Oanda forex.
Forex Trading Diary #2 - Adding a Portfolio to the OANDA Automated Trading System.
Forex Trading Diary #2 - Adding a Portfolio to the OANDA Automated Trading System.
In the last Forex Trading Diary Entry (#1) I described how to build an automated trading system that hooks into the OANDA forex brokerage API. I also mentioned that the next steps included constructing a portfolio and risk management overlay for all suggested signals generated by the Strategy component. In this entry of the diary I want to discuss my attempt to build a functioning Portfolio component and how far I've currently progressed.
After writing the last entry, I realised that I really wanted a way to be able to backtest forex strategies in much the same manner as I had demonstrated previously with equities via the event-driven backtester. I wanted there to be as minimal a difference between the live trading environment and the backtesting system. Hence I decided that I needed to build a Portfolio component that would reflect (as much as possible) the current state of the trading account as given by OANDA.
The rationale for this is that the "practice" trading account and the local Portfolio components should have similar, if not equal, values for attributes such as the Account Balance, the Unrealised Profit & Loss (P&L), the Realised P&L and any open Positions. If I could achieve this and run some test strategies through it, and if the attributes appeared to be equal across both the local portfolio object and OANDA, then I could have confidence in the capability of the backtester in producing more realistic results as and when strategies were deployed.
I've spent the last couple of days attempting to implement such a Portfolio object and I believe I've nearly succeeded. I'm still seeing some differences between the local portfolio balance and the OANDA account balance after a number of trades have been carried out.
What are the current limitations of this implementation?
The base currency, and thus exposure, is hardcoded to be GBP (since I'm in London!). I'll be changing this soon to allow any choice of base currency. Currently I've only tested this against GBP/USD , since my base currency is GBP. Shortly I'll modify the exposure calculations to allow any currency pair. While some unit testing has suggested that the addition and removal of positions and units is working as I expect it to, it has not yet been tested. I've only tested it with opening and closing long positions so far, I've not tested short positions. I'll need to write some unit tests to handle the short positions.
One might sensibly ask why I'm posting it if it has all these limitations? The rationale here is that I want individuals of all levels to realise that building algorithmic trading systems is hard work and requires a lot of attention to detail ! There is a significant amount of scope for introducing bugs and incorrect behaviour. I want to outline how "real world" systems are built and show you how to test for these errors and correct them.
I'll start by describing how I constructed the current portfolio setup and then integrated it into the practice trading system that we look at in the previous entry. Then I'll present some reasons for what I think the differences may be.
I've provided all of the code "as is" under the warranty that I stated in the previous entry. If you want to have a play with it and attempt to figure out what might be going wrong, it would be great to discuss it within the Disqus comments below!
Creating the Portfolio.
In order to generate a Portfolio object it is necessary to discuss how foreign exchange trades are carried out, since they differ quite substantially from equities.
Calculating Pips and Units.
In other asset classes, the smallest increment of a change in asset price is known as a "tick". In foreign exchange trading it is known as a "pip" (Price Interest Point). It is the smallest increment in any currency pair and is (usually) 1/100th of a percent, also known as a basis point . Since the majority of major currency pairs are priced to four decimal places, the smallest change occurs on the last decimal point.
In GPB/USD, for example, a movement from 1.5184 to 1.5185 is one pip (4 decimal places) and thus a pip is equal to 0.0001. Any Japanese Yen based currency makes use of two decimal place pips, so a pip would be equal to 0.01.
The question we can now ask is how much in sterling (GBP) is a movement of 20 pips (20 x 0.0001 = 0.002) equivalent to, per some fixed quantity of units of GBP/USD? If we take 2,000 units of the base currency (e.g. £2,000), then we can calculate the P&L in sterling as follows:
Profit (GBP) = Pips x Exposure / GBPUSD = 0.002 x 2,000 / 1.5185 = £2.63.
With OANDA we are free to choose the number of units traded (and thus the exposure generated). Since I have a sterling (GBP) based account and I am trading GBP/USD for this example, the exposure will always equal the number of units. This is currently "hardcoded" into the system below. When I create multiple currency pair options, I will modify the exposure calculation to take into account differing base currencies.
Since the value of the profit described above is quite small, and currencies don't fluctuate a great deal (except when they do!), it is usually necessary to introduce leverage into the account. I'll be discussing this in later articles. For now, we won't need to worry about it.
Overview of Backtesting/Trading System.
The current system consists of the following components:
Event - The Event components carry the "messages" (such as ticks, signals and orders) between the Strategy, Portfolio and Execution objects. Position - The Position component represents the concept of a Forex "position", that is a "long" or a "short" in a currency pair with an associated quantity of units. Portfolio - The Portfolio component contains multiple Position objects, one for each currency pair being traded. It tracks the current P&L of each position, even after subsequent additions and reductions in units. Strategy - The Strategy object takes time series information (curreny pair ticks) and then calculates and sends signal events to the Portfolio, which decide how to act upon them. Streaming Forex Prices - This component connects to OANDA over a streaming web socket and receives real-time tick-by-tick data (i.e. bid/ask) from any subscribed currency pairs. Execution - Execution takes order events and send them to OANDA to be filled. Trading Loop - The trading loop wraps all of the above components together and runs two threads: One for the streaming prices and one for the event handler.
To gain more insight into how the system is connected together, it is worth reading the previous entry in the diary.
Python Implementation.
We'll now discuss how I implemented the above system in Python.
The first new component is the Position object. It is designed to replicate the behaviour of an open position in the OANDA fxTrade Practice system. The Positions tab in the fxTrade software contains 8 columns:
Type - Whether the position is "Long" or "Short" Market - Which currency pair to trade, e.g. "GBP/USD" Units - The number of units of the currency (see above) Exposure (BASE) - The exposure in base currency of the position Avg. Price - The average price achieved for multiple purchases. If there are $P$ purchases, this is calculated as $\frac^P c p u p >^ u p>$, where $c p$ is the cost of purchase $p$ and $u p$ are the units acquired for purchase $p$. Current - The current sell price. Profit (BASE) - The current P&L in the base currency of the position. Profit (%) - The current percentage P&L of the position.
As you can see in the following code, these attributes have been reflected in the members of the Position class, with the exception of "Type", which I have renamed to "side", since type is a reserved word in Python!
The class has four non-initialisation methods: calculate pips , calculate profit base , calculate profit perc and update position price .
The first method, calculate pips , determines the number of pips that have been generated by this position since it was opened (taking into account any new units added to the position). The second method, calculate profit base , calculates the current profit (or loss!) on this position. The third method, calculate profit perc , determines the percentage profit on this position. Finally, update position price updates the previous two values based on current market data.
class Position(object): def init ( self, side, market, units, exposure, avg price, cur price ): self.side = side self.market = market self.units = units self.exposure = exposure self.avg price = avg price self.cur price = cur price self.profit base = self.calculate profit base() self.profit perc = self.calculate profit perc() def calculate pips(self): mult = 1.0 if self.side == "SHORT": mult = -1.0 return mult * (self.cur price - self.avg price) def calculate profit base(self): pips = self.calculate pips() return pips * self.exposure / self.cur price def calculate profit perc(self): return self.profit base / self.exposure * 100.0 def update position price(self, cur price): self.cur price = cur price self.profit base = self.calculate profit base() self.profit perc = self.calculate profit perc()
Since a portfolio can contain multiple positions there will be one class instance for each market that is being traded. As I mentioned above I have only written the Portfolio to handle GBP as the base currency and GBP/USD as the trading instrument. In future articles I will extend the Portfolio object to handle multiple base currencies and multiple currency pairs.
Let's now discuss how to setup a basic virtual environment for Python and then how the Portfolio works.
Virtual Environment Symlink.
In the following Portfolio object module I have modified how the imports are handled. I've created a virtual environment, whereby I have added a symlink to my qsforex directory. This allows me to reference a nested hierarchy of project files within each Python module. The code to achieve this in Ubuntu looks something like this:
cd /PATH/TO/YOUR/VIRTUALENV/DIRECTORY/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ ln -s /PATH/TO/YOUR/QSFOREX/DIRECTORY/ROOT/ qsforex.
Obviously you will need to replace the locations of your virtual environment and your source code location. I store my virtual environments under the home directory in the ~/venv/ dir. I store my projects under the home directory in the ~/sites/ dir.
This allows me to reference, for instance, from qsforex.event.event import OrderEvent from any file within the project.
The init constructor of the Portfolio requires the following arguments:
ticker - This is the streaming forex prices ticker handler. It is used to get the latest bid/ask prices. events - This is the events queue, which the portfolio needs to palce order events into. base - This is the base currency, in my case this is GBP. leverage - This is the leverage factor. Currently it is 1:20. equity - This is the amount of actual equity in the account, which I've defaulted to £100,000. risk per trade - This is the percentage of account equity to risk per trade, which I have defaulted to 2%. This means that the trade units will equal 2,000 for an initial account size of £100,000.
Upon initialisation the class calculates the trade units , which are the maximum amount of units allowed per position, as well as declaring the positions dictionary (each market is a key) that contains all of the open positions within the portfolio:
from copy import deepcopy from qsforex.event.event import OrderEvent from qsforex.portfolio.position import Position class Portfolio(object): def init ( self, ticker, events, base="GBP", leverage=20, equity=100000.0, risk per trade=0.02 ): self.ticker = ticker self.events = events self.base = base self.leverage = leverage self.equity = equity self.balance = deepcopy(self.equity) self.risk per trade = risk per trade self.trade units = self.calc risk position size() self.positions = <>
At this stage the "risk management" is rather unsophisticated! In the method calc risk position size below we are simply making sure that the exposure of each position does not exceed risk per trade % of the current account equity. risk per trade defaults to 2% with the keyword argument, although this can obviously be changed. Hence for an account of £ 100,000, the risk per trade will not exceed £ 2,000 per position.
Note that this figure will not dynamically scale with the size of the account balance, it will only use the initial account balance. Later implementations will incorporate more sophisticated risk and position sizing.
# portfolio.py def calc risk position size(self): return self.equity * self.risk per trade.
The next method, add new position , takes the parameters necessary to add a new position to the Portfolio . Notably, it takes the add price and the remove price . I have not used the bid and ask prices here directly because the addition and removal prices will depend upon whether the side is "long" or "short". Hence we need to correctly specify which price is which in order to obtain a realistic backtest:
# portfolio.py def add new position( self, side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ): ps = Position( side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) self.positions[market] = ps.
We also need a method, add position units , which allows units to be added to a position once the position has been created. In order to do this we need to calculate the new average price of the purchased units. Recall that this is calculated by the following expression:
Where $P$ is the number of purchases, $c p$ is the cost of purchase $p$ and $u p$ are the units purchased with purchase $p$.
Once the new average price is calculated, the units are updated in the position and then the P&L associated with the position is recalculated:
# portfolio.py def add position units( self, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] new total units = ps.units + units new total cost = ps.avg price*ps.units + add price*units ps.exposure += exposure ps.avg price = new total cost/new total units ps.units = new total units ps.update position price(remove price) return True.
Similarly, we need a method to remove the units from a position (but not to close it entirely). This is given by remove position units . Once the units and exposure have been reduced the P&L is calculated for the removed units and then added (or subtracted!) from the portfolio balance:
# portfolio.py def remove position units( self, market, units, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] ps.units -= units exposure = float(units) ps.exposure -= exposure ps.update position price(remove price) pnl = ps.calculate pips() * exposure / remove price self.balance += pnl return True.
We also need a way to fully close a position. This is given by close position . It is similar to remove position units except that the position is deleted from the positions dictionary:
# portfolio.py def close position( self, market, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] ps.update position price(remove price) pnl = ps.calculate pips() * ps.exposure / remove price self.balance += pnl del[self.positions[market]] return True.
The bulk of the work for the class is carried out in the execute signal method. It takes SignalEvent objects created from the Strategy objects and uses these to generate OrderEvent objects to be placed back to the events queue.
The basic logic is as follows:
If there is no current position for this currency pair, create one. If a position already exists, check to see if it is adding or subtracting units. If it is adding units, then simply add the correct amount of units. If it is not adding units, then check if the new opposing unit reduction closes out the trade, if so, then do so. If the reducing units are less than the position units, simply remove that quantity from the position. However, if the reducing units exceed the current position, it is necessary to close the current position by the reducing units and then create a new opposing position with the remaining units. I have not tested this extensively as of yet, so there may still be bugs!
The code for execute signal follows:
# portfolio.py def execute signal(self, signal event): side = signal event.side market = signal event.instrument units = int(self.trade units) # Check side for correct bid/ask prices # Note: This only supports going long add price = self.ticker.cur ask remove price = self.ticker.cur bid exposure = float(units) # If there is no position, create one if market not in self.positions: self.add new position( side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) order = OrderEvent(market, units, "market", "buy") self.events.put(order) # If a position exists add or remove units else: ps = self.positions[market] # Check if the sides equal if side == ps.side: # Add to the position add position units( market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) else: # Check if the units close out the position if units == ps.units: # Close the position self.close position(market, remove price) order = OrderEvent(market, units, "market", "sell") self.events.put(order) elif units ps.units # Close the position and add a new one with # additional units of opposite side new units = units - ps.units self.close position(market, remove price) if side == "buy": new side = "sell" else: new side = "sell" new exposure = float(units) self.add new position( new side, market, new units, new exposure, add price, remove price ) print "Balance: %0.2f" % self.balance.
That concludes the code for the Portfolio class. Now we discuss the event handling.
In order for this Portfolio to function with the new means of generating signals and orders it is necessary to modify event.py . In particular I've added the SignalEvent component, which is now generated by the Strategy object, instead of an OrderEvent . It simply states whether to go long or short a particular "instrument", i.e. currency pair. order type refers to whether the order is a market order or limit order. I've not yet implemented the latter, so this will remain as "market" for now:
class Event(object): pass class TickEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, time, bid, ask): self.type = 'TICK' self.instrument = instrument self.time = time self.bid = bid self.ask = ask class SignalEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, order type, side): self.type = 'SIGNAL' self.instrument = instrument self.order type = order type self.side = side class OrderEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, units, order type, side): self.type = 'ORDER' self.instrument = instrument self.units = units self.order type = order type self.side = side.
With the SignalEvent object defined, we also need to change how the Strategy class works. In particular, it now needs to generate SignalEvent events instead of OrderEvent s.
I've also changed how the "strategy" actually works. Instead of creating random buy or sell signals, it now generates a buy on every 5th tick and then becomes "invested". On the next 5th tick, if it is invested it simply sells out and becomes "uninvested". This process repeats indefinitely:
from qsforex.event.event import SignalEvent class TestStrategy(object): def init (self, instrument, events): self.instrument = instrument self.events = events self.ticks = 0 self.invested = False def calculate signals(self, event): if event.type == 'TICK': self.ticks += 1 if self.ticks % 5 == 0: if self.invested == False: signal = SignalEvent(self.instrument, "market", "buy") self.events.put(signal) self.invested = True else: signal = SignalEvent(self.instrument, "market", "sell") self.events.put(signal) self.invested = False.
The Portfolio object requires a ticker object that contains the latest bid and ask prices. I've simply modified the StreamingForexPrices in streaming.py to contain two extra members:
.. .. self.cur bid = None self.cur ask = None .. ..
These are set in the stream to queue method:
.. .. if msg.has key("instrument") or msg.has key("tick"): print msg instrument = msg["tick"]["instrument"] time = msg["tick"]["time"] bid = msg["tick"]["bid"] ask = msg["tick"]["ask"] self.cur bid = bid self.cur ask = ask tev = TickEvent(instrument, time, bid, ask) self.events queue.put(tev)
As with every object here, the full code can be found below, at the end of the diary entry.
The final set of modifications occur in the trading.py file. Firstly we modify the imports to take into account the new directory structure and the fact that we're now importing a Portfolio object:
from qsforex.execution.execution import Execution from qsforex.portfolio.portfolio import Portfolio from qsforex.settings import STREAM DOMAIN, API DOMAIN, ACCESS TOKEN, ACCOUNT ID from qsforex.strategy.strategy import TestStrategy from qsforex.streaming.streaming import StreamingForexPrices.
We then modify the events queue handler to direct SignalEvent s to the Portfolio instance:
.. .. while True: try: event = events.get(False) except Queue.Empty: pass else: if event is not None: if event.type == 'TICK': strategy.calculate signals(event) elif event.type == 'SIGNAL': portfolio.execute signal(event) elif event.type == 'ORDER': execution.execute order(event) time.sleep(heartbeat) .. ..
Main Execution Point.
Finally we modify the main function to create the Portfolio and adjust the trade thread to take the Portfolio as an argument:
.. .. # Create the portfolio object that will be used to # compare the OANDA positions with the local, to # ensure backtesting integrity. portfolio = Portfolio(prices, events, equity=100000.0) # Create two separate threads: One for the trading loop # and another for the market price streaming class trade thread = threading.Thread( target=trade, args=( events, strategy, portfolio, execution ) ) .. ..
Environment Variables in Settings.
I also mentioned in the previous article that it is not a good idea to store passwords or other authentication information, including API tokens, in a version controlled codebase. Hence I have modified the settings file to look like this:
import os ENVIRONMENTS = , "api": > DOMAIN = "practice" STREAM DOMAIN = ENVIRONMENTS["streaming"][DOMAIN] API DOMAIN = ENVIRONMENTS["api"][DOMAIN] ACCESS TOKEN = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCESS TOKEN', None) ACCOUNT ID = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCOUNT ID', None)
Specifically, the following two lines:
ACCESS TOKEN = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCESS TOKEN', None) ACCOUNT ID = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCOUNT ID', None)
I've made use of the os library to retrieve two environment variables (ENVVARS). The first is the API access token and the second is the OANDA account ID. These can be stored in a suitable environment file that is loaded on boot-up of the system. In Ubuntu, you can use the hidden .bash profile file in your home directory. For instance, using your favourite text editor (mine is Emacs), you can type:
emacs ~/.bash profile.
And add the following two lines, making sure to replace the variables with your own account details:
export OANDA API ACCESS TOKEN='1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef' export OANDA API ACCOUNT ID='12345678'
You may need to make sure the terminal has access to these variables by running the following from the command line:
source ~/.bash profile.
Running the Code.
To get the code running you will need to make sure youre virtual environment is set. I carry this out with the following command (you will need to change this for your particular directory):
source ~/venv/qsforex/bin/activate.
You will also need to install the requests library once set, if you didn't do so in the previous article:
pip install requests.
Finally, you can run the code (making sure to adjust your path to the project source code):
python qsforex/trading/trading.py.
At this point, we're now carrying out our practice trading! As I've stated before in the previous entry, it is very easy to lose money with a system like this hooked up to a live trading account! Make sure to view the disclaimer in the post as well as be extremely careful with your own Strategy objects. I highly recommend trying this on the sandbox or practice accounts prior to a live implementation.
However, before you go ahead and implement this with your own strategies, I'd like to discuss where I think some of the differences between the OANDA account balance and my calculated balance are arising from.
Possible Sources of Error.
As the implementation of the systems become more complex, there is a greater risk that bugs have been introduced. I have used some unit testing in order to check the Position and Portfolio behaves as I expect, but there are still discrepancies between the local portfolio and the OANDA account balance. Possible reasons for this include:
Bugs - Bugs can obviously creep in anywhere. The best way to eliminate them is to have a strong specification upfront about what the program should do and create solid unit tests. I've carried this out for some classes, but not all. Further work is required to have all classes unit tested to a good specification. Rounding errors - Since I am using floating point variables to store all financial data, there will be errors in rounding. The way around this is to use Python's Decimal type. Later implementations will utilise the Decimal. Slippage - Slippage is the difference between the price that the strategy object saw when deciding to buy or sell and the actual price achieved when the broker executes a fill. Given the multi-threaded nature of the program, slippage is extremely likely to be one of the causes of the differences between the local balance and OANDA account balances.
I will be investigating these issues as I continue to work on the forex system. In the next diary entry I will discuss my progress.
What's Next?
In later articles we are going to discuss the following improvements:
Differing account balances - The first task is to determine why the account balances differ between OANDA and this local implementation. If anybody has any other ideas, please feel free to add them in the comments! Real strategies - I've been reading a few papers on how to apply machine learning to forex markets recently. Converting some of these to actual strategies that we can backtest would be interesting (and fun!). Multiple currencies - Adding multiple currency pairs and alternative base currencies. Transaction costs - Realistic handling of transaction costs, beyond the bid-ask spread. This will include better slippage modelling and market impact.
There are plenty of other improvements to make as well. This project will be continuously improving!
Full Code.
As I mentioned above in order to get this working you will need to create a new virtual environment and symlink it to a directory where the code will live. I have called this directory qsforex . I've referenced it as such below.
Edit: In order for this to work it is necessary to create a file in every directory and subdirectory of the code called init .py . I forgot to mention this in the original article. You can carry this out in Mac/Linux by typing touch init .py in each of the directories. This will stop ImportErrors from occuring.
Also, remember that this code is a work in progress! I will definitely be making changes in the next week or so and I will update the code to reflect that. Please make sure you test all of this out on your own systems and are happy before applying it to a live trading account.
import os ENVIRONMENTS = , "api": > DOMAIN = "practice" STREAM DOMAIN = ENVIRONMENTS["streaming"][DOMAIN] API DOMAIN = ENVIRONMENTS["api"][DOMAIN] ACCESS TOKEN = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCESS TOKEN', None) ACCOUNT ID = os.environ.get('OANDA API ACCOUNT ID', None)
class Event(object): pass class TickEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, time, bid, ask): self.type = 'TICK' self.instrument = instrument self.time = time self.bid = bid self.ask = ask class SignalEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, order type, side): self.type = 'SIGNAL' self.instrument = instrument self.order type = order type self.side = side class OrderEvent(Event): def init (self, instrument, units, order type, side): self.type = 'ORDER' self.instrument = instrument self.units = units self.order type = order type self.side = side.
from qsforex.event.event import SignalEvent class TestStrategy(object): def init (self, instrument, events): self.instrument = instrument self.events = events self.ticks = 0 self.invested = False def calculate signals(self, event): if event.type == 'TICK': self.ticks += 1 if self.ticks % 5 == 0: if self.invested == False: signal = SignalEvent(self.instrument, "market", "buy") self.events.put(signal) self.invested = True else: signal = SignalEvent(self.instrument, "market", "sell") self.events.put(signal) self.invested = False.
import requests import json from qsforex.event.event import TickEvent class StreamingForexPrices(object): def init ( self, domain, access token, account id, instruments, events queue ): self.domain = domain self.access token = access token self.account id = account id self.instruments = instruments self.events queue = events queue self.cur bid = None self.cur ask = None def connect to stream(self): try: s = requests.Session() url = "https://" + self.domain + "/v1/prices" headers = params = req = requests.Request('GET', url, headers=headers, params=params) pre = req.prepare() resp = s.send(pre, stream=True, verify=False) return resp except Exception as e: s.close() print "Caught exception when connecting to stream\n" + str(e) def stream to queue(self): response = self.connect to stream() if response.status code != 200: return for line in response.iter lines(1): if line: try: msg = json.loads(line) except Exception as e: print "Caught exception when converting message into json\n" + str(e) return if msg.has key("instrument") or msg.has key("tick"): print msg instrument = msg["tick"]["instrument"] time = msg["tick"]["time"] bid = msg["tick"]["bid"] ask = msg["tick"]["ask"] self.cur bid = bid self.cur ask = ask tev = TickEvent(instrument, time, bid, ask) self.events queue.put(tev)
class Position(object): def init ( self, side, market, units, exposure, avg price, cur price ): self.side = side self.market = market self.units = units self.exposure = exposure self.avg price = avg price self.cur price = cur price self.profit base = self.calculate profit base() self.profit perc = self.calculate profit perc() def calculate pips(self): mult = 1.0 if self.side == "SHORT": mult = -1.0 return mult * (self.cur price - self.avg price) def calculate profit base(self): pips = self.calculate pips() return pips * self.exposure / self.cur price def calculate profit perc(self): return self.profit base / self.exposure * 100.0 def update position price(self, cur price): self.cur price = cur price self.profit base = self.calculate profit base() self.profit perc = self.calculate profit perc()
from copy import deepcopy from qsforex.event.event import OrderEvent from qsforex.portfolio.position import Position class Portfolio(object): def init ( self, ticker, events, base="GBP", leverage=20, equity=100000.0, risk per trade=0.02 ): self.ticker = ticker self.events = events self.base = base self.leverage = leverage self.equity = equity self.balance = deepcopy(self.equity) self.risk per trade = risk per trade self.trade units = self.calc risk position size() self.positions = <> def calc risk position size(self): return self.equity * self.risk per trade def add new position( self, side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ): ps = Position( side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) self.positions[market] = ps def add position units( self, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] new total units = ps.units + units new total cost = ps.avg price*ps.units + add price*units ps.exposure += exposure ps.avg price = new total cost/new total units ps.units = new total units ps.update position price(remove price) return True def remove position units( self, market, units, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] ps.units -= units exposure = float(units) ps.exposure -= exposure ps.update position price(remove price) pnl = ps.calculate pips() * exposure / remove price self.balance += pnl return True def close position( self, market, remove price ): if market not in self.positions: return False else: ps = self.positions[market] ps.update position price(remove price) pnl = ps.calculate pips() * ps.exposure / remove price self.balance += pnl del[self.positions[market]] return True def execute signal(self, signal event): side = signal event.side market = signal event.instrument units = int(self.trade units) # Check side for correct bid/ask prices add price = self.ticker.cur ask remove price = self.ticker.cur bid exposure = float(units) # If there is no position, create one if market not in self.positions: self.add new position( side, market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) order = OrderEvent(market, units, "market", "buy") self.events.put(order) # If a position exists add or remove units else: ps = self.positions[market] # Check if the sides equal if side == ps.side: # Add to the position self.add position units( market, units, exposure, add price, remove price ) else: # Check if the units close out the position if units == ps.units: # Close the position self.close position(market, remove price) order = OrderEvent(market, units, "market", "sell") self.events.put(order) elif units ps.units # Close the position and add a new one with # additional units of opposite side new units = units - ps.units self.close position(market, remove price) if side == "buy": new side = "sell" else: new side = "sell" new exposure = float(units) self.add new position( new side, market, new units, new exposure, add price, remove price ) print "Balance: %0.2f" % self.balance.
import copy import Queue import threading import time from qsforex.execution.execution import Execution from qsforex.portfolio.portfolio import Portfolio from qsforex.settings import STREAM DOMAIN, API DOMAIN, ACCESS TOKEN, ACCOUNT ID from qsforex.strategy.strategy import TestStrategy from qsforex.streaming.streaming import StreamingForexPrices def trade(events, strategy, portfolio, execution): """ Carries out an infinite while loop that polls the events queue and directs each event to either the strategy component of the execution handler. The loop will then pause for "heartbeat" seconds and continue. """ while True: try: event = events.get(False) except Queue.Empty: pass else: if event is not None: if event.type == 'TICK': strategy.calculate signals(event) elif event.type == 'SIGNAL': portfolio.execute signal(event) elif event.type == 'ORDER': execution.execute order(event) time.sleep(heartbeat) if name == " main ": heartbeat = 0.5 # Half a second between polling events = Queue.Queue() # Trade GBP/USD instrument = "GBP USD" # Create the OANDA market price streaming class # making sure to provide authentication commands prices = StreamingForexPrices( STREAM DOMAIN, ACCESS TOKEN, ACCOUNT ID, instrument, events ) # Create the strategy/signal generator, passing the # instrument and the events queue strategy = TestStrategy(instrument, events) # Create the portfolio object that will be used to # compare the OANDA positions with the local, to # ensure backtesting integrity. portfolio = Portfolio(prices, events, equity=100000.0) # Create the execution handler making sure to # provide authentication commands execution = Execution(API DOMAIN, ACCESS TOKEN, ACCOUNT ID) # Create two separate threads: One for the trading loop # and another for the market price streaming class trade thread = threading.Thread( target=trade, args=( events, strategy, portfolio, execution ) ) price thread = threading.Thread(target=prices.stream to queue, args=[]) # Start both threads trade thread.start() price thread.start()
mport httplib import urllib class Execution(object): def init (self, domain, access token, account id): self.domain = domain self.access token = access token self.account id = account id self.conn = self.obtain connection() def obtain connection(self): return httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.domain) def execute order(self, event): headers = params = urllib.urlencode( ) self.conn.request( "POST", "/v1/accounts/%s/orders" % str(self.account id), params, headers ) response = self.conn.getresponse().read() print response.
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