These purposes may include any kind of promotional activities or publicity campaigns, statistics collection etc. Dukascopy prevents the use of its JForex Strategy Contest webpages for promotion of money management activities.

For feedback, questions and comments please send a message.

Código de Conduta.

Seja razoável com o conteúdo publicado.

Esperamos que os competidores realizem eles próprios uma compreensão dos temas sociais "tabu" não tolerados em qualquer site respeitoso ou recurso da Internet. Isso afeta não só o conteúdo postado para os diversos concursos, mas também os comentários e até mesmo as mensagens privadas.

Por favor, tome estas regras a sério. A Dukascopy Bank avisa aos participantes da tentativa de procurar brechas ou tentantiva de contornar orientações. Respeitar as regras é do interesse do próprio competidor, como qualquer violação pode resultar em exclusão do conteúdo, desqualificando competidor da competição ou até mesmo uma proibição definitiva sobre estes recursos.

Os "NÃOS" da Dukascopy Community primeiramente, comentários.

Spam o envio de mensagens não solicitadas em massa é estritamente proibido. Isso inclui não apenas a publicidade de produtos ou serviços da 3 rd partes, mas também a promoção agressiva do perfil de qualquer concorrente. Isto significa que quaisquer comentários como "Visite meu perfil" não são toleráveis.

Inundação Destacamento lotes de comentários semelhantes com qualquer finalidade ou o envio de mensagens é estritamente proibido.

Comentários incoeirentes Publicação dos comentários sem sentido (como "bom dia", "comércio agradável", "boa sorte!") que apenas se destinam a promover o perfil de participante (por inflar a classificação comentários) não é tolerado. Tais comentários serão apagados. Em alguns casos, a violação pode resultar em bloqueio possibilidade do usuário para postar comentários.

O assédio ou ameaças Quaisquer materiais contendo exclamações obscenos, insultos, ameaças ou quaisquer outros comentários ofensivos serão eliminados. Violações sistemáticas podem resultar em uma proibição permanente.

Conteúdo pornográfico ou sexualmente explícito Publicação de tais conteúdos, incluindo links para tais materiais, irá resultar em uma proibição permanente.

Nazismo, racismo ou quaisquer outras declarações discriminatórias publicação de tais materiais irá resultar em uma proibição permanente.

Software malicioso Publicação de qualquer ligação com vírus, trojans, worms, bombas-relógio, código malicioso ou outras rotinas de programação de computador que têm a intenção de danificar, interferir, interceptar imperceptivelmente ou expropriar qualquer sistema, dados ou informações pessoais ou ligados ao Dukascopy FX Community, irá resultar em uma proibição permanente.

Trolling O que é trolling? (Intern et) Os "trolls"serão desclassificados do concurso e/ou bloqueados temporariamente ou permanentemente.

Conteúdo & amp; chocante e inadequado publicação de tais materiais em qualquer tipo pode resultar em uma proibição.

Dukascopy reserva-se o direito de desqualificar um participante, alterar as regras do concurso, requisitos e prêmios, sem aviso prévio e em qualquer momento a seu exclusivo critério.

Modelo do concurso Regras de Registo Regras de Trading Regras de Programação Regras de Cálculo de Ranking Regras de Prémios Fair Play Política de Aviso de Estratégia Outras regras e políticas Código de Conduta.